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#11930 Reference Books (topx) - Clarke, Adam -Entire Sanctification

Posted by wlue777 on 26 August 2012 - 03:14 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Clarke, Adam -Entire Sanctification
File Submitter: wlue777
File Submitted: 26 Aug 2012
File Updated: 05 Sep 2012
File Category: Reference Books (topx)
Author: Adam Clarke
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Clarke, Adam -Entire Sanctification christian living wlue777 e-sword

Biography of Adam Clarke

Adam Clarke -
British Methodist theologian and Biblical scholar
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Source: Wikipedia
Clarke is chiefly remembered for writing a commentary on the Bible which took him forty years to complete and which was a primary Methodist theological resource for two centuries.
As a theologian, Clarke reinforced the teachings of Methodist founder John Wesley. He taught that the Bible provides a complete interpretation of God's nature and will. He considered Scripture itself a miracle of God's grace that "takes away the veil of darkness and ignorance." With such an understanding, Clarke was first and foremost a Biblical theologian, often uneasy with purely systematic approaches to theology.
Clarke followed Wesley in opposing a Calvinistic scheme of salvation, preferring instead the Wesleyan-Arminian positions regarding predestination, prevenient grace, the offer of justification from God to all persons, entire sanctification, and assurance of salvation. Perhaps his most controversial position regarded the eternal Sonship of Jesus. Clarke did not believe it Biblically faithful to affirm this doctrine, maintaining that prior to the Incarnation, Jesus was "unoriginated." Otherwise, according to Clarke, he would be subordinate to God and therefore not fully divine. This was important to Clarke because he felt that Jesus' divinity was crucial to understanding the atonement.
Clarke's view was opposed by many Methodists, notably Richard Watson. Watson and his allies argued that Clarke's position jeopardized the integrity of the doctrine of the trinity. Clarke's view was rejected by Methodism in favor of the traditional, orthodox perspective.
(from Wikipedia)

Excerpt from Entire Sanctification

Many talk much, and indeed well, of what Christ has done for us: but how little is spoken of what he is to do in us! and yet all that he has done for us is in reference to what he is to do in us. He was incarnated, suffered, died, and rose again from the dead; ascended to heaven, and there appears in the presence of God for us. These were all saving, atoning, and mediating acts for us; that he might reconcile us to God; that he might blot out our sin; that he might purge our consciences from dead works; that he might bind the strong man armed —take away the armor in which he trusted, wash the polluted heart, destroy every foul and abominable desire, all tormenting and unholy tempers; that he might make the heart his throne, fill the soul with his light, power, and life; and, in a word, "destroy the works of the devil." These are done in us; without which we cannot be saved unto eternal lie. But these acts done in us are consequent on the acts done for us: for had he not been incarnated, suffered, and died in our stead, we could not receive either pardon or holiness; and did he not cleanse and purify our hearts, we could not enter into the place where all is purity: for the beatific vision is given to them only who are purified from all unrighteousness: for it is written, "Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." Nothing is purified by death;—nothing in the grave; nothing in heaven. The living stones of the temple, like those of that at Jerusalem, are hewn, squared, and cut here, in the church militant, to prepare them to enter into the composition of the church triumphant.

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#11919 Reference Books (topx) - Whitefield, George - Sermons

Posted by wlue777 on 25 August 2012 - 10:42 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Whitefield, George - Sermons
File Submitter: wlue777
File Submitted: 26 Aug 2012
File Updated: 26 Aug 2012
File Category: Reference Books (topx)
Author: George Whitefield
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Whitefield, George Sermons

George Whitefield - Methodist evangelist

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Source: Wikipedia
George Whitefield was born on December 16, 1714, in Gloucester, England. The youngest of seven children, he was born in the Bell Inn where his father, Thomas, was a wine merchant and innkeeper. His father died when George was two and his widowed mother Elizabeth struggled to provide for her family. Because he thought he would never make much use of his education, at about age 15 George persuaded his mother to let him leave school and work in the inn. However, sitting up late at night, George became a diligent student of the Bible. A visit to his Mother by an Oxford student who worked his way through college encouraged George to pursue a university education. He returned to grammar school to finish his preparation to enter Oxford, losing only about one year of school.
In 1732 at age 17, George entered Pembroke College at Oxford. He was gradually drawn into a group called the "Holy Club" where he met John and Charles Wesley. Charles Wesley loaned him the book, The Life of God in the Soul of Man. The reading of this book, after a long and painful struggle which even affected him physically, finally resulted in George's conversion in 1735. He said many years later: "I know the place.... Whenever I go to Oxford, I cannot help running to the spot where Jesus Christ first revealed himself to me and gave me the new birth."
Forced to leave school because of poor health, George returned home for nine months of recuperation. Far from idle, his activity attracted the attention of the bishop of Gloucester, who ordained Whitefield as a deacon, and later as a priest, in the Church of England. Whitefield finished his degree at Oxford and on June 20, 1736, Bishop Benson ordained him. The Bishop, placing his hands upon George's head, resulted in George's later declaration that "My heart was melted down and I offered my whole spirit, soul, and body to the service of God's sanctuary."
Whitefield was an astounding preacher from the beginning. Though he was slender in build, he stormed in the pulpit as if he were a giant. Within a year it was said that "his voice startled England like a trumpet blast." At a time when London had a population of less than 700,000, he could hold spellbound 20,000 people at a time at Moorfields and Kennington Common. For thirty-four years his preaching resounded throughout England and America. In his preaching ministry he crossed the Atlantic thirteen times and became known as the 'apostle of the British empire.'
He was a firm Calvinist in his theology yet unrivaled as an aggressive evangelist. Though a clergyman of the Church of England, he cooperated with and had a profound impact on people and churches of many traditions, including Presbyterians, Congregationalists, and Baptists. Whitefield, along with the Wesleys, inspired the movement that became known as the Methodists. Whitefield preached more than 18,000 sermons in his lifetime, an average of 500 a year or ten a week. Many of them were given over and over again. Fewer than 90 have survived in any form.

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#11911 Collections - Spurgeon, C.H. - The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 13-18

Posted by wlue777 on 25 August 2012 - 10:42 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Spurgeon, C.H. - The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 13-18
File Submitter: wlue777
File Submitted: 25 Aug 2012
File Updated: 26 Aug 2012
File Category: Collections
Author: Charles Spurgeon
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Spurgeon, C.H. - The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 13-18 sermons e-sword reformed baptist wlue777

C. H. Spurgeon- Baptist preacher

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Source: Wikipedia
The descendant of several generations of Independent ministers, he was born at Kelvedon, Essex, and became a Baptist in 1850. In the same year he preached his first sermon, and in 1852 he was appointed paster of the Baptist congregation at Waterbeach. In 1854 he went to Southwark, where his sermons drew such crowds that a new church, the Metropolitan Tabernacle in Newington Causeway, had to be built for him. Apart from his preaching activites he founded a pastors’ college, an orphanage, and a colportage association for the propagation of uplifting literature. Spurgeon was a strong Calvinist. He had a controversy in 1864 with the Evangelical party of the Church of England for remaining in a Church that taught Baptismal Regeneration, and also estranged considerable sections of his own community by rigid opposition to the more liberal methods of Biblical exegesis. These differences led to a rupture with the Baptist Union in 1887. He owed his fame as a preacher to his great oratorical gifts, humour, and shrewd common sense, which showed itself especially in his treatment of contemporary problems. Among his works are The Saint and his Saviour (1857), Commenting and Commentaries (1876) and numerous volumes of sermons (translated into many languages).

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 13-18

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 13: 1867

Table of Contents

Sermon 728. Good Cheer for the New Year
Sermon 729. Cheering Words and Solemn Warnings
Sermon 730. Let Not Your Heart Be Troubled
Sermon 731. A Word in Season
Sermon 732. The Heart—a Den of Evil
Sermon 733. Unstaggering Faith
Sermon 734. The Dawn of Revival, or Prayer Speedily Answered
Sermon 735. Loving Advice for Anxious Seekers
Sermon 736. A Happy Christian
Sermon 737. God—All in All
Sermon 738. Grieve Not the Holy Spirit
Sermon 739. The Sin Offering
Sermon 740. Stephen's Martyrdom
Sermon 741. A Troubled Prayer
Sermon 742. A Sermon to Open Neglecters and Nominal Followers of Religion
Sermon 743. Ephraim Bemoaning Himself
Sermon 744. Jesus At Bethesda—or, Waiting Changed for Believing
Sermon 745. The Unsearchable Riches Of christ
Sermon 746. The End of the Righteous Desired
Sermon 747. 'Make This Valley Full of Ditches'
Sermon 748. Self-Humbling
Sermon 749. The Righteous Holding On His Way
Sermon 750. A Triumphal Entrance
Sermon 751. More Than Conquerors
Sermon 752. The King In His Beauty
Sermon 753. Nazareth—or Jesus, Rejected by His Friends
Sermon 754. The Saint and the Spirit
Sermon 755. Alive or Dead—Which?
Sermon 756. Work
Sermon 757. In the Hay Field
Sermon 758. The Glorious Gospel of the Blessed God
Sermon 759. Jesus Putting Away Sin
Sermon 760. The Sweet Harp of Consolation
Sermon 761. The Shrill Trumpet of Admonition
Sermon 762. The Relationship of Marriage
Sermon 763. Songs of Deliverance
Sermon 764. Our Life, Our Work, Our Change
Sermon 765. Grace—the One Way of Salvation
Sermon 766. Believing To See No.
Sermon 767. The Echo
Sermon 768. A Prayer for the Church Militant
Sermon 769. Serving the Lord With Gladness
Sermon 770. The Water of Life
Sermon 771. Seeing Jesus
Sermon 772. Delay Is Dangerous
Sermon 773. David's Holy Wonder at The Lord's Great Goodness
Sermon 774. A Sharp Knife for the Vine Branches
Sermon 775. The Great Attraction
Sermon 776. A Song at the Wellhead
Sermon 777. Helps
Sermon 778. Plain Words With the Careless
Sermon 779. God's Foreknowledge of Man's Sin
Sermon 780. The Secret Spot
Sermon 781. Christus Et Ego
Sermon 782. Saving Knowledge
Sermon 783. Sermons From Saintly Deathbeds No. 783
Sermon 784. The Rose and the Lily
Sermon 785. Wanted, A Guest Chamber!
Sermon 786. The Great Mystery of Godliness
Sermon 787. A Song, A solace, A Sermon and a Summons

