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  • Submitted: Nov 12 2011 08:51 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 19 2021 08:53 AM
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  • Author: Sir John Newport
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: Acts 29
  • Suggest New Tag:: Apocryphal Additions

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Acts 29 - An Apocryphal Addition of Paul's Missionary Travels 1.0

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Comparative Religion Unorthodox

Sir John Newport

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:
Acts 29

Suggest New Tag::
Apocryphal Additions

In the late 1800s, after his death, Sir John Newport's belongings were sold. Supposedly among them was a Greek manuscript purporting to be the final chapter of the book of Acts (since Acts 28 ends abruptly and is missing the typical "amen" which ends so many other NT books, some assume it was incomplete). This manuscript is a forgery, written for the purpose of promoting "Anglo-Israelism" (the false doctrine that the inhabitants of Britain and America are actually the "lost ten tribes" of Israel).

Among the proofs that it is a forgery is that no Greek manuscript has ever been presented, but only an English version claiming to be a translation of the non-existent Greek manuscript.

This download contains "Acts 29" as a bblx file (you will find the text in Acts 28). It also contains a short commentary file which was written by some who hold to that doctrine, thus they defend it's "authenticity."

Again, just to make sure there is no misunderstanding, this is a forgery, written 1800 years after the death of Paul. But it is interesting, which is why I am uploading it.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

Before I provide a brief review of "Acts 29", let me deal with 'Anglo-Israelism'.

There is a great deal of evidence (and legend) that the apostles, including Peter and Paul, visited and evangelised Britain (and Ireland). Clement of Rome and Eusebius mention the apostles in Britain. Joseph of Arimathea, arriving via Marseille and Gaul (France) began that process c. 36-39 AD. He established a Christian community and was buried at Glastonbury in 76 AD. Around 64-68 AD Paul speaks of Claudia and her husband Rufus Pudens (2 Ti 4:21). Claudia (Gladys) was the daughter of the British king Caradoc (Cogidinus), subjugated by and loyal to the Romans.

When Augustine was sent by Pope Gregory in 597 AD to bring 'Christianity' to Britain, he found it already evangelised! He spent much of his time opposing the already established Celtic Church, which over the next 500 years or so was stamped out in Britain. The Declaration of Arbroath in 1320 AD states that the Scots came from Greater Scythia via Spain (and Ireland). Andrew is patron saint of both Scotland and Russia (ancient Scythia was located in southern Russia, which he evangelised). Nennius’ Historia Britonnum’ writes of the same c. 800 AD.

Their Milesian (Irish) Scots kings were the descendants of Zerah, son of Judah. David, Solomon and Jesus Christ were descended through the line of his twin brother Perez. ‘Perez’ means ‘breach’ and the record of the twins’ births is a very strange one indeed – a ‘wrong’ awaiting a ‘right’ – a ‘breach’ requiring to ‘healed’ (see Gen 38:27-30). Darda son of Zerah, founded Troy. His descendant, Brutus of Troy founded London originally known as Troia Nova or New Troy. It was the Romans who renamed it 'Londinium'. Thus Brutus established the royal line of Judah in Britain, and from whom Britain took its name. That line later intermarried with the Saxon line. The Normans were of the same stock -- enabling Duke William (the Conqueror) to have a legitimate claim on the Anglo-Saxon throne. The Briton/Saxon/Norman line later intermarried with the Stuarts of the Milesian Scots line culminating in James VI of Scotland becoming James I of England and an ancestor of the present Queen Elizabeth II.

Ireland is known today and from legend as 'Jeremy's land' - since he is recorded as having brought Zedekiah's daughter (Tea-Tephi) and her Irish bridegroom to Ireland in fulfilment of his otherwise unexplained Divine commission (Jer 1:10). Thus the promise concerning the Throne of David continued unhindered after the fall of Jerusalem and Zedekiah. Moreover, as the Milesian line was dying out in Ireland, Columba was given the Lia Fail (Stone of Destiny) to transplant in Iona, over which the kings of Scots would be crowned. That stone was transferred to Scone, before being seized in 1296 by Edward I and taken to Westminster Abbey. It was obviously of some national legendary or ’magical’ importance as a prize. Every English and United Kingdom monarch has been crowned over it ever since. It is currently ‘loaned’ to Scotland and located in Holyrood Palace under condition that it be returned for the coronation of the next British monarch. This stone is none other than Jacob’s ‘pillow’ or ‘pillar’ stone (Gen 28:18) which he anointed at Bethel and brought to Ireland by Jeremiah.

