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  • Submitted: Jun 15 2011 11:34 AM
  • Last Updated: Dec 19 2021 09:31 AM
  • File Size: 22.56MB
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  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Emphasized Bible by J.B. Rotherham (1902) 1.0

* * * * - 19 Votes

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9.x - 10.x

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  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

I have the Rotherham version (Emphasized Bible) in a hard copy, but the original text is available in PDF from Google and Archive.org.  Anyone who looks at it will see the vast difference between the Emphasized Bible (as an e-Sowrd module) and what was actually printed by Rotherham in 1902.  Rotherham's Bible received high marks from the Princeton journal in the day, but that was because all of the emphasis of the Emphasized Bible was in the notes and special marks that are missing from the module.  Rotherham even wrote in his introduction that the text is not to be understood as a "new translation," but it is his notes that make the Bible what it is, a study Bible.  With all of his notes missing in the module, then it is doing exactly what Rotherham said that he did not want to do.  The text alone loses all of the emphasis that made the Emphasized Bible what it was.  I am hopeful that someone with a lot of patient and more time will make a module that has all of the notes that made the Emphasized Bible so unique.  By the way, Rotherham was an ordained Church of Christ scholar.


It's great to have Rotherham's version on e-Sword and warm thanks are due to 2guntom for making it available for us. I love this version - it's so literal that it's almost like reading the original languages. Takes a little while to get your head around it, but it's well worth doing.

However, Rotherham's distinctive punctuation - his "signs of emphasis," put in to help us read and understand the Word, seem to have all been converted into commas. This results in some rather quaint verses, quite meaninglessly sprinkled with commas - for example Judges 14:16:

"And the wife of Samson wept upon him, and said—Thou dost, altogether hate me, and dost not love me, a riddle, hast thou put forth to the sons of my people, and, unto me, thou hast not told it! And he said to her, Lo! to my own father and mother, have I not told it, and, to thee, shall I tell it? "

Using the much-less-appropriate underscore for Rotherham's useful "half comma," and getting as close as my keyboard allows to his accent marks, this is how the verse should read:

"And the wife of Samson wept upon him_ and said - 

      Thou dost ||altogether hate' me||_ and dost not love' me, <a riddle> hast thou put forth to the sons of my people, and <unto me> thou hast not told it!

And he said to her,

      Lo! <to my own father and mother> have I not told it_ and <to thee> shall I tell it?"

- which, when read aloud, almost reads itself - instead of wondering what on earth all those commas are doing there, you find yourself naturally putting the emphasis that - if Rotherham is as accurate as he clearly wished to be - the characters themselves intended.


Perhaps at some stage, some marvelous persistent patient person would make a version with the accent marks. The half-comma is, sadly, unavailable (what a useful addition it would have been to the English language!) and the nearest thing to an ordinary accent mark is that my keyboard offers is `, which is, of course, the wrong way around. But <>, | |, and ||  || are all there!

In the mean time, I highly recommend getting hold of a copy of the book, if you can afford it - or even if you can't! And for "lighter" reading (in the literal rather than the figurative sense :-) 2guntom's offering is a heap better than nothing - thanks, 2guntom!

Rotherham is one of the most exact translations I have found.

This module is very disappointing. It appears virtually identical to almost every website currently hosting The Emphasized Bible where someone scanned the original bible and neglected to perform due diligence with OCR correction software. This module is almost unrecognizable compared to Rotherham's original bible. To compare go to: https://emphasizedbi...0webhostapp.com

and download a faithful reproduction of this bible.

This module is very disappointing. It appears virtually identical to almost every website currently hosting The Emphasized Bible where someone scanned the original bible and neglected to perform due diligence with OCR correction software. This module is almost unrecognizable compared to Rotherham's original bible. To compare go to: https://emphasizedbi...0webhostapp.com

and download a faithful reproduction of this bible.


As I recall from years ago, a Bible instructor explained the purpose of Rotherham's Bible translation and the verse markings.  The instructor said that in times gone by the Bible had been meant to be read out loud.  Read with the eyes, speak with the mouth and hear with the ears - a complete immersion experience.

Rotherham attempted to place markings of emphasis in with the word usage, so that when the Bible was read out loud it would reflect the emphasis that the Hebrew or Greek indicated - adding character to the printed word, without a drastic reinterpretation of the original manuscripts.  After 40+ years perhaps my memory is faulty - you know how that goes - but I'm pretty confident this is what my teacher said.

The Emphasized Bible attempts to do the same thing by adding a massive amount of words, IMO.

Sorry, Old Timers Disease:


re: "The Emphasized Bible attempts to do the same thing by adding a massive amount of words, IMO."


I should have said: 'The Amplified Bible attempts to do the same thing by adding a massive amount of words, IMO.'