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 14: 1868
Table of Contents

Sermon 788. Creation's Groans and the Saints' Sighs
Sermon 789. Lingerers Hastened
Sermon 790. King's Gardens
Sermon 791. The Arrows of the Bow Broken in Zion
Sermon 792. Mary Magdalene
Sermon 793. Nearer and Dearer
Sermon 794. Jesus and the Lambs
Sermon 795. Joshua's Vision
Sermon 796. Joshua's Obedience
Sermon 797. Spots in Our Feats of Charity
Sermon 798. Special Protracted Prayer
Sermon 799. Jesus, the Example of Holy Praise
Sermon 800. The Centurion's Faith and Humility
Sermon 801. The Woman Which Was a Sinner
Sermon 802. Good Earnests of Great Success
Sermon 803. Israel's God and God's Israel
Sermon 804. Apostolic Exhortation
Sermon 805. Resurrection With Christ
Sermon 806. A Young Man's Vision
Sermon 807. Good News for Loyal Subjects
Sermon 808. Bringing the King Back
Sermon 809. The Approachableness of Jesus
Sermon 810. The Faithfulness of Jesus
Sermon 811. Unto You, Young Men
Sermon 812. The Deep-Seated Character of Sin
Sermon 813. The Privileged Man
Sermon 814. Life by Faith
Sermon 815. Daniel's Undaunted Courage
Sermon 816. The Wall Daubed with Untempered Mortar
Sermon 817. The Widow of Sarepta
Sermon 818. The Pleiades and Orion
Sermon 819. The Minstrelsy of Hope
Sermon 820. Working Out What is Worked In
Sermon 821. Hope in Hopeless Cases
Sermon 822. The Panting Deer
Sermon 823. Noah's Flood
Sermon 824. The Heavan of Heavan
Sermon 825. The Sieve
Sermon 826. Christ, the Glory of His People
Sermon 827. The Faculty Baffled, The Great Physician Successful
Sermon 828. Dying Daily
Sermon 829. The Perfuming of the Heart
Sermon 830. Gray Hairs
Sermon 831. The Alter
Sermon 832. The Best Cloak
Sermon 833. The Lord's Name and Memorial
Sermon 834. The Universal Remedy
Sermon 835. A Cheerful Giver is Beloved of God
Sermon 836. Sown Light
Sermon 837. “All These Things”—A Sermon with Three Texts
Sermon 838. Sins of Omission
Sermon 839. The Head of the Church
Sermon 840. Do Not Sin Against the Child
Sermon 841. Crowding to Touch the Savior
Sermon 842. The Angelic Life
Sermon 843. Effectual Calling—Illustrated by the Call of Abram
Sermon 844. Justification by Faith—Illustrated by Abram's Righteousness
Sermon 845. Consecration to God—Illustrated by Abraham's Circumcision
Sermon 846. Good Cheer for Christians
Sermon 847. Joyful Transformations

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 15: 1869

Table of Contents

Sermon 848. Jesus Christ Immutable
Sermon 849. Unsound Spiritual Trading
Sermon 850. Soul-winning
Sermon 851. Nearness To God
Sermon 852. Constancy And Inconstancy—a Contrast
Sermon 853. A Sermon for the Most Miserable of Men
Sermon 854. Fire—the Need of the Times
Sermon 855. Everyday Usefulness
Sermon 856. The Importunate Widow
Sermon 857. Timely Reflections
Sermon 858. The Fullness of Jesus the Treasury of Saints
Sermon 859. The Old Way of the Wicked
Sermon 860. Mourning at the Sight of the Crucified
Sermon 861. Broken Bones
Sermon 862. Winnowing Time
Sermon 863. The Stone Rolled Away
Sermon 864. Life's Ever-Springing Well
Sermon 865. Deep Calls Unto Deep
Sermon 866. Rest
Sermon 867. Tearful Sowing and Joyful Reaping
Sermon 868. Mature Faith—Illustrated By Abraham's Offering Up Isaac
Sermon 869. The Gospel of Abraham's Sacrifice of Isaac
Sermon 870. Things Present
Sermon 871. To Those Who Are "Almost Persuaded"
Sermon 872. The Perseverance of the Saints
Sermon 873. Christ Made a Curse for Us
Sermon 874. The Overflowing Cup
Sermon 875. "Things To Come"
Sermon 876. The Unwearied Runner
Sermon 877. Leaning On Our Beloved
Sermon 878. A Well-ordered Life
Sermon 879. An Assuredly Good Thing
Sermon 880. The Former and the Latter Rain
Sermon 881. The Believer A New Creature
Sermon 882. The Old Man Crucified
Sermon 883. Multitudinous Thoughts And Sacred Comforts
Sermon 884. Help for Seekers of the Light
Sermon 885. Serving The Lord
Sermon 886. A Safe Prospective
Sermon 887. A Door Opened In Heaven
Sermon 888. The Silken Fetter
Sermon 889. Real Grace for Real Need
Sermon 890. The Bellows Burned
Sermon 891. The Vital Force
Sermon 892. A Serious Reprimand
Sermon 893. Strong Consolation
Sermon 894. Christ with the Keys of Death and Hell
Sermon 895. A Summons To Battle
Sermon 896. The Coming Resurrection
Sermon 897. The First Cry from the Cross
Sermon 898. A Word with those who Wait for Signs and Wonders
Sermon 899. The Unrivalled Friend
Sermon 900. Preach, Preach, Preach Everywhere!
Sermon 901. The Upper Hand
Sermon 902. Safe Shelter
Sermon 903. The Way Everlasting
Sermon 904. The Eye—a Similitude
Sermon 905. Footsteps Of Mercy
Sermon 906. The Soul's Crisis
Sermon 907. Christ—the Fall and Rise of Many

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 16: 1870

Table of Contents

Sermon 908. Assured Security In Christ
Sermon 909. Voices from the Excellent Glory
Sermon 910. Overwhelming Obligations
Sermon 911. The Putting Away Of Sin
Sermon 912. The Glorious Hereafter and Ourselves
Sermon 913. Method and Music, Or the Art of Holy and Happy Living
Sermon 914. Work in Us and Work by Us
Sermon 915. Sinners Bound with the Cords of Sin
Sermon 916. A Generous Proposal
Sermon 917. Precious, Honorable, Beloved
Sermon 918. The Two Builders And Their Houses
Sermon 919. The King Feasting in his Garden
Sermon 920. Backsliding Healed
Sermon 921. Nathanael And The Fig Tree
Sermon 922. Sincerity And Duplicity
Sermon 923. Prepare To Meet Your God
Sermon 924. Jesus Only
Sermon 925. Individual Sin Laid On Jesus
Sermon 926. The Sine Qua Non
Sermon 927. Martha And Mary
Sermon 928. A New Song For New Hearts
Sermon 929. The Model Home Mission and the Model Home Missionary
Sermon 930. Away With Fear
Sermon 931. Three Precious Things
Sermon 932. How God Condemned Sin
Sermon 933. Angelic Studies
Sermon 934. Bands Of Love
Sermon 935. The Sad Wonder
Sermon 936. A Blessed Wonder
Sermon 937. The Profit Of Godliness In This Life
Sermon 938. A Good Soldier Of Jesus Christ
Sermon 939. The Pilgrim's Grateful Recollections
Sermon 940. The Winnowing Fan
Sermon 941. The Tender Pity of the Lord
Sermon 942. The Way
Sermon 943. The Spur
Sermon 944. An Encouraging Lesson From Paul's Conversion
Sermon 945. Ripe Fruit
Sermon 946. The Profit Of Godliness In The Life To Come
Sermon 947. Seeking For Jesus
Sermon 948. A String Of Pearls
Sermon 949. The Unconquerable King
Sermon 950. Means for Restoring the Banished
Sermon 951. The Unrivalled Eloquence Of Jesus
Sermon 952. Negotiations For Peace
Sermon 953. Done In A Day, But Wondered At Forever
Sermon 954. A Most Needful Prayer Concerning The Holy Spirit
Sermon 955. A Singular But Needful Question
Sermon 956. Think Well And Do Well
Sermon 957. Jesus No Phantom
Sermon 958. Dei Gratia
Sermon 959. Right Replies To Right Requests
Sermon 960. Iconoclast
Sermon 961. The Saint One With His Savior
Sermon 962. A Personal Application
Sermon 963. Our King, Our Joy
Sermon 964. The Essence Of The Gospel
Sermon 965. Purging Out the Leaven
Sermon 966. Joseph's Bones
Sermon 967. The Sages, The Star, and The Savior
Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 17: 1871

