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greentitan7's Content

There have been 4 items by greentitan7 (Search limited from 04-June 23)

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Trench - Synonyms of the New Testament - Keyed to Strong's 1.0 in Dictionaries

This is a great module. I find Trench to be useful...

JH Moulton and G Milligan - The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament in MySword Modules -> Dictionaries

Thank you very much for converting this to MySword!

Early Church Fathers by Topic.dctx.exe 1.0 in Dictionaries

Very small amount of topics/quotations, thus *very* limited usefulness.

JH Moulton and G Milligan - The Vocabulary of the Greek New Testament 1.0 in Dictionaries

Would anyone be willing to format a version of this to...