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  • Submitted: Jan 18 2012 06:56 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 19 2012 03:29 PM
  • File Size: 11.51MB
  • Views: 7227
  • Downloads: 1,314
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: WH+TVM

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Westcott & Hort Greek New Testament with Strong's numbers and TVM

* * * * * 4 Votes

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

This is the Greek NT by Drs Westcott and Hort from 1881, based primarily on the Codex Sinaiticus and the Codex Vaticanus. Strong's numbers (including Tense, Voice and Mood) are included, as are morphological tags.
WH is public domain, the file has been rendered from a text file that was retrieved from The Unbound Bible.

Edited to add: this file is not in an executable format. It's just the plain .bblx file. Just move it to your e-Sword folder (most likely C:\Program Files\e-Sword) and restart e-Sword. That should make it visible.

Westcott & Hort were non-believers!!! This module should not even be in here and the fact that it is makes me weary of the entire eSword "thing"! It cannot be said that they believed that one could attain Heaven by either works or faith, since both believed that Heaven

existed only in the mind of man.


 Westcott believed in and attempted to practice a form of Communism whose ultimate goal was communal living on college campus's which he called a "coenobium. "

Both believed it possible to communicate with the dead and made many attempts to do just that through a society which they organized and entitled "The Ghostly Guild."

Westcott accepted and promoted prayers for the dead. Both were admirers of Mary (Westcott going so far as to call his wife Sarah, "Mary"),and Hort was an admirer and proponent of Darwin and his theory of evolution. It is obvious to even a casual observer why they were well equipped to guide the Revision Committee of 1871-1881 away from God's Antiochian text and into the spell of Alexandria.They had compiled their own Greek text from Alexandrian manuscripts, which, though unpublished and inferior to the Textus Receptus, they secreted little by little to the Revision Committee. The result being a totally new Alexandrian English Bible instead of a "revision" of the Authorized Version as it was claimed to be.

It has only been in recent years that scholars have examined their unbalanced theories concerning manuscript history and admitted that their agreements were weak to non-existent.

Well, it's been a while since I logged in to this forum but I really wanted to shortly reply to this.
Just for your information Shelfys, as my nickname clearly implies, I too am a non-believer. Even more, I too accept the theory of natural selection as the most likely history of life on earth. Take that as you wish. I am on this site not for theological debates but for content to use in my own study of the bible and for sharing scripts with which I could create new content myself (or as in this case, the content itself if it is free of copyright). If you have a problem with content from non-believers it's completely your prerogative. Consider this reply as my attempt to put the cards on the table and prevent you from getting into an internal conflict of using content that you might not have wanted to use.

Mr. Shelfys:

I believe that it is a violation of the rules to post comments of such under reviews but should have been under a blog or in forum.

Pray and Fast  to the LORD that he purges the e-sword site from ungodly modules and ungodly members.  Is the best way to handle this.  continue to Pray and Fast until the LORD  purges the e-sword site from all ungodly modules and ungodly members!!! This is God's website so seek him on such matters. And see what He does.

I second Mike's proposal.

I am a believer, and glad this resource is here made available by Rob. This is an invaluable resource to believers as nearly all of the worst translations, from the easily readable' to outright new age garbage spring from this source. Also much scholarly work centers around it do to obvious reasons and bias. Having this text allows you to compare the errors and bias Westcott and Hort made and injected into their work compared to their source Sinaiticus and Vaticanus codices, as well as compare to Textus Receptus etc.

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