Sermon 968. Life In Christ
Sermon 969. Rest, Rest
Sermon 970. The Lost Silver Piece
Sermon 971. The Open Fountain
Sermon 972. New Uses for Old Trophies
Sermon 973. The Power of Christ Illustrated by the Resurrection
Sermon 974. Compassion for Souls
Sermon 975. The Parable of the Wedding Feast
Sermon 976. The Wedding Garment
Sermon 977. The Master's Profession—The Disciple's Pursuit
Sermon 978. All Fulness in Christ
Sermon 979. Faith and Regeneration
Sermon 980. Hidden Manna
Sermon 981. Carried by Four
Sermon 982. The Ascension of Christ
Sermon 983. Moab Is My Washpot
Sermon 984. The Church As She Should Be
Sermon 985. The Touchstone of Godly Sincerity
Sermon 986. Victor Emmanuel, Emancipator
Sermon 987. Marah; or, The Bitter Waters Sweetened
Sermon 988. The Pastor's Parting Blessing
Sermon 989. A Last Look-Out
Sermon 990. Self-Humbling and Self-Searching
Sermon 991. The Fourfold Treasure
Sermon 992. A New Order of Priests and Levites
Sermon 993. The Northern Iron and the Steel
Sermon 994. The Prayer of Jabez
Sermon 995. The Sheep and Their Shepherd
Sermon 996. The Alarum
Sermon 997. Prosperity Under Persecution
Sermon 998. More and More
Sermon 999. The Withering Work of the Spirit
Sermon 1000. Number One Thousand; Or, 'Bread Enough and To Spare'
Sermon 1001. Altogether Lovely
Sermon 1002. Now, and Then
Sermon 1003. Your Own Salvation
Sermon 1004. 'Bought with a Price'
Sermon 1005. Lessons From Nature
Sermon 1006. Christ Is All
Sermon 1007. North and South
Sermon 1008. Love's Logic
Sermon 1009. Travailing for Souls
Sermon 1010. Light for Those Who Sit in Darkness
Sermon 1011. Job's Regret and Our Own
Sermon 1012. The Unbeliever's Unhappy Condition
Sermon 1013. Our Watchword
Sermon 1014. 'Nunc Dimittis'
Sermon 1015. The One Thing Needful
Sermon 1016. Beauty for Ashes
Sermon 1017. The Talking Book
Sermon 1018. Pleading
Sermon 1019. Household Salvation
Sermon 1020. 'The Sun of Righteousness'
Sermon 1021. Heaven's Nurse Children
Sermon 1022. Sleep Not
Sermon 1023. Praises and Vows Accepted in Zion
Sermon 1024. The Throne of Grace
Sermon 1025. A Visit to the Harvest Field
Sermon 1026. Joy Born at Bethlehem
Sermon 1027. The Joy of the Lord, the Strength of His People

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 18: 1872
Table of Contents

Sermon 1028. The Glorious Master and the Swooning Disciple
Sermon 1029. A Call to Holy Living
Sermon 1030. The Pilgrim's Longings
Sermon 1031. How Can I Obtain Faith?
Sermon 1032. The Two Yokes
Sermon 1033. Faith's Dawn and Its Clouds
Sermon 1034. The Only Atoning Priest
Sermon 1035. The Real Presence, the Great Want of the Church
Sermon 1036. Precious Deaths
Sermon 1037. The Poor Man's Friend
Sermon 1038. Another Royal Procession
Sermon 1039. 'Pray Without Ceasing'
Sermon 1040. What and Whence Are These?
Sermon 1041. Mercy's Master Motive
Sermon 1042. A Persuasive to Steadfastness
Sermon 1043. Glorious Predestination
Sermon 1044. Loosening The Sandal Strap
Sermon 1045. Joy in a Reconciled God
Sermon 1046. Covenant Blessings
Sermon 1047. The Triumph Of Christianity
Sermon 1048. The Sin-Offering for the Common People
Sermon 1049. Intercessory Prayer
Sermon 1050. A Bright Light in Deep Shades
Sermon 1051. Golden Bowls Full Of Incense
Sermon 1052. The Sphere Of Instrumentality
Sermon 1053. Testimony And Experience
Sermon 1054. "Waters To Swim In"
Sermon 1055. Ingratitude of Man
Sermon 1056. Perseverance Without Presumption
Sermon 1057. Untrodden Ways
Sermon 1058. No Quarter
Sermon 1059. To The Thoughtless
Sermon 1060. Behold The Lamb!
Sermon 1061. Rahab
Sermon 1062. Why Am I Thus?
Sermon 1063. Moses' Decision
Sermon 1064. Salvation All of Grace
Sermon 1065. The Healing of One Born Blind
Sermon 1066. A Call For Revival
Sermon 1067. The Resurrection Credible
Sermon 1068. A Simple Remedy
Sermon 1069. Laboring And Not Fainting
Sermon 1070. Wrecked, But Not reckless
Sermon 1071. The Ministry Of Gratitude
Sermon 1072. My Prayer
Sermon 1073. A Honeycomb
Sermon 1074. The Paraclete
Sermon 1075. A Root Out Of A Dry Ground
Sermon 1076. The Great Assize
Sermon 1077. The Lord Blessing His Saints
Sermon 1078. The Saints Blessing The Lord
Sermon 1079. The Secret Food And The Public Name
Sermon 1080. Our Gifts and How To Use Them
Sermon 1081. A Visit to the Tomb
Sermon 1082. The Life, Walk and Triumph of Faith
Sermon 1083. Living Temples for the Living God
Sermon 1084. The Thorn in the Flesh
Sermon 1085. Dwell Deep, O Dedan!
Sermon 1086. Jesus, The King of Truth
Sermon 1087. The Hexapla Of Mystery
Sermon 1088. The Essence of Simplicity

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#11905 Reference Books (topx) - Brooks, Thomas - Touchstone of Sincerity

Posted by wlue777 on 24 August 2012 - 07:10 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Brooks, Thomas - Touchstone of Sincerity
File Submitter: wlue777
File Submitted: 24 Aug 2012
File Updated: 27 Aug 2012
File Category: Reference Books (topx)
Author: Thomas Brooks
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Brooks, Thomas - Touchstone of Sincerity christian assurance puritan wlue777

Thomas Brooks (1608-1680)

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Thomas Brooks

Thomas Brooks was born in 1608. He entered Emmanuel College, Cambridge, in 1625, where such New England Puritans as Thomas Hooker, John Cotton, and Thomas Shepard were also educated, but he appears to have left before graduating. Brooks was ordained as a preacher of the gospel in 1640 and became a chaplain to the parliamentary fleet, serving for some years at sea. That ministry is mentioned in some of his “sea-devotions” as well as his statement: “I have been some years at sea and through grace I can say that I would not exchange my sea experiences for England’s riches.”
After the Civil War, Brooks became minister at the church of St. Thomas the Apostle, Queen Street, London (1648-1651). He was often called to preach before Parliament. In 1652, he became rector of St. Margaret’s, New Fish Street Hill, which was the first church that burned to the ground in the Great Fire of London (1666). Like Thomas Goodwin and John Owen, Brooks preferred the Congregational view of church government. In 1662, he fell victim to the notorious Act of Uniformity. read more.... bio from http://www.monergism.../Thomas-Brooks/

excerpt from Touchstone of Sincerity:

Sincere Christians reckon upon afflictions, temptations, crosses, losses, reproaches on the one hand; and they reckon upon a crown of life, a crown of righteousness, a crown of glory on the other hand; and hereupon they set up their staff, fully resolving never to depart from the good old way wherein they have found rest to their souls. Sincere Christians take Christ and his ways for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in prosperity and adversity; they resolve to stand or fall, to suffer and reign, to live and die with him. When all outward encouragements from God shall fail, yet a sincere Christian will keep close to his God, and close to his duty. "Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vine; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord! I will be joyful in the God of my salvation." Hab_3:17-18.

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#11842 Reference Books (topx) - Tyng, Stephen - Christian Titles

Posted by wlue777 on 21 August 2012 - 02:44 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Tyng, Stephen - Christian Titles
File Submitter: wlue777
File Submitted: 21 Aug 2012
File Updated: 10 Sep 2012
File Category: Reference Books (topx)
Author: Stephen Tyng
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Tyng, Stephen - Christian Titles names christians e-sword wlue777

Tyng, Stephen - Christian Titles

Christian Titles
A Series of Practical Meditations
by Stephen Tyng
1. Introduction
2. Chosen Generation
3. Elect of God
4. Bought with a Price
5. His Workmanship
6. A New Creature
7. Children of God
8. Heirs of God
9. Branches of Christ
10. The Temple of God
11. Servants of Christ
12. Disciples
13. Friends of Christ
14. Good Soldiers of Christ
15. A Peculiar People
16. Members One of Another
17. Fellow Citizens with the Saints
18. Heirs Together of the Grace of Life
19. The Light of the World
20. The Salt of the Earth
21. A Holy Priesthood
22. Good Stewards of the Manifold Grace of God
23. Sheep among Wolves
24. Vessels of Mercy
25. Partakers of Christ's Sufferings
26. Children of Light
27. Partakers of His Promise
28. My Mother and My Brethren
29. God's Field
30. God's Building
31. Blameless and Harmless
32. Peacemakers
33. Witnesses
34. Laborers in the Harvest
35. Followers of God
36. Obedient Children
37. Workmen Not Ashamed
38. Approved unto God
39. Strangers and Pilgrims
40. Little Flock
41. Partakers of Flesh and Blood
42. Rich in Faith
43. Followers of That Which Is Good
44. Complete in Him
45. The Glory of Christ
46. Names Written in Heaven
47. Blessed of the Father
48. Partakers of the Heavenly Calling
49. A Pillar in the Temple of God
50. More than Conquerors

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#11838 Reference Books (topx) - Reed, David Allen - Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible

Posted by wlue777 on 20 August 2012 - 09:58 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Reed, David Allen - Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible

File Submitter: wlue777

File Submitted: 20 Aug 2012

File Category: Reference Books (topx)

Author: David Allen Reed
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Reed, David Allen - Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible.topx wlue777 e-sword 9.X, 10X

The author David Allen Reed was President of The Bible Normal College, Springfield, Mass. The College later merged with Hartford Seminary.