The Khumri or Cimmerians or Cymry were associated with the House of Omri -- the name given to the Israelites by the Assyrians, their captors. The Greeks called them Kelts or Celts. They migrated north and west from the Caspian Sea to north-west Europe and the British Isles. Many of their descendants later migrated on to North America, Australasia (see Vulgate translation of 'Sinim') and other parts of the world. Joshua appears in Welsh history as Hu or Hesus the Mighty. Manasseh’s eldest son was Machir. The Hebrew meaning of Machir is 'Sold, merchandise' i.e. capitalism. Which is the indisputable land of capitalism? Who was to become a “great nation” while his younger brother (Ephraim) was to become a company or commonwealth or multitude of nations (Gen 35:11; 48:19). The fulfilment of these prophecies in the British Commonwealth and the USA are truly breathtaking – they have never been fulfilled among the Jews – or by ancient Israel.

In ancient times, particularly during the reigns of David and Solomon, there was much interaction by the maritime Phoenicians of Tyre and the Israelite tribe of Dan, throughout the Mediterranean and beyond. Danites are found in Sparta, Scandinavia and Ireland. The latter was conquered by the "Tuatha de Danaan" (tribe of Dan) who also settled in Denmark (Dan's mark).

I could go on and on, but perhaps this will give readers a flavour of the 'evidence' that Anglo-Israelism is no myth. Indeed, I would be happy to upload a lot of the material I have built up over many years.

Having said all of this, and while 'Acts 29' would support the Anglo-Israel argument, my own view is that the 'scroll' is not genuine. It was supposedly discovered in archives at Constantinople. The literary style is different from the inspired Book of Acts. 'Acts 29:10' makes reference to a prophecy of a 'seventh numbering of the people' when 'their eyes shall be opened'. This is claimed in the notes to refer to the 1861 census, when a great spiritual awakening occured in Victorian Britain, and seems concocted to fit that time. A subsequent trip by Paul to Helvetia (Switzerland) is described vv. 18-23. The earthquake and voice from heaven stated in relation to the now dead-by-suicide Pontius Pilate is both fantastic and doctrinally indefensible.

If it was produced in an effort to support Anglo-Israelism it does a pretty poor job. There are other far more convincing sources.

I am always prepared to give the benefit of the doubt, and credit where it is due. This 'chapter' in my view merits neither.


downloaded to esword tab does not open . located in resource column but tab is in bible versions

Click on the Acts29 tab in Bibles, then direct it to Acts 28. The content of the Bible module is found there. The cmtx file is associated with those verses.
Before I provide a brief review of "Acts 29", let me deal with 'Anglo-Israelism'.... Nennius’ Historia Britonnum’ writes of the same c. 800 AD.
I don't know how true any of the statements in those two paragraphs are, but none of it has anything to do with Anglo-Israelism.
I could go on and on, but perhaps this will give readers a flavour of the 'evidence' that Anglo-Israelism is no myth. Indeed, I would be happy to upload a lot of the material I have built up over many years.
I'm not seeing any evidence here, just a bunch of unsupported statements with a bunch of verses mixed with eisegesis [e.g., "The Hebrew meaning of Machir is 'Sold, merchandise' i.e. capitalism", as neither selling nor merchandise requires capitalism] thrown in. Mind you, I'm not saying you're wrong, nor am I trying to start a fight here. I'm just pointing out that you haven't even begun to make a case here. In fact, if you decide to upload the material (or otherwise make it available to me), I might be interested in it depending on time constraints and how well argued it is.

BRAVO regarding the comments!

Interesting stuff.

A lot 'tighter' twist to migration then I believem interesting none the less.

May YAH bless you for sharing this wonderful resource! Thank you!

regarding statement quote: Acts 28 ends abruptly and is missing the typical "amen" which ends so many other NT books, some assume it was incomplete.


Acts does not end with "amen" because the Judaic-Christian Church that began in Acts chapter 2 at Pentecost is still continuing today.

appears not working 

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