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  • Submitted: Mar 26 2012 05:35 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 29 2021 09:20 AM
  • File Size: 25.66MB
  • Views: 17047
  • Downloads: 5,259
  • Author: John Roberts Dummelow
  • e-Sword Version: Requires 10.1+
  • Tab Name: Dummelow

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Dummelow, John R - Commentary on the Holy Bible 1.0

* * * * * 9 Votes
Whole Bible
John Roberts Dummelow

e-Sword Version:
Requires 10.1+

Tab Name:

Compiled by 40 Bible Scholars and edited by Dummelow, this commentary has received favorable reviews from Christians of many denominations. At one time, this was one of the most popular commentaries of the 20th century. Although not as conservative as the others, it is still quite helpful with detailed introductions and concise comments. All maps and images from the printed edition are included.

This commentary provides in a single large but convenient book the essential scholarly information on the Bible necessary to every minister and Bible student.

Dummelow's Commentary is distinguished by two remarkable combinations of merits. First, it combines to an extraordinary degree completeness and conciseness. As Bishop Anderson of the Diocese of Chicago has said, it contains "more information attractively presented than can be found in the same amount of space in the whole realm of Bible Literature." Yet it is not too diffuse, nor is the essential information obscured by unnecessary or rambling discourse.

Second, it combines in a remarkable way the highest religious reverence with exact scientific rigor. Preachers and theologians of many denominations and various shades of faith have paid tribute to its "conservative liberalism".

e-Sword Edition
The e-Sword edition includes both the Commentary and the extensive General Articles. The commentary is in the Commentary (CMTX) file and the General Articles (a book itself) in the Reference Library (REFX) file. This is the first commentary for e-Sword to include images! (See Ezekiel 41 for a sample of the images in the commentary). This module requires e-Sword 10.1.

The Commentary
The Commentary itself, running to over a thousand pages, provides critical and explanatory notes on the Scriptures along the following lines:
  • Explanation of historical references.
  • Quotations of illuminating passages from the Apocrypha or early Christian writings.
  • Citation of related pasages in other parts of the Bible.
  • Description of an ancient custom or legal practice referred to.
  • Explanation of a term or phrase unfamilliar to a modern reader.
  • Mention of contrasting interpretations to obscure lines.
  • Analysis of a chain of thought as it progresses through a section.
  • Clearer renditions of the original text.
  • Statement to the effects of certain passages in subsequent history or church ritual.
The reader will find these comments of inestimable value in understanding and interpreting any passage in the Bible. The comments are based on ripe scholarship and unprejudiced judgment; in matters where authorities differ, the writers have not attempted to bias the readers in any direction.

In addition to the running commentary, there is for each book of the Bible a valuable introduction, the reading of which alone will greatly enhance the student's understanding of each book.

The General Articles
Over and above the Commentary itself, this volume contains twenty-nine chapters (approximately fifteen thousand words) under the following headings:

1. General Introduction to the Bible
2. Hebrew History to the Exile
3. Introduction to the Pentateuch
4. Creation Story and Science
5. Genesis and the Babylonian Inscriptions
6. Heathen Religions Referred to in the Bible
7. Introduction to Hebrew Prophecy
8. The Messianic Hope
9. The Histroy, Literature, and Religious Development of the Jews between the Testaments
10. The Life of Jesus Christ
11. The Teaching of Jesus Christ
12. The Synoptic Problem
13. The Dynasty of the Herods
14. The Life and Work of St. Paul
15. Survey of the Epistles of St. Paul
16. Belief in God
17. The Person of Jesus Christ
18. The Trinity
19. Miracle
20. The Resurrection
21. Atonement
22. Inspiration
23. The Study of the Bible
24. The Elements of Religion
25. Palestine
26. Bible Antiquities
27. Hebrew Calendars, Coins, Weights and Measures
28. Bible Chronology

Maps and Charts
Both the commentary and Topics module include a number of images.

One of the most popular commentaries of the 20th century. Although not as conservative as the others, it is still quite helpful with detailed introductions and concise comments. All maps and images from the printed edition are included.

Far and away the best one volume commentary on the Bible of which I have any knowledge. —The Rev. Joseph Fort Newton

It is safe to say that there is no single book on the Bible which gathers so much helpful information into such a brief space. —The Rev. E.F. Scott, Union Theological Seminary, New York

A monument to sound Biblical scholarship. Because of the competence of its contributors and their loyal adherence to the Christian revelation, it deserves the respect which it was won from clergy and laity. —Prof. Kenneth S. Latourette, Yale University

Brief, concise, illuminating—admirably suited to the needs of preachers and teachers. —The Rev. Earl L. Douglas

It seems hard to conceive that there is any single volume which is more help in a working minister's library than this one volume commentary. —The Rev. Arthur Lee Kinsolving

It is a magnificent piece of work. It stands at my elbow on the shelf I reserve for my most frequently consulted books. —The Rev. John Nicholls Booth.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

i hope that this commentary by j dummelow will be helpfull i will comment later thanks
I have this commentary in hardback and have always found it useful. Thanks to Josh for creating this module!
Josh......I've given it a bit of a test drive......Very Nice ! Thanks Josh.
(See Exodus 41 for a sample of the images in the commentary) - not in my Bible!!!!
Should say Ezekiel. Too many names with E.
Description says 29 chapters are in the refx, but then lists only 28. Thanks for uploading this. It's a lot easier than going through the pdf file.

How do I open a CMTX file?

How can I use this in the app on an iPhone?

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