* This document was originally published in 1897 by Fleming H. Revell Company as Outline of the Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible.

This module contains Fundamental Doctrines of the Bible
XI. Redemption. (In contract with atonement.)

Atonement is the ground and means of redemption, while redemption is the result of atonement. Redemption consists of two parts, the one legal, the other moral. The work of Christ meets the demands of the law and man is justified. The work of the Spirit renews the depraved nature and reforms the sinner in the divine image, and man is sanctified.


I. He is truly God.

(See texts on The Trinity.)

II. He is truly man.

His human nature the same as that of other men, because He is of the stock of Abraham.

1. General references. Mat_12:8; Mat_12:13-37; Mat_16:13; Mat_25:31. Joh_3:14; Joh_8:28; Joh_13:31. Gal_4:4. 1Ti_2:5. Heb_2:14.

2. References to His human body. Mat_2:1. Mar_4:38. Luk_2:52; Joh_4:6-8; Joh_19:32-34.

3. References to the intellectual and spiritual faculties which He had in common with men. Mat_4:1-11; Mat_26:38. Mar_10:14; Mar_11:13. Luk_2:52; Luk_4:16-22. Joh_2:24; Joh_11:3-5; Joh_11:33.

III. He is truly God and Man.

These two natures, the divine and the human, combined in Christ as the God-man.

1. In many passages both natures are referred to. Joh_1:14. Rom_1:3-4; Rom_8:3; Rom_9:5. Gal_4:4. Php_2:11. 1Jn_4:3.

2. Passages which speak of the human attributes and actions of Christ while the divine title is used. Mat_1:23. Luk_1:31-32. Act_20:28. Rom_8:32. 1Co_2:8. Col_1:13-17.

3. Passages which speak of the divine attributes and actions of Christ while he is designated by the human title. Joh_3:13; Joh_6:62. Rom_9:5. Rev_5:12-13.

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#11819 Reference Books (topx) - Spurgeon, C.H. - Sermons from 17-Esther

Posted by wlue777 on 19 August 2012 - 03:15 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Spurgeon, C.H. - Sermons from 17-Esther
File Submitter: wlue777
File Submitted: 19 Aug 2012
File Updated: 08 Sep 2012
File Category: Reference Books (topx)
Author: Charles Spurgeon
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Spurgeon, Chsrles  Sermons from Esther wlue777 e

2 sermons from his 3600 serrmons
Es 4:13, 14 Esther's Exaltation; or Who Knoweth #1777
Es 9:1 Providence—As Seen in the Book of Esther #1201

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#11762 Collections - Spurgeon, C.H. - The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 7-12

Posted by wlue777 on 17 August 2012 - 09:34 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Spurgeon, C.H. - The Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit Volume 7-12
File Submitter: wlue777
File Submitted: 17 Aug 2012
File Updated: 18 Aug 2012
File Category: Collections
Author: Charles Spurgeon
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Charles Spurgeon The Metroploitan Tabernacle Pulpit volume 7-12 wlue777 sermons reformed baptist

C. H. Spurgeon- Baptist preacher

Posted Image

Source: Wikipedia
The descendant of several generations of Independent ministers, he was born at Kelvedon, Essex, and became a Baptist in 1850. In the same year he preached his first sermon, and in 1852 he was appointed paster of the Baptist congregation at Waterbeach. In 1854 he went to Southwark, where his sermons drew such crowds that a new church, the Metropolitan Tabernacle in Newington Causeway, had to be built for him. Apart from his preaching activites he founded a pastors’ college, an orphanage, and a colportage association for the propagation of uplifting literature. Spurgeon was a strong Calvinist. He had a controversy in 1864 with the Evangelical party of the Church of England for remaining in a Church that taught Baptismal Regeneration, and also estranged considerable sections of his own community by rigid opposition to the more liberal methods of Biblical exegesis. These differences led to a rupture with the Baptist Union in 1887. He owed his fame as a preacher to his great oratorical gifts, humour, and shrewd common sense, which showed itself especially in his treatment of contemporary problems. Among his works are The Saint and his Saviour (1857), Commenting and Commentaries (1876) and numerous volumes of sermons (translated into many languages).

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 7: 1861
Table of Contents

Sermon 348. Consolation in Christ
Sermon 349. The Wailing of Risca
Sermon 350. A Blow at Self-Righteousness
Sermon 351. Plenteous Redemption
Sermon 352. A Merry Christmas
Sermon 354. A Sermon For The Week Of Prayer
Sermon 355. Portraits Of Christ
Sermon 356. Words Of Expostulation
Sermon 357. The New Park Street Pulpit
Sermon 358. The New Park Street Pulpit
Sermon 359. The Tabernacle—Outside The Camp
Sermon 360. The New Park Street Pulpit
Sermon 361. None But Jesus
Sermon 362. None But Jesus—Second Part
Sermon 363. The Glorious Right Hand Of The Lord
Sermon 364. The Shulamite'S Choice Prayer
Sermon 365. Humility
Sermon 366. The Silver Trumpet
Sermon 367. The Great Supreme
Sermon 368. The March!
Sermon 369. The First Sermon in the Tabernacle
Sermon 370. Evangelical Congratulations
Sermon 371. Opening Services
Sermon 372. Meeting Of The Neighboring Churches
Sermon 373. Christ Set Forth As A Propitiation
Sermon 374. The Interest Of Christ And His People In Each Other
Sermon 375. Temple Glories
Sermon 376. Public Meeting Of Our London Baptist Brethren
Sermon 377. Public Meeting Of The Various Denominations
Sermon 378. Christ's Finished Work
Sermon 379. Perfect Cleansing
Sermon 380. Meeting Of Our Own Church
Sermon 381. Christian Baptism
Sermon 382. The Last Census
Sermon 385. Exposition of the Doctrines of Grace
Sermon 391. The First Resurrection
Sermon 392. Trust In God—True Wisdom
Sermon 393. The Church—Conservative And Aggressive
Sermon 394. 'Even So, Father!'
Sermon 395. Jehovah Tsidkenu: The Lord Our Righteousness
Sermon 396. Climbing the Mountain
Sermon 397. Fire! Fire! Fire!
Sermon 398. The New Nature
Sermon 399. A Peal of Bells
Sermon 400. Our Miseries, Messengers of Mercy
Sermon 401. Jacob's Waking Exclamation
Sermon 402. The Joint Heirs and Their Divine Portion
Sermon 403. The Broken Column
Sermon 404. Intercessory Prayer
Sermon 405. The Triumphal Entry Into Jerusalem
Sermon 406. The Infallibility of God's Purpose
Sermon 407. Natural or Spiritual?
Sermon 408. Accidents, Not Punishments
Sermon 409. Fellowship With God
Sermon 410. Not Now, But Hereafter!
Sermon 411. Infant Salvation
Sermon 412. God'S First Words To The First Sinner
Sermon 413. To Die Or Not To Die!
Sermon 415. The Fullness Of Christ—Received!
Sermon 416. The Shield Of Faith
Sermon 417. Scourge For Slumbering Souls
Sermon 418. Bread For The Hungry
Sermon 419. The Roaring Lion
Sermon 420. Abram And The Ravenous Birds
Sermon 421. Metropolitan Tabernacle Pulpit
Sermon 422. The Peacemaker

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 8: 1863

Table of Contents

Sermon 427. A Psalm For The New Year
Sermon 428. A Cure For Care
Sermon 429. Grace Exalted—Boasting Excluded
Sermon 430. Two Advents Of Christ
Sermon 431. A Secret And Yet No Secret
Sermon 432. A Voice from the Hartley Colliery
Sermon 433. Life In Earnest
Sermon 434. Threefold Sanctification
Sermon 435. Obtaining Promises
Sermon 436. A Sermon For Spring
Sermon 437. A Sight Of Self
Sermon 438. God Or Self—Which?
Sermon 439. The Danger Of Doubting
Sermon 440. Cheer For The Faint-Hearted
Sermon 441. The Elders Before The Throne
Sermon 442. God's Will and Man's Will
Sermon 443. Sermon 443. The Two Draughts Of Fishes
Sermon 444. The Portion Of The Ungodly
Sermon 445. Resurrection—Christ The First Fruits
Sermon 446. The Old, Old Story
Sermon 447. God'S Estimate Of Time
Sermon 448. Another And A Nobler Exhibition
Sermon 449. Joseph And His Brothers
Sermon 450. An Exhortation By Rev. C.H. Spurgeon
Sermon 451. Choice Portions
Sermon 452. The Lord'S Care Of His People
Sermon 453. Compassion For The Multitude
Sermon 455. The Love Of Jesus—What It Is—None But His Loved Ones Know
Sermon 456. The Stony Heart Removed
Sermon 457. Religion—a Reality
Sermon 458. The Friend of Sinners
Sermon 459. A Sermon For Men Of Taste
Sermon 460. Faith and Repentance Inseparable
Sermon 461. Am I Clear Of His Blood?
Sermon 462. Creation—An Argument For Faith
Sermon 463. Sermon 463. Christ'S Servant—His Duty And Reward
Sermon 464. A Sermon For Gleaners
Sermon 465. The Holy Spirit Glorifying Christ
Sermon 466. The Loaded Wagon
Sermon 467. Flesh And Spirit—A Riddle
Sermon 468. Ezekiel'S Deserted Infant
Sermon 471. Accepted In The Beloved
Sermon 472. Believers—Lights In The World
Sermon 473. Good News For You
Sermon 474. Faith Omnipotent
Sermon 475. Self-Delusion
Sermon 476. Citizenship In Heaven
Sermon 477. Never! Never! Never! Never! Never!
Sermon 478. Christ—Perfect Through Sufferings
Sermon 479. Christian Sympathy
Sermon 480. A Message from God for Thee
Sermon 481. A Drama in Five Acts
Sermon 482. The Royal Pair in Their Glorious Chariot
Sermon 483. Life And Walk Of Faith
Sermon 484. The Lord,—the Liberator
Sermon 485. No Room for Christ in the Inn
Sermon 486. The Sinner's End