Typo in Numbers 25:5. This module: And Moses said unto the judges of Israel,—Slay ye each one his men, who have let them-selves he herald unto Baal-peor. Should be: And Moses said unto the judges of Israel,––Slay ye each one his men, who have let themselves be bound unto Baal–peor. If typos like this abound, it were better that Rotherham's translation be considered not done for e-sword, and could someone prepare a proper Rotherham's Bible, please?

As submitted Jun 15, 2011, and updated Dec 19, 2021, with a Mac/e-Sword for Windows 11 version, there are two downloadable files [1] Rotherham Emphasized Bible 1902.bblx 11.27 MB and [2] rotherham_emphasized_bible_1902.bbli 11.19 MB

In the *.bblx entry, the text appears corrupt, for example:
Num 25:4  And Yahweh said unto Moses—Take all the heads of the people, and crucify them unto Yahweh. in the face of the sun,—that the heat of the anger of Yahweh may turn away from Israel.
Num 25:5  And Moses said unto the judges of Israel,—Slay ye each one his men, who have let them-selves he herald unto Baal-peor.

When you view the text of any chapter the number of the last verse of a chapter is consistently numbered, both in the OT and the NT, but the content of the verse is not displayed in the Bible Maximized (Ctrl+F2) view. However the text of the verse will display okay if you select the Compare option. There was a bug in the version of the app that the coder used, as e-Sword did not recognize where the end of the last verse in the chapter is. At the end of each chapter, What the programmer needs to do on the last verse of the chapter, in the last line of text, is to put an enter for a new line, then put a space on the next blank line and enter for a new line. So it would look like:

Rev 22:21 text goes here then [press enter key]

[space here][press enter key]

In the *.bbli entry, the text appears as follows:
Num 25:4  And Yahweh said unto Moses—Take all the heads of the people, and crucify them unto Yahweh. in the face of the sun,—that the heat of the anger of Yahweh may turn away from Israel.  
Num 25:5  And Moses said unto the judges of Israel,—Slay ye each one his men, who have let them-selves he herald unto Baal-peor.  

The last verse of the chapters is now displayed okay.

The word error noticed by a previous reviewer, has not been corrected.

The words of Numbers 25:4, 5 in the printed text of the EMPHASIZED BIBLE appear as follows:
4 And Yahweh said unto Moses—
Take all the heads of the people, and crucify [g]
them unto Yahwehˎ in the face of the sun,—
that the heat of the anger of Yahweh may turn
away from Israel.
5 And Moses said unto the judges of Israel,—
Slay ye each one his men, who have let
themselves be bound unto Baal-peor.

The content of the footnote [g] “To fasten, to a stake, to impale, to nail to — i.e. to crucify, as the Vul. rightly translates”—Fuerst, Davies. “Some solemn form of execution, but meaning uncertain”—O.G.

To use the Rotherham Emphasized Bible as a Study Bible, it would be good to have a printed or PDF copy handy, as there is MISSING INFORMATION in the e-Sword module that you will want to read and to refer to.

In the "Bible Information" option, the coder does not include any of the details from:
he Preface (by Joseph Bryant Rotherham, July 1902.)
The pages of AN EXPOSITORY INTRODUCTION TO THE EMPHASISED BIBLE. These would be essential reading to accompany your study of the EMPHASISED BIBLE by J.W. Rotherham.
TABLE III. SIGNS OF EMPHASIS. (See ante, Intro., Chapter II.)

The symbols used in the Old Testament are the same as those employed in the New, namely:
ʹ, [used to denote slight emphasis on a single word]
| |, [used to denote slight emphasis on a phrase]
|| ||, [when the English words appear in their usual, uninverted order, though the corresponding words are known to be emphatic in the Hebrew.]
< >  [when there is an inversion in the English arrangement as well as in that of the Hebrew. Sometimes the inverted and emphatically preplaced portion of the sentence is of some length, extending to a line or more. The two symbols (ʹ and | |) are used almost indifferently to denote slight emphasis; the accent being generally preferred for single words, and the single vertical lines for the inclusion of more than one word in the effect.]
and ˎ [The ˎ symbol is utilized as a type of “half comma” in order to allow the comma to function as it was intended in English, as a division between clauses.]

These emphasis marks have been reduced in the text of the modules provided to Bible Support for e-Sword, to a comma. The single emphasis on a word has been excluded. No commentary or Reference Library module has been provided to explain the extensive footnotes.

Although the filename includes the date, 1902, this is not indicated by the coder in the Windows Information option, where we are informed:
Rotherham Emphasized Bible
Old and New
Creada/Modificada con [Made/Modified with] Biblos

The Bible tab is "Rotherham" Rotherham emphasized Bible.
This is listed in the Options, Resource Settings, as "Rotherham Emphasized Bible" Rotherham [rotherham_emphasized_bible_1902.bbli]

To obtain more detailed information, including a PDF of an updated copy of the Emphasized Bible, please view the website

You will find information about the Rotherham Emphasized Bible (1902) available at http://teleiosministries.com/rotherhambible.html

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