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  • Submitted: Feb 01 2017 05:08 PM
  • Last Updated: Nov 24 2018 02:02 AM
  • File Size: 39.67MB
  • Views: 21256
  • Downloads: 10,219
  • Author: ETCBC; enhanced by Eliran Wong
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: ETCBC, Hebrew, interlinear, morphology, parsing, analytical, BHS, lexeme, Strong, lexicon
  • Suggest New Tag:: Hebrew, bible, interlinear, scripture, tanakh, BHS, WLC, morphology, parsing, lexeme, Strong, numbers, analytical, ETCBC, SHEBANQ, enhanced

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download https://marvel.bible - Hebrew Bible; BHS (5th ed.); interlinear English; morphology; Strong's no.; Hebrew lexeme; analytical lexicon; ETCBC (version 4c); e-Sword (Mac / iOS / iPad / iPhone) 2.5

* * * * - 9 Votes
ETCBC; enhanced by Eliran Wong

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:
ETCBC, Hebrew, interlinear, morphology, parsing, analytical, BHS, lexeme, Strong, lexicon

Suggest New Tag::
Hebrew, bible, interlinear, scripture, tanakh, BHS, WLC, morphology, parsing, lexeme, Strong, numbers, analytical, ETCBC, SHEBANQ, enhanced

We had updated and upgraded this resource at https://Marvel.Bible

NOTE: This collection is created for use with e-Sword X/HD/LT. At the moment, PC version of e-Sword is not supported with this collection, due to limited functions of current PC e-Sword, though you may be able to run some of the files here with PC version (11+) of e-Sword.
NOTE: "UNZIP" before installation

Bible modules formatted for use with e-Sword (Mac/iOS/iPhone/iPad), i.e. e-Sword X/HD/LT
Version of ETCBC data: 4c
Latest files available at: https://github.com/eliranwong

This collection was created by Eliran Wong (hkwebtech@gmail.com)
It was built on raw materials found at https://github.com/E.../hebrew/etcbc4c AND data of derivative work available at https://github.com/eliranwong (You have to give proper attribution to the data when you use it in new applications.)
Features of e-Sword modules
Files: [1] BHS5.bbli (bible module) [2] BHS5m.bbli (bible module) [3] BHS5i.bbli (bible module) [4] ETCBC.dcti (dictionary module) [5] ETCBC.cmti (commentary module) [6] SECE+.lexi (dictionary module)
Abbreviations: Abbreviation of all modules is the same as their filename, excluding file extension, e.g. abbreviation of "BHS5.bbli" appears in e-Sword is "BHS5".
Installation: Read file desciption below and choose what you need. In Mac, use "import" function available in menu. For iOS users, transfer files to e-Sword folder through iTunes.
[1] BHS5.bbli (bible module): Simply the text of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Fifth Revised Edition)
[2] BHS5m.bbli (bible module): Text of Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia (Fifth Revised Edition) + each clause begins with a linebreak and marked by symbol "*" + each phase is marked by a pair of bracklets, "[" and "]" + all phrase-dependent verbs highlighted in red color + all phrase-dependent proper nouns highlighted in olive color.
[3] BHS5i.bbli (bile module): Traditional interlinear view on data (from top to bottom): Hebrew qere reading (where applicable), Hebrew manuscript (ketiv), transliteration, lexeme, and English gloss. This module looks nice ONLY in Mac/iOS/iPhone e-Sword X/HD/LT, due to current limitations of PC e-Sword.
[4] ETCBC.dcti (dictionary module): This module is tailor-made for e-Sword users in view of limitations of e-Sword interface and structure. It includes materials of Hebrew analytical lexicon (both Hebrew entries and Lexical number entries) availabe at https://github.com/e...lytical-lexicon , Strong's number mapping data available at https://github.com/e...g/BHS-Strong-no ; derivative work of ETCBC morphology data available at https://github.com/e.../BHS-morphology . It also includes a copy of SECE material for Mac users to take advantage of "Define" function to lookup words in popup notes. Please read in section below for use of this dictionary.
[5] ETCBC.cmti (commentary module, work in progress): A commentary file on linguistic analysis (clause and phrase) and Hebrew word analysis (lexeme, morphology, etc.). The text of BHS is available at the beginning of each article for easier reference. It could be used independent of Hebrew bibles, e.g. use with English bibles.
[6] SECE+.lexi (dictionary module): Strong's Exhausative Concordance (Enhanced) + 6 unabridged BDB articles on 6 Hebrew words, which are out of normal range of Strong's numbers.
- This colleciton is formatted in KJV versification, where differs from BHS versification is marked in italics. (e.g. see Psalm 13) - All qere readings are in blue color, where applicable.
- This collection is built with html codes. PC users need to install at least version 11 of PC version e-Sword in order to use files in this collection. Currently, PC e-Sword is yet to fully support html modules, which makes ETCBC dictionary display in exepected way in some places though still usable.
Use of Dictionary module, ETCBC
The BEST of ETCBC dictionary is that it includes all Hebrew entries of both ketiv and qere readings. e-Sword users can perform direct dictionary lookup of Hebrew words, even bible modules "BHS5.bbli" and "BHS5m.bbli" are not tagged like "ETCBC.bbli", "ETCBC+.bbli" and "ETCBCi.bbli".
Direct lookup on Hebrew words give you information like, ETCBC Hebrew lexeme, ETCBC English gloss; Strong's nubmer(s), lexeme and gloss; morphology; and reference for entry of Hebrew analytical lexicon, which is marked by "R" followed by numbers. Users can extend the dictionary lookup by checking the entry, e.g. clicking linked Strong's numbers or right-click on "R" numbers and select define in Mac e-Sword X (a simple click in PC e-Sword does the lookup).