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 9: 1863

Table of Contents

Sermon 487. A Tempted Savior—Our Best Succor
Sermon 488. The Voice From Heaven
Sermon 489. Broad Rivers And Streams
Sermon 490. Gracious Renewal
Sermon 491. Our Stronghold
Sermon 492. Nominal Christians—Real Infidels
Sermon 493. Gethsemane
Sermon 494. The Betrayal
Sermon 495. The Greatest Trial on Record
Sermon 496. The New Song
Sermon 497. The Procession of Sorrow
Sermon 498. The Gladness of the Man of Sorrows
Sermon 499. The Clean and the Unclean
Sermon 500. Ebenezer!
Sermon 501. Grace Abounding
Sermon 502. A Jealous God
Sermon 503. Death and Life in Christ
Sermon 504. I Know That My Redeemer Liveth
Sermon 505. The Root Of The Matter
Sermon 506. Strong Meat
Sermon 507. The Power Of Prayer And The Pleasure Of Praise
Sermon 508. Comfort To Seekers From What The Lord Has Not Said
Sermon 509. Lead Us Not Into Temptation
Sermon 510. Peace By Believing
Sermon 511. Pentecost
Sermon 512. A Precious Drop Of Honey
Sermon 513. The Young Man'S Prayer
Sermon 514. Tell It All
Sermon 515. The Sinner'S Advocate
Sermon 516. The Minister'S Stock-Taking
Sermon 517. The Rainbow
Sermon 518. The Bridgeless Gulf
Sermon 519. Believing With The Heart
Sermon 520. Confession With The Mouth
Sermon 521. The Power Of Aaron'S Rod
Sermon 522. Mealtime In The Corn Fields
Sermon 523. From Death To Life
Sermon 524. The Saint'S Horror At The Sinner'S Hell
Sermon 525. Am I Sought Out?
Sermon 526. No Illusion
Sermon 527. The Red Heifer
Sermon 528. Chastisement—Now And Afterward
Sermon 529. The Cedars Of Lebanon
Sermon 530. The Chief Of Sinners
Sermon 531. The Warrant of Faith
Sermon 532. Thanksgiving And Prayer
Sermon 533. The Queen Of The South, Or The Earnest Enquirer
Sermon 534. The Mighty Power Which Creates And Sustains Faith
Sermon 535. Ben-Hadad'S Escape—An Encouragement For Sinners
Sermon 536. Jehovah-Shammah
Sermon 537. Encourage Your Minister!
Sermon 538. Caleb—The Man For The Times
Sermon 539. Heavenly Lovesickness!
Sermon 540. The Lambs And Their Shepherd
Sermon 541. Direction In Dilemma
Sermon 542. Paul—His Cloak And His Books
Sermon 543. Once A Curse But Now A Blessing
Sermon 544. Lessons From Lydia'S Conversion
Sermon 545. The Holy Child, Jesus
Sermon 546. Alpha And Omega

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 10: 1864
Table of Contents

Sermon 547. Suffering And Reigning With Jesus
Sermon 548. Forward! Forward! Forward!
Sermon 549. A Desperate Case—How to Meet It
Sermon 550. The Ship on Fire—A Voice of Warning
Sermon 551. Faith and Life
Sermon 552. Do You Know Him?
Sermon 553. Election no Discouragement to Seeking Souls
Sermon 554. Enduring to the End
Sermon 555. Nothing But Leaves
Sermon 556. The Sinner's Friend
Sermon 557. Where to Find Fruit
Sermon 558. A Bundle of Myrrh
Sermon 559. The Cripple at Lystra
Sermon 560. Christ is Glorious—Let Us Make Him Known
Sermon 561. Expiation
Sermon 562. 'Alas For Us, If Thou Wert All, and Nought Beyond, O Earth'
Sermon 563. The Barley Field on Fire
Sermon 564. A Promise For Us And For Our Children
Sermon 565. The Great Liberator
Sermon 566. General And Yet Particular
Sermon 567. Labor In Vain
Sermon 568. What God Cannot Do!
Sermon 569. The Arrows Of The Lord'S Deliverance
Sermon 570. The First Five Disciples
Sermon 571. Unbelievers Stumbling—Believers Rejoicing
Sermon 572. Laus Deo
Sermon 573. Baptismal Regeneration
Sermon 574. The Superlative Excellence Of The Holy Spirit
Sermon 575. The Pierced One Pierces The Heart
Sermon 576. Quiet Musing!
Sermon 577. Let Us Go Forth
Sermon 578. A Bad Excuse Is Worse Than None
Sermon 579. God Pleading For Saints, And Saints Pleading For God
Sermon 580. God Is With Us
Sermon 581. Children Brought to Christ, and Not to the Font
Sermon 582. The Restoration And Conversion Of The Jews
Sermon 583. The Lamb—The Light
Sermon 584. A Hearer In Disguise
Sermon 585. A Mystery! Saints Sorrowing and Jesus Glad!
Sermon 586. The Child Samuel'S Prayer
Sermon 587. God'S Strange Choice
Sermon 588. The Prodigal'S Reception
Sermon 589. Jesus Meeting His Warriors
Sermon 590. The Backslider'S Way Hedged Up
Sermon 591. 'Thus Saith The Lord:' Or, The Book of Common Prayer Weighed in the Balances of the Sanctuary
Sermon 592. The True Position Of Assurance
Sermon 593. Inward Conflicts
Sermon 594. An Awful Premonition
Sermon 595. Barabbas Preferred To Jesus
Sermon 596. Praying And Waiting
Sermon 597. Preparation for Revival
Sermon 598. Two Visions
Sermon 599. The Certainty And Freeness Of Divine Grace
Sermon 600. The Centurion—Or An Exhortation To The Virtuous
Sermon 601. A Solemn Enquiry Concerning Our Families
Sermon 602. The Smoke Of Their Torments
Sermon 603. Delivered On Sunday Morning, December 4, 1864,
Sermon 604. The Man With The Measuring Line
Sermon 605. Good Works In Good Company
Sermon 606. Mary'S Song

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 11: 1865

Table of Contents

Sermon 607. True Unity Promoted
Sermon 608. A Discourse For A Revival Season
Sermon 609. Knowledge Commended
Sermon 610. The Great Need—Or, The Great Salvation
Sermon 611. Zechariah'S Vision Of Joshua The High Priest
Sermon 612. Jesus Washing His Disciples' Feet
Sermon 613. The Strong One Driven Out By A Stronger One
Sermon 614. For Christ'S Sake
Sermon 615. Human Depravity And Divine Mercy
Sermon 616. The Special Call And The Unfailing Result
Sermon 617. Christ Our Life—Soon To Appear
Sermon 618. The Great Physician And His Patients
Sermon 619. The Golden Key Of Prayer
Sermon 620. A Warning Against Hardness Of Heart
Sermon 621. The Precious Blood Of Christ
Sermon 622. Traveling Expenses On The Two Great Roads
Sermon 623. Satan Considering the Saints
Sermon 624. Present Privilege And Future Favor
Sermon 625. Jesus Appearing To Mary Magdalene
Sermon 626. The Waterer Watered
Sermon 627. Justification And Glory
Sermon 628. A Glorious Church
Sermon 629. Jericho Captured
Sermon 630. The Holy Spirit Compared To The Wind
Sermon 632. Consider Before You Fight
Sermon 633. Two Loving Invitations
Sermon 634. Christians Kept In Time And Glorified In Eternity
Sermon 635. Are You Prepared To Die?
Sermon 636. The Church'S Love To Her Loving Lord
Sermon 637. The Dove'S Return To The Ark
Sermon 638. Who Are The Elect?
Sermon 639. Zealots
Sermon 640. The Gospel'S Power In A Christian'S Life
Sermon 641. Confession Of Sin Illustrated by the Cases of Dr. Pritchard and Constance Kent
Sermon 642. Withholding Corn
Sermon 643. No Tears In Heaven
Sermon 644. God'S Witnesses
Sermon 645. The Blind Man'S Earnest Cries
Sermon 646. In Whom Are You Trusting?
Sermon 647. Heart'S Ease
Sermon 648. Degrees Of Power Attending The Gospel
Sermon 649. Songs For Desolate Hearts
Sermon 650. Judgment Threatening But Mercy Sparing
Sermon 651. A Sermon From A Rush
Sermon 652. Jesus The Shepherd
Sermon 653. A Blow For Puseyism
Sermon 654. Memory—The Handmaid Of Hope
Sermon 655. The Great Itinerant
Sermon 656. Preceding Grace
Sermon 657. Satanic Hindrances
Sermon 658. From The Dunghill To The Throne
Sermon 659. Simeon
Sermon 660. Light—Natural And Spiritual
Sermon 661. The Great Arbitration Case
Sermon 662. Consolation In The Furnace
Sermon 663. Walking In The Light And Washed In The Blood
Sermon 664. Early And Late
Sermon 665. Open House For All Comers
Sermon 666. Holy Work For Christmas
Sermon 667. Last Things

