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  • Submitted: Oct 07 2011 01:29 PM
  • Last Updated: Mar 04 2013 11:32 PM
  • File Size: 3.42MB
  • Views: 51854
  • Downloads: 22,011
  • Author: Stone Engelbright
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: AKJV
  • Suggest New Tag:: AKJV English Bible American King James

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Download American King James Version - Red Letter Edition - AKJV 2.01

* * * * - 22 Votes
Stone Engelbright

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

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AKJV English Bible American King James

American King James Version (AKJV) - Red Letter Edition
Produced by Stone Engelbrite

This is a new translation of the Bible, based on the original King James Version. It is a simple word for word update from the King James English. I have taken care to change nothing doctrinally, but to simply update the spelling and vocabulary. I have not changed the grammar because that could alter it doctrinally.

I am hereby putting the American King James version of the Bible into the public domain on November 8, 1999.

Michael Peter (Stone) Engelbrite

You may use it in any manner you wish: copy it, sell it, modify it, etc.
You can't copyright it or prevent others from using it.
You can't claim that you created it, because you didn't.

What's New in Version 2.01 (See full changelog)

  • Removed font size specification so the file will now follow e-Sword's font size settings.
  • v2.00 Old Testament words in italics. This is an semi-automated addition of italicized words in the AKJV from the KJV. See the sample screen shot.
  • v1.00 New in this version of the AKJV, the words of Jesus in red letters.


Screenshots Screenshots

Thanks Brother Brent! I can now use my larger default fonts that I have set. Nice Work!

This is so awesome!!!! thanks you some much!!!!!!!!! SDG!!!

I have revised the iPad version.  Single quotes were duplicated.  Fixed now.

how can i dowload english and tagalog version in the bible

The AKJV is in my opinion the best modernized KIng James Bible out there. Thanks brother for your work.

Hi Thank You. All positive with the exception of It would be pleasing to God to remove the corrupted mis-translation of Easter instead of Pesach or Passover in 

Acts 12:4 And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.

It's just high time the church eradicate pagan practices before His return.

Bro Joe

Hi Thank You. All positive with the exception of It would be pleasing to God to remove the corrupted mis-translation of Easter instead of Pesach or Passover in 

Acts 12:4 And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.

It's just high time the church eradicate pagan practices before His return.

Bro Joe

Since the AKJV is just a word substitution of the KJV, the word remains.  I agree with you that most Christendom does not understand the Jewish economy and the feastivals, and that Easter is a perversion of Passover, and that the "Lord's Day"  does not mean Sunday.   

I've been using the AKJV for for about 10 years, and it is by far my favorite, although no translation is perfect. I much prefer this over the somewhat corrupted NKJV, that most pastors in my church use. I believe I know Brent too, he is a 7th Day Adventist--a member of my worldwide church. Thanks for the updated fonts Brent--Sometimes I do need larger type as I get older!


yes, the Lord's day in Rev 1 is the 7th Day Sabbath--Saturday. The end times are upon us, and the next prophetic event is the mark of the beast, which will be Sunday observance, when America makes a National Sunday law which voids the law of God causing the 2nd application of the Abomination of Desolation spoken of by Daniel the OT prophet.

Hi Brent, do you have any instructions on your E-sword Hot keys tool? It seems you were telling me about this years ago.

blessings, Steve

Is there a version my mysword?

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