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There have been 2 items by backwoodsman (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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#23867 Faster/easier way to see downloadable file lists?

Posted by backwoodsman on 29 January 2015 - 11:32 AM in Website Feedback

Well, I found half my answer when I got around to looking at the "Custom" sort button and found the setting for number of results per page.  But I still think it would be nice to have an option for a more compact file listing.

#23866 Faster/easier way to see downloadable file lists?

Posted by backwoodsman on 29 January 2015 - 11:00 AM in Website Feedback

Is there an easier way to see the file listings?  The next category I want to look at is 52 pages, which is going to be pretty cumbersome.  Being able to see the whole list at once, or at least a lot more items per page, would be a lot easier.  Maybe even just a raw directory listing with sizes & short descriptions.