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 12: 1866

Table of Contents

Sermon 668. Unity In Christ
Sermon 669. Open Heart For The Great Savior
Sermon 670. Frost And Thaw
Sermon 671. The Reward Of The Righteous
Sermon 672. The Ravens' Cry
Sermon 673. Secret Sins Driven Out By Stinging Hornets
Sermon 674. The Mighty Arm
Sermon 675. Spring In The Heart
Sermon 676. Man'S Thoughts And God'S Thoughts
Sermon 677. Faith Versus Sight
Sermon 678. Praise Your God, O Zion!
Sermon 679. The Amen
Sermon 680. Have You Forgotten Him?
Sermon 681. Eyes Opened
Sermon 682. Future Punishment A Fearful Thing
Sermon 6823. Divine Gentleness Acknowledged
Sermon 684. Hope, Yet No Hope—No Hope, Yet Hope
Sermon 685. Heedlessness In Religion
Sermon 686. Obedience Better Than Sacrifice
Sermon 687. Messengers Wanted
Sermon 688. Sweet Savor
Sermon 689. Temptations On The Pinnacle
Sermon 690. A Lesson From The Great Panic
Sermon 691. An Immovable Foundation
Sermon 692. Joy And Peace In Believing
Sermon 693. The Garden Of The Soul
Sermon 694. Sin Laid on Jesus
Sermon 695. The Axe at the Root—A Testimony Against Puseyite Idolatry
Sermon 696. Turning Back in the Day of Battle
Sermon 697. God'S Cure For Man'S Weakness
Sermon 698. Seeing Is Not Believing, But Believing Is Seeing
Sermon 699. Sin Condemned And Executed By Christ Jesus
Sermon 700. Order and Argument in Prayer
Sermon 701. Seeing And Not Seeing—Or, Men As Trees Walking
Sermon 702. Peter'S Three Calls
Sermon 703. Salvation Altogether By Grace
Sermon 704. Hezekiah And The Ambassadors—Or, Vainglory Rebuked
Sermon 705. The Voice Of Cholera
Sermon 706. Fields White For Harvest
Sermon 707. Heavenly Geometry
Sermon 708. The Blood Of Abel And The Blood Of Jesus
Sermon 709. Kicking Against The Pricks
Sermon 710. The Great White Throne
Sermon 711. A Feast For Faith
Sermon 712. War With Amalek
Sermon 713. Soul Murder—Who Is Guilty?
Sermon 714. A Savior Such As You Need
Sermon 715. Children'S Bread Given To Dogs
Sermon 716. The Church Awakened
Sermon 717. Pray For Jesus
Sermon 718. The Standard Uplifted In The Face Of The Foe
Sermon 719. Praying In The Holy Spirit
Sermon 720. The Gospel'S Healing Power
Sermon 721. The Last Enemy Destroyed
Sermon 722. The Captive Savior Freeing His People
Sermon 723. The Root That Bears Wormwood
Sermon 724. His Name—The Everlasting Father
Sermon 725. A Message From God To His Church And People
Sermon 726. Life Eternal
Sermon 727. God Incarnate, The End Of Fear

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#11700 Reference Books (topx) - Moody, Dwight L - Wondrous Love and Other Gospel Add...

Posted by wlue777 on 14 August 2012 - 07:54 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Moody, Dwight L - Wondrous Love and Other Gospel Addresses.
File Submitter: wlue777
File Submitted: 14 Aug 2012
File Updated: 15 Aug 2012
File Category: Reference Books (topx)
Author: Dwight Moody
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Moody, Dwight L - Gospel addresses God's love wlue777 e-sword 9.X, 10 X

Dwight Lyman Moody, also known as D.L. Moody, was an American evangelist and publisher who founded the Moody Church, Northfield School and Mount Hermon School in Massachusetts, the Moody Bible Institute and Moody Publishers. Wikipedia

Born: February 5, 1837, Northfield
Died: December 22, 1899
Children: Paul Dwight Moody
Music group: Moody and Sankey

by Dwight L. Moody



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#11659 Collections - Works of Thomas Sherman

Posted by wlue777 on 13 August 2012 - 05:40 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Works of Thomas Sherman

File Submitter: wlue777

File Submitted: 13 Aug 2012

File Category: Collections

Author: Thomas Sherman christian livine e-sword wlue777
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Works of Thomas Sherman

Works in this module:

Treasures of Thmas Sherman
Aids to the Divine Life
Divine Breathings

original material from www.gracegems.org

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#11622 Reference Books (topx) - Plumer, William S.- Balm for Wounded Spirit

Posted by wlue777 on 12 August 2012 - 12:19 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Plumer, William S.- Balm for Wounded Spirit
File Submitter: wlue777
File Submitted: 12 Aug 2012
File Updated: 08 Sep 2012
File Category: Reference Books (topx)
Author: William S. Plumer
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: William S. Plumer christian author wlue777 e-sword 9.X, 10X

Plumer, William S.- Balm for Wounded Spirit

If the trials of God's people were without any benefits, their case would indeed be sad. But all their experience unites with God's Word in declaring that from all their sorrows comes much of the "peaceable fruit of righteousness." One apostle is very bold and says, "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into divers trials, knowing that the trying of your faith works patience" (Jas. 1:2-3). And Paul says, "We glory in tribulations also, knowing that tribulation works patience; and patience, experience; and experience, hope; and hope makes not ashamed" (Rom. 5:3-5).

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#11609 Reference Books (topx) - Manton, Thomas - A Practical Exposition Upon The Fif...

Posted by wlue777 on 11 August 2012 - 05:33 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Manton, Thomas - A Practical Exposition Upon The Fifty-Third Chapter Of Isaiah
File Submitter: wlue777
File Submitted: 11 Aug 2012
File Updated: 18 Sep 2012
File Category: Reference Books (topx)
Author: Thomas Manton
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

Thomas Manton - Puritan clergyman

Born in Laurence Lydiard, Somerset, Manton was educated locally and then at Hart Hall, Oxford where he graduated BA in 1639. Joseph Hall, bishop of Norwich, ordained him deacon the following year. He never took priest's orders, holding that he was properly ordained to the ministerial office. He was then appointed town lecturer of Collumpton in Devon. After a profitable few years, he was called to the parish of Stoke Newington in Middlesex in the winter of 1644-1645, and began to build a reputation as a forthright and popular defender of Reformed principles. This led to his participation in several key events, such as the Westminster Assembly and confession publication, and his being asked to preach before Parliament on several occasions.
After ten years in Middlesex, he was appointed to the living of St. Paul's in Covent Garden. Again he became very popular and continued to exercise a wide influence on public affairs, calling for the restoration of Charles II in 1660. For his part in this he was offered the Deanery of Rochester by the new monarch, but he refused on conscience grounds. He had disapproved of the execution of Charles I. In 1658, he had assisted Richard Baxter to draw up the Fundamentals of Religion. He was one of Oliver Cromwell's chaplains and a trier.
The Act of Uniformity 1662 saw Manton resign his living with many other Puritans in protest at this attack on their Reformed principles. Despite his lack of patronage, he continued to preach and write even when imprisoned for refusing to cooperate.
Although Manton is little known now, in his day he was held in as much esteem as men like John Owen. He was best known for his skilled expository preaching. His finest work is probably his Exposition of James.

A Practical Exposition Upon The Fifty-Third Chapter Of Isaiah
These sermons are from Volume3 of Manton's works.

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#11574 Collections - Spurgeon, C.H. - The New Park Street Pulpit vol 1-6

Posted by wlue777 on 09 August 2012 - 06:58 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Spurgeon, C.H. - The New Park Street Pulpit vol 1-6
File Submitter: wlue777
File Submitted: 09 Aug 2012
File Updated: 18 Aug 2012
File Category: Collections
Author: Charles Spurgeon
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: charles sprurgeon The New Park Street Pulpit vol 1-6 wlue777

C. H. Spurgeon- Baptist preacher

Posted Image

Source: Wikipedia
The descendant of several generations of Independent ministers, he was born at Kelvedon, Essex, and became a Baptist in 1850. In the same year he preached his first sermon, and in 1852 he was appointed paster of the Baptist congregation at Waterbeach. In 1854 he went to Southwark, where his sermons drew such crowds that a new church, the Metropolitan Tabernacle in Newington Causeway, had to be built for him. Apart from his preaching activites he founded a pastors’ college, an orphanage, and a colportage association for the propagation of uplifting literature. Spurgeon was a strong Calvinist. He had a controversy in 1864 with the Evangelical party of the Church of England for remaining in a Church that taught Baptismal Regeneration, and also estranged considerable sections of his own community by rigid opposition to the more liberal methods of Biblical exegesis. These differences led to a rupture with the Baptist Union in 1887. He owed his fame as a preacher to his great oratorical gifts, humour, and shrewd common sense, which showed itself especially in his treatment of contemporary problems. Among his works are The Saint and his Saviour (1857), Commenting and Commentaries (1876) and numerous volumes of sermons (translated into many languages).