In additon to direct lookup of Hebrew words, you may find two different kinds of dictionary:
First, "R" follows by numbers (from R1 to R9236) - This is a reference entry to Hebrew analytical lexicon, a derivative work based on ETCBC data (available at https://github.com/e...lytical-lexicon). This set are arranged according to 9236 Hebrew lexemes in ETCBC database (lexems which are of same spellings but different meanings are assigned with different numbers [different slots in ETCBC database]; Hebrew words corresponding Aramaic words are assigned with different numbers [different slots in ETCBC database])
Second, "H" follows by numbers (from H1 to H8674 and from H9001 to H9006) H1-H8674 are ordinary Strong's numbers, H9001-H9006 are prepositions/conjunctions/particles, which are not specified in Strong's numbers system. Remarks:
Current version of e-Sword in iPhone and iPad supports "long tap" and "Lookup" in all views except in dictionary view. Therefore, the "R" number(s) in dictionary view is not able to do "Lookup" with "long tap", but users could still enter "R" numbers manually. The "Lookup" function in all other views and in e-Sword X works perfectly.

Mac Users (e-Sword X):
- all entries are linked in bible modules, a simple click on one of them brings up a popup window.
- in popup window of "R" number entries, only brief information is given for quick overview. To read full article of Hebrew analytical lexicon, RIGHT CLICK the "R" numbers in the HEADER, and SELECT "DEFINE". Users may also right-click Strong's numbers in this brief note and select "DEFINE".
- in popup window of Strong's number entries, click the linked Strong's number to view the full article in lexicon view.
- To lookup ETCBC data from SECE lexicon, RIGHT CLICK the "R" numbers, and SELECT "DEFINE".
- To lookup Strong's number from ETCBC dictionary, simply click those linked Strong's numbers.

iOS Users; iPad (e-Sword HD) / iPhone (e-Sowrd LT):
Usages in iOS interface should be similar to those in e-Sword X, except "Long-Tapping" in iOS platform, rather than "right click" and "select lookup" rather than "select define".

Use of Dictionary module, SECE+
SECE+ is simple a kind of Strong's number dictionary, with additional entries on six Hebrew prepostions/particles/words, which are missing in original Strong's number system. Hebrew Text
The Hebrew text shown in SHEBANQ is taken from: Biblia Hebraica Stuttgartensia, edited by Karl Elliger and Wilhelm Rudolph, Fifth Revised Edition, edited by Adrian Schenker, © 1977 and 1997 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart. License
The creators of the linguistic annotations that drive SHEBANQ, the ETCBC, want to facilitate optimal access to their data by researchers. All operations that are needed for the scholarly process are allowed. You are allowed to download the data and the code, build your own workflows on top of the data and even to redistribute your versions of the data and the code.
Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Version of ETCBC data used in this mapping: 4c

(more details at: shebanq.ancient-data.org/sources)

This collection is also heavily based on derivative work of Eliran Wong at https://github.com/eliranwong , developers have to give proper credits to Eliran Wong and quot the link https://github.com/eliranwong , to re-use those materials. Materials in this collection and at https://github.com/eliranwong can only be re-used for FREE and non-commercial purpose.

What's New in Version 2.5 (See full changelog)

  • 2.5
  • - a commentary module ETCBC.cmti added
  • 2.4
  • - corrected missing clause and phrase markers in BHS5m.bbli
  • - corrected display of information on verse difference from BHS versification in both BHS5.bbli and BHS5m.bbli
  • - adding ETCBC.cmti (in progress)
  • 2.3
  • - ETCBC.dcti updated, numerical entries for morphology now include pronominal suffix, where applicable (numerical entries of morphology will work with forthcoming new files, does NOT work with old files).
  • - PC description in download page removed; PC e-Sword is not able to do lookup of Hebrew words directly and accurately; PC version of e-Sword is yet to fully support html modules; this collection does NOT support PC version of e-Sword unless developer of e-Sword improve his PC version.
  • - remarks: all files work fine in Apple devices.
  • 2.2
  • - BHS5i.bbli added; traditional interlinear view, this file for Apple users ONLY
  • - ETCBC.bbli & ETCBC+_.bbli removed temporarily
  • 2.1
  • - all Hebrew entries in dictionary module, ETCBC, revised, give more accurate result for lookup of Hebrew words and include entries on qere readings
  • - added BHS5m.bbli, read description above
  • 2.0
  • - substantial update of ETCBC.dcti (... the file size can tell ) now supports direct lookup of Hebrew words
  • - now include parsing information of pronominal suffix in ETCBC.dcti
  • - now supports lookup of Strong's no in notes (e-Sword X) with ETCBC.dcti, SECE materials added to ETCBC.dcti
  • - ETCBC.bbli and ETCBC+.bbli updated; a space character inserted after Hebrew word, to facilitate dictionary lookup



PC version of e-Sword still have rendering problems on html-based modules.  Hope Rick, developer of e-Sword, will correct it.  Mac version e-Sword is fine on rendering.

I have followed this conversation, please update if this will be corrected for use on PC.  I have 11.1.0 version of e-Sword.




A NEW resource on Greek New Testament uploaded at http://www.biblesupp...resources-ognt/

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