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There have been 2 items by Geronimo (Search limited from 05-June 23)

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#6021 Post e-Sword Module Requests Here

Posted by Geronimo on 28 January 2012 - 08:27 PM in Module Requests

I would like and might make modules for :

Old Church Slavic, Old Armenian, Old Georgian, Old Ethiopic, Old English (incl. OT), 1582/1610 Real Douay Rheims (the only real Bible translation in English), Old Nubian (coming soon), Old Saxon (just a few fragments) and any Old German, French, or other pre-1400 translation I can find that meets the quality standards of the other ancient translations. (I am a professionally-trained linguist.)

I also hope to make bible modules for the Clementine, Nova Vulgata, and other Catholic Bibles with the Apocrapha included - Gen 1:1 / 1 Macc 1:1 and so on, so the whole thing can be searched. I hope to propose a standard arrangement so that alternate canons can be displayed using the Protestant Canon format readable by E-Sword and Bible Analyzer 4. Scribd or wePapers "sumerian corpus" to find my publishing-blog.

I might also produce at least portions translated into Egyptian Hieroglyphic, Akkadian, Sumerian, Hittite Hieroglyphic, Oracle Bone Script Chinese, and Mayan (esp. a full Egyptian Hieroglyphic, then Hittite Hieroglyphic, then Archaic Sumerian would be excellent).

I would do all this myself for sure if I could get donations, but I'd have to set up a website and all that first. If anyone wants to help me, find my Scribd account. Unfortunately, I also have to do things like flip burgers to feed my family, given that I'd go to Hell if I joined the atheist or heretical academia. By the way, if you can see my profile picture, that's not me, it's just my ideal. It's like a picture of a Saint,only I couldn't find any of St. Ludwig with his wife and 20 kids. Ps 127

#5716 Post e-Sword Module Requests Here

Posted by Geronimo on 18 January 2012 - 03:43 AM in Module Requests

There's not enough ancient languages in any free Bible software. We need Old Church Slavic (outside of Slavonic Bible), Classical Armenian, Classical Georgian, Ethiopic, Old Latin (at least one), Old English portions, Old Saxon fragments, etc. And where's Sahidic Coptic ? That's the standard, not Bohairic.

You know, this is a typical Protestants thing, that they lack any sense of non-fictional history. All these ancient translations are really reverent and strict to their original languages, while the Protestants fill their bible softwares with thousands of fake Bibles which counterfeit the Bible for a thousand non-Christian agendas, like feminism, socialism, and global warming. There's only one real translation in English, the 1582/1610 Real Douay Rheims (the 1752 Fake Douay Rheims is not a bible), and there's only one ancient language un-corrupted by ancient Greek heretics (do any of you even know who the monothelites or the nestorians are?) or the Jews --- Latin, in particular the Clementine Vulgate.

Enough said. We would all benefit from less modern mistranslations and carefuller study of not only early Bible translations, but also early Christian histories and exactly where the many squabbling, disobedient, conflicting, perpetually-splintering Protestant or Orthodox or Ethiopic churches came from and where they're headed. Catholicism is the only 2000 year old Christianity, the only one with Christ's real teaching and continuity with the Early Church Fathers and the Bible when it's accurately translated.