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

Someone said good sermons make a good commentary. You would agree with me that Charles Spurgeon gave good sermons and these make an excellent commentary

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 1: 1855   loading…Table of Contents
Sermon 1. The Immutability of God
Sermon 2. The Remembrance of Christ
Sermon 3. The Sin of Unbelief
Sermon 4. The Personality of the Holy Ghost
Sermon 5. The Comforter
Sermon 6. Sweet Comfort for Feeble Saints
Sermon 7. Christ Crucified
Sermon 9. Spiritual Liberty
Sermon 10. The Kingly Priesthood of the Saints
Sermon 11. The People's Christ
Sermon 12. The Peculiar Sleep of the Beloved
Sermon 13. Consolation Proportionate to Spiritual Sufferings
Sermon 14. The Victory of Faith
Sermon 15. The Bible
Sermon 16. Paul's First Prayer
Sermon 17. Joseph Attacked by the Archers
Sermon 18. The Tomb of Jesus
Sermon 19. David's Dying Song
Sermon 20. The Carnal Mind Enmity Against God
Sermon 21. Christ's People—Imitators of Him
Sermon 22. A Caution to the Presumptuous
Sermon 23. Thoughts on the Last Battle
Sermon 24. Forgiveness
Sermon 25. The Hope of Future Bliss
Sermon 26. The Two Effects of the Gospel
Sermon 27. The Eternal Name
Sermon 28. The Church of Christ
Sermon 29. Christ Manifesting Himself to His People
Sermon 30. The Power of the Holy Ghost
Sermon 31. The Desire of the Soul in Spiritual Darkness
Sermon 32. The Necessity of Increased Faith
Sermon 33. A Wise Desire
Sermon 34. Preach the Gospel
Sermon 35. God's People in the Furnace
Sermon 36. What Are the Clouds?
Sermon 37. Law and Grace
Sermon 38. Storming the Battlements
Sermon 39. Heaven and Hell
Sermon 41. Election
Sermon 43. The Death of the Christian
Sermon 44. Repentance Unto Life
Sermon 45. Conversion
Sermon 46. The Glorious Habitation
Sermon 47. Christ's Prayer for His People
Sermon 48. Chastisement
Sermon 49. The God of Peace
Sermon 50. The Holy Ghost—The Great Teacher
Sermon 51. Comfort for the Desponding
Sermon 52. Free Will—A Slave
Sermon 53. Healing for the Wounded

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 2: 1856   loading…Table of Contents
Sermon 54. Christ Our Passover
Sermon 55. The Exodus
Sermon 56. Heaven
Sermon 57. The Incarnation and Birth of Christ
Sermon 58. Canaan on Earth
Sermon 59. Watch-Night Service
Sermon 60. Sovereignty and Salvation
Sermon 61. The Beatific Vision
Sermon 62. Exposition: 1 John 3:1-10
Sermon 63. Marvellous Increase of the Church
Sermon 64. The Enchanted Ground
Sermon 65. Lions Lacking—But the Children Satisfied
Sermon 66. The Resurrection of the Dead
Sermon 68. A Solemn Warning for All Churches
Sermon 69. The Allegories of Sarah and Hagar
Sermon 70. Good Works
Sermon 71. A Bottle in the Smoke
Sermon 72. Israel at the Red Sea
Sermon 73. Effectual Calling
Sermon 74. A Willing People and an Immutable Leader
Sermon 75. Final Perseverance
Sermon 76. Gospel Missions
Sermon 77. Divine Sovereignty
Sermon 78. The Character of Christ's People
Sermon 79. The Form of Sound Words
Sermon 80. God Alone the Salvation of his People
Sermon 81. The God of the Aged
Sermon 82.htm. The New Park Street Tracts
Sermon 83. Indwelling Sin
Sermon 84. Salvation to the Uttermost
Sermon 85. Omniscience
Sermon 86. Unimpeachable Justice
Sermon 87. The Majestic Voice
Sermon 88. The Plea of Faith
Sermon 89. Hatred Without Cause
Sermon 90. Men Chosen—Fallen Angels Rejected
Sermon 91. Christ Exalted
Sermon 92. Profit and Loss
Sermon 93. God in the Covenant
Sermon 94. To-morrow
Sermon 95. The Day of Atonement
Sermon 96. The Christian—A Debtor
Sermon 97. Pride and Humility
Sermon 98. Making Light of Christ
Sermon 99. The Duty of Remembering the Poor
Sermon 100. The Comer's Conflict with Satan
Sermon 101. The Exaltation of Christ
Sermon 102. False Professors Solemnly Warned
Sermon 103. Christ in the Covenant
Sermon 104. Love's Commendation
Sermon 105. Manasseh
Sermon 106. Turn or Burn
Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 3: 1857  
Table of Contents
Sermon 107. Faith
Sermon 108. The Question of Fear and the Answer of Faith
Sermon 109. Going Home—A Christmas Sermon
Sermon 110. Heavenly Worship
Sermon 111. A Mighty Saviour
Sermon 112. The War of Truth
Sermon 113. Confession of Sin—A Sermon With Seven Texts
Sermon 114. Preaching for the Poor
Sermon 115. Why Are Men Saved?
Sermon 116. Secret Sins
Sermon 117. Lovest Thou Me?
Sermon 118. The Blood-Shedding
Sermon 119. Rahab's Faith
Sermon 120. A Faithful Friend
Sermon 121. The Leafless Tree
Sermon 122. Christ About His Father's Business
Sermon 123. Particular Election
Sermon 124. The Snare of the Fowler
Sermon 125. The Fruitless Vine
Sermon 126. Justification by Grace
Sermon 127. Spiritual Resurrection
Sermon 128. The Uses of the Law
Sermon 129. David's Dying Prayer
Sermon 130. Regeneration
Sermon 131. Salvation of the Lord
Sermon 132. Christ—The Power and Wisdom of God
Sermon 133. Heavenly Rest
Sermon 134. Elijah's Appeal to the Undecided
Sermon 135. Presumptuous Sins
Sermon 136. Israel in Egypt
Sermon 137. Mercy, Omnipotence, and Justice
Sermon 138. Prayer—the Forerunner of Mercy
Sermon 139. Christ Lifted Up
Sermon 140. A Simple Sermon for Seeking Souls
Sermon 141. Substitution
Sermon 143. A Preacher from the Dead
Sermon 144. Waiting Only Upon God
Sermon 145. Love Thy Neighbour
Sermon 146. The Good Man's Life and Death
Sermon 147. The Sound in the Mulberry Trees
Sermon 148. Five Fears
Sermon 149. Independence of Christianity
Sermon 150. India's Ills and England's Sorrows
Sermon 151. The Condescension of Christ
Sermon 152. Things That Accompany Salvation
Sermon 153. The Mysteries of the Brazen Serpent
Sermon 154. Fast-Day Service
Sermon 156. Fear Not
Sermon 157. Thy Redeemer
Sermon 158. Instability
Sermon 159. The True Christian's Blessedness
Sermon 160. Light at Evening Time
Sermon 161. The Security of the Church
Sermon 162. The First and Great Commandment
Sermon 163. Awake! Awake!
Sermon 164. The Loved Ones Chastened
Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 4: 1858  
Sermon 165. The Warning Neglected
Sermon 166. The Destroyer Destroyed
Sermon 167. The Holy Spirit and the One Church
Sermon 168. The First Christmas Carol
Sermon 169. What Have I Done?
Sermon 170. The Immutability of Christ
Sermon 171. Paul's Sermon Before Felix
Sermon 172. Search the Scriptures
Sermon 173. The Death of Christ
Sermon 174. A Call to the Unconverted
Sermon 175. The Two Talents
Sermon 176. The Prodigal's Return
Sermon 177. God, the All-Seeing One
Sermon 178. The Work of the Holy Spirit
Sermon 179. The Great Reservoir
Sermon 180. How To Keep the Heart
Sermon 181. Particular Redemption
Sermon 182. Particular Redemption
Sermon 183. The Solar Eclipse
Sermon 184. The Glorious Gospel
Sermon 185. The Great Revival
Sermon 186. The Form and Spirit of Religion
Sermon 187. Providence
Sermon 188. The Redeemer's Prayer
Sermon 189. The Cry Of The Heathen
Sermon 190. The Desolations of the Lord, the Consolation of His Saints
Sermon 191. Christ Glorified as the Builder of His Church
Sermon 192. The Sunday-School Teacher—A Steward
Sermon 193. The World Turned Upside Down
Sermon 194. Human Responsibility
Sermon 195. Looking Unto Jesus
Sermon 196. A Present Religion
Sermon 197. The Spies
Sermon 198. The Heavenly Race
Sermon 199. A Free Salvation
Sermon 200. The Wicked Man's Life, Funeral, and Epitaph
Sermon 201. The Outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Sermon 202. The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus
Sermon 203. The Sympathy of the Two Worlds
Sermon 204. The Mission of the Son of Man
Sermon 205. A Lecture for Little-Faith
Sermon 206. Everybody's Sermon
Sermon 207. Sovereign Grace and Man's Responsibility
Sermon 208. Righteous Hatred
Sermon 209. The Way of Salvation
Sermon 210. 'As Thy Days, So Shall Thy Strength Be'
Sermon 211. The Voice of the Blood of Christ
Sermon 212. The New Heart
Sermon 213. The Fatherhood of God
Sermon 214. His Name—Wonderful!
Sermon 215. His Name—The Counsellor
Sermon 216. Confession and Absolution
Sermon 217. Declension from First Love
Sermon 218. Self-Examination
Sermon 219. An Appeal To Sinners
Sermon 220. God's Barriers Against Man's Sin
Sermon 221. Comfort Proclaimed
Sermon sermons0221a.htm. A Pastoral Letter
Sermon 222. The Christian's Heaviness and Rejoicing
Sermon 223. The Evil and Its Remedy
Sermon 224. Samson Conquered

