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  • Submitted: Jan 13 2012 10:52 AM
  • Last Updated: Jan 13 2012 10:52 AM
  • File Size: 6.15MB
  • Views: 3957
  • Downloads: 1,088
  • Author: James Smith and Robert Lee
  • MySword Version:: 1.X

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Download Smith, James and Lee, Robert - Handfuls on Purpose (12 volumes) Droid MySword Version

* * * * * 3 Votes
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James Smith and Robert Lee

MySword Version::

This 12 volume work contains thousands of expository outlines, Bible readings, sermon seed thoughts, sermon illustrations, and devotional studies. Although originally written for preachers and teachers, Christians from all walks of Evangelical Christianity will benefit from this material.

James Smith wrote the first 10 volumes and after he died, Robert Lee completed the last two volumes. The printed edition contains nearly 4,000 pages and was printed in the 1940s. The text is easy to read.

Some modern reviewers complained the printed edition was difficult to navigate. That's because each volume of the printed edition contained each of the categories below. The reader was not sure which volume to look in. Rather than reproduce the volumes with the material split between volumes, we have centralized the content in the original categories, as shown below. This required quite a bit of extra time but, I believe you will find this organization mucheasier to use than the printed edition.

Content Summary (Main Outline)
Spiritual Patterns
Expository Outlines: Old Testament
Expository Outlines: New Testament
Expository Studies
Bible Readings
Gospel Outlines
Sermon Ideas
(e-Sword screenshot at the bottom of the page)

Preface (Paraphrase)
These Handfuls are made with prayerful study of the Word" to help busy workers for the Master who may not have much leisure for study.

In these days when there is so much to tempt us away from the simplicity of the Truth, we should be well fortified with the deep and powerful thoughts of God. Other facts and things may interest and amuse, but we must have the "sincere milk of the Word" if we are to grow. We are convinced that the way to stir up and deepen the desires of others after Christ and the Scriptures is to present those God-given truths which meet the needs of an individual soul in all its various states and conditions. No book in all the world comes within a thousand miles of the Bible in this great and glorious mission, "Preach the Word."

That there should be a growing demand from an ever-widening circle of interested workers for such plain spiritual teaching is hopeful and gratifying. "Points" and "Outlines" are but for the aid of the memory, and should be reckoned only of secondary importance.

In preparing these notes we have earnestly endeavoured to get into the heart-thoughts of the Word, so that weary workers might find food for the strengthening of their tired and hungry hearts.

We count it a great privilege and honour to be in this way a co-worker with any toiler in the Master's vineyard. If we can but help to sharpen another worker's weapons for the fight, or carry a cup of cold water to those who are bearing the burden and heat of the day, we will rejoice, and do rejoice.

Modern Reviews
This review is from: Handfuls on Purpose: For Christian Workers and Bible Students (Hardcover)
This five volume set is just incredible! So many thought and ideas for sermons and bible studies that are in "seed form." People don't think like this anymore. Perfect for the pastor that needs that "great idea." — Jonathan B. Stapleman (Copperas Cove, Texas United States)

As a former bivocational pastor I know the value of a resource intended to help the Holy Spirit jump start me on a sermon for God's people. These books are such a resource... — David Garner

This is a must have collection for any teacher, pastor, or any one looking for fresh insights on the Bible. These commentaries are a great addition to any library.Lots of sermon ideals and Bible study enhancements... — Anthony Raeford

This collection is a good resource for exploring sermon and Bible study ideas. It isn't very good for in depth study, and the outlines are very short and undetailed. — Rev. D. A. Land

This set was recommended by a pastor and I really love it. Great info in an easy to read and find format... — Paul Herriman

Outstanding reading. Was recommended to me by my Pastor, and I can recommend them, too. Just started preaching and they have helped me tremendously... —Michael Mack

I saw 'Handfuls' on a peer's shelf and, after fingering through it, I fell in love. It has so many areas that are helpful that it is almost inaccurate to list it as a commentary. It has helped me... — Tom

This is a exceptional value. This has helped me develop concise & powerful messages with its intuitive layout and timeless content. I highly recommend it to the serious student or minister wanting to enhance their lessons! — T. Michael Crosby

This is a wonderful resource, well written in a passionate, nearly poetic way. It will move you, teach you, correct you, and prepare you in many areas of your life. I agree with an above review that ... — Jon Sharp

Astounding module.Thanks to Josh Bond and pfpeller for this.

So grateful for all you do!  Thanks, Peter Pellerin.

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