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 5: 1859   loading…Table of Contents
Sermon 225. Satan's Banquet
Sermon 226. The Feast of the Lord
Sermon 227. Compel Them to Come In
Sermon 228. The Blood
Sermon 229. Love
Sermon 230. The Vanguard and Rereward of the Church
Sermon 231. Faith in Perfection
Sermon 232. Perfection in Faith
Sermon 233. Free Grace
Sermon 234. Corn in Egypt
Sermon 235. The Fainting Warrior
Sermon 236. The Shameful Sufferer
Sermon 237. Hypocrisy
Sermon 238. Reform
Sermon 239. Jacob and Esau
Sermon 240. Prayer Answered, Love Nourished
Sermon 241. Predestination and Calling
Sermon 242. Christ Precious to Believers
Sermon 243. Weak Hands and Feeble Knees
Sermon 244. The Bed and Its Covering
Sermon 245. The Way to God
Sermon 246. Mr. Fearing Comforted
Sermon 247. The Best of Masters
Sermon 248. Little Sins
Sermon 249. A Vision of the Latter-Day Glories
Sermon 250. War! War! War!
Sermon 251. The Necessity of the Spirit’s Work
Sermon 252. Holy Violence
Sermon 253. A Psalm of Remembrance
Sermon 254. The Wounds of Jesus
Sermon 255. Justice Satisfied
Sermon 256. The Believer's Challenge
Sermon 257. The Scales of Judgment
Sermon 258. His Name—the Mighty God
Sermon 259. A Home Mission Sermon
Sermon 260. An Earnest Invitation
Sermon 261. The Call of Abraham
Sermon 262. Distinguishing Grace
Sermon 263. The Story of God's Mighty Acts
Sermon 264. How Saints May Help the Devil
Sermon 265. The Meek and Lowly One
Sermon 266. The Blind Beggar
Sermon 267. The Tabernacle of the Most High
Sermon 268. The Ceremony of Laying the First Stone of the New Tabernacle
Sermon 271. Faith Illustrated
Sermon 272. Limiting God
Sermon 273. Christ Triumphant
Sermon 274. Paul's Desire to Depart
Sermon 275. Who Can Tell?
Sermon 276. A Divided Heart
Sermon 277. The Blood of the Everlasting Covenant
Sermon 278. Grieving the Holy Spirit
Sermon 279. Come and Welcome
Sermon 280. The Chaff Driven Away
Sermon 281. The Saviour's Many Crowns
Sermon 282. Christ's Estimate of His People
Sermon 283. The Sweet Uses of Adversity
Sermon 284. One Antidote for Many Ills
Sermon 285. Man's Ruin and God's Remedy

Spurgeon's Sermons Volume 6: 1860   loading…Table of Contents
Sermon 286. A Woman's Memorial
Sermon 287. Dilemma and Deliverance
Sermon 288. 'Let Us Pray'
Sermon 289. The Minister's Farewell
Sermon 290. The Inexhaustible Barrel
Sermon 291. A Christmas Question
Sermon 292. A New Year's Benediction
Sermon 293. The King's Highway Opened and Cleared
Sermon 294. A Home Question
Sermon 295. The Treasure of Grace
Sermon 296. A Revival Sermon
Sermon 297-8. Mr. Evil-Questioning Tried and Executed
Sermon 299. Sin Immeasurable
Sermon 300. Spiritual Peace
Sermon 301. A Blast of the Trumpet Against False Peace
Sermon 302. Jesus About His Father's Business
Sermon 303. Election and Holiness
Sermon 304. Memento Mori
Sermon 305. Separating the Precious From the Vile
Sermon 306. Resurgam
Sermon 307. Importance of Small Things in Religion
Sermon 308. The Parable of the Sower
Sermon 309. Full Redemption
Sermon 310. Christ—Our Substitute
Sermon 311. The Beginning, Increase, and End of the Divine Life
Sermon 312. Personal Service
Sermon 313. Terrible Convictions and Gentle Drawings
Sermon 314. Peace at Home, and Prosperity Abroad
Sermon 315. The Teaching of the Holy Ghost
Sermon 316. A Sense of Pardoned Sin
Sermon 317. Characteristics of Faith
Sermon 318. High Doctrine
Sermon 319. Special Thanksgiving to the Father
Sermon 320. Contentment
Sermon 321. The Jeer Of Sarcasm, And The Retort Of Piety
Sermon 322. A Divine Challenge!
Sermon 323. Vile Ingratitude!
Sermon 324. Effects Of Sound Doctrine
Sermon 325. Constraining Love
Sermon 326. Everywhere And Yet Forgotten
Sermon 327. Vessels Of Mercy—A Sermon Of Self-Examination
Sermon 328. True Prayer—True Power!
Sermon 329. Christ's First and Last Subject
Sermon 330. Reigning Grace
Sermon 333. Three Homilies From One Text
Sermon 334. Man'S Weakness—God'S Anointing
Sermon 335. A Single Eye And Simple Faith
Sermon 336. Struggles of Conscience
Sermon 337. Sin Slain
Sermon 338. Love To Jesus
Sermon 339. The Sons of God
Sermon 340. 'Magnificat'
Sermon 341. The High Priest Standing Between the Dead and the Living
Sermon 342. Grace Reviving Israel
Sermon 343. A Basket of Summer Fruit
Sermon 344. Tender Words Of Terrible Apprehension!
Sermon 345. Self-Sufficiency Slain
Sermon 346. All-Sufficiency Magnified
Sermon 347. Preaching! Man's Privilege and God's Power

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#11546 Commentaries - Spurgeon, Charles - Sermon Commentary from the Books of Law an...

Posted by wlue777 on 08 August 2012 - 06:12 PM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Spurgeon, Charles - Sermon Commentary from the Books of Law and History

File Submitter: wlue777

File Submitted: 08 Aug 2012

File Category: Commentaries

Author: Charles Spurgeon
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

C. H. Spurgeon- Baptist preacher

Posted Image

Source: Wikipedia
The descendant of several generations of Independent ministers, he was born at Kelvedon, Essex, and became a Baptist in 1850. In the same year he preached his first sermon, and in 1852 he was appointed paster of the Baptist congregation at Waterbeach. In 1854 he went to Southwark, where his sermons drew such crowds that a new church, the Metropolitan Tabernacle in Newington Causeway, had to be built for him. Apart from his preaching activites he founded a pastors’ college, an orphanage, and a colportage association for the propagation of uplifting literature. Spurgeon was a strong Calvinist. He had a controversy in 1864 with the Evangelical party of the Church of England for remaining in a Church that taught Baptismal Regeneration, and also estranged considerable sections of his own community by rigid opposition to the more liberal methods of Biblical exegesis. These differences led to a rupture with the Baptist Union in 1887. He owed his fame as a preacher to his great oratorical gifts, humour, and shrewd common sense, which showed itself especially in his treatment of contemporary problems. Among his works are The Saint and his Saviour (1857), Commenting and Commentaries (1876) and numerous volumes of sermons (translated into many languages).

The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church

Someone said good sermons make a good commentary. You would agree with me that Charles Spurgeon gave good sermons and these make an excellent commentary

This is a continuation of the file Spurgeon, Charles - Sermon Commentary from the books of Law and History - Genesisi - Esther. This file is in a cmtx format.

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#11493 Reference Books (topx) - Manton, Thomas - Christ's Redemption and Eternal...

Posted by wlue777 on 07 August 2012 - 07:30 AM in New e-Sword Downloads

File Name: Manton, Thomas - Christ's Redemption and Eternal Existence
File Submitter: wlue777
File Submitted: 07 Aug 2012
File Updated: 10 Sep 2012
File Category: Reference Books (topx)
Author: Thomas Manton
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
Suggest New Tag:: Manton, Thomas bible exposition sermons colossians e-sword 9.X, 10X wlue777 puritan

Thomas Manton - Puritan clergyman

Born in Laurence Lydiard, Somerset, Manton was educated locally and then at Hart Hall, Oxford where he graduated BA in 1639. Joseph Hall, bishop of Norwich, ordained him deacon the following year. He never took priest's orders, holding that he was properly ordained to the ministerial office. He was then appointed town lecturer of Collumpton in Devon. After a profitable few years, he was called to the parish of Stoke Newington in Middlesex in the winter of 1644-1645, and began to build a reputation as a forthright and popular defender of Reformed principles. This led to his participation in several key events, such as the Westminster Assembly and confession publication, and his being asked to preach before Parliament on several occasions.
After ten years in Middlesex, he was appointed to the living of St. Paul's in Covent Garden. Again he became very popular and continued to exercise a wide influence on public affairs, calling for the restoration of Charles II in 1660. For his part in this he was offered the Deanery of Rochester by the new monarch, but he refused on conscience grounds. He had disapproved of the execution of Charles I. In 1658, he had assisted Richard Baxter to draw up the Fundamentals of Religion. He was one of Oliver Cromwell's chaplains and a trier.
The Act of Uniformity 1662 saw Manton resign his living with many other Puritans in protest at this attack on their Reformed principles. Despite his lack of patronage, he continued to preach and write even when imprisoned for refusing to cooperate.
Although Manton is little known now, in his day he was held in as much esteem as men like John Owen. He was best known for his skilled expository preaching. His finest work is probably his Exposition of James.

Christ's eternal existence and the Dignity of
his person asserted and proved

in opposition to the doctrine of the Socinians

8 sermons on Colossians 1.14-20 taken from Volume 1 of Manton's works.

To the Christian Reader
Sermon 1 - Col_1:14
Sermon 2 - Col_1:15
Sermon 3 - Col_1:16
Sermon 4 - Col_1:17
Sermon 5 - Col_1:18
Sermon 6 - Col_1:18
Sermon 7 - Col_1:19; Col_2:9
Sermon 8 - Col_1:20

These sermons are from Volume 1 of Manton's works.

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