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  • Submitted: Feb 02 2017 07:13 AM
  • Last Updated: Jun 19 2017 03:18 PM
  • File Size: 22.16MB
  • Views: 55306
  • Downloads: 47,142
  • Author: biblehub.com
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: Greek, English, interlinear, biblehub, Strong, morophology, parsing, transliteration, bible, scripture, Nestle, 1904, NA28, NA27, NA26, SBLGNT, WH, TR, Tischendorf, Stephanus, Textus, Receptus, Byzantine, Schrivener, UBS
  • Suggest New Tag:: Greek, English, interlinear, biblehub, Strong, morophology, parsing, transliteration, Nestle, bible, scripture

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Greek-English Bible (biblehub.com; Berean Interlinear; Strong's no.; morphology; transilteration) 2.3

* * * * - 26 Votes

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:
Greek, English, interlinear, biblehub, Strong, morophology, parsing, transliteration, bible, scripture, Nestle, 1904, NA28, NA27, NA26, SBLGNT, WH, TR, Tischendorf, Stephanus, Textus, Receptus, Byzantine, Schrivener, UBS

Suggest New Tag::
Greek, English, interlinear, biblehub, Strong, morophology, parsing, transliteration, Nestle, bible, scripture

... available at https://BibleBento.com too ...

e-Sword Files
[1] Berean.dcti (dictionary module):
 - an essential file for lookup of Greek words [in manuscript forms] in all Greek bible modules listed below
 - an essential file for PC users have to lookup for morphological information
 - Mac users need this file for lookup of morphology in "Compare" and "Parallel" view of bible window
 - users of "BIBi.bbli" needs this file for morphology check.
[2] BGB.bbli (bible module) - Greek text only; in Mac/iOS e-Sword X/HD/LT, right-click (or long-tap in iOS) a Greek word and select "define (or lookup in iOS)" for lookup with Berean.dcti. In PC e-Sword, a simple click on Greek word does dictionary lookup, provided that "Berean.dcti" is installed.
[3] BIB.bbli (bible module) - Greek text with interlinear English translation
[4] BIB+.bbli (bible module) - Greek text + Strong's numbers + morphology
[5] BIB++.bbli (bible module) - Greek text + transliteration + Strong's numbers + morphology + English translation
[6] BIBi.bbli (bible module) - Content same as BIB++, but in traditional interlinear view. This file looks well ONLY in Mac or iOS e-Sword X/HD/LT, due to current limitations of PC e-Sword
[7] BLB.bbli (bible module) - Berean Literal Bible; more details described below
[8] BLBr.bbli (bible module) - Berean Literal Bible (reverse-interlinear); i.e. BLB as main text, with Greek words in superscripts.
 (Remarks: There are two differences between BLB.bbli and BLBr.bbli:
  1. English text in "BLBr.bbli" is interpolated with Greek words. Users may check meaning, parsing, and other information of Greek words with "Berean.dcti"
  2. "BLBr.bbli" includes English translation of textual variants of original Greek words whereas "BLB.bbli" doesn't. Compare Luke 11:2 in both "BLB.bbli" with "BLBr.bbli" and you will see.)
[9] BSB.bbli (bible module) - Berean Study Bible; more details described below
[10] BSBr.bbli (bible module) - Berean Study Bible (reverse-interlinear); i.e. BSB as main text, with Greek words in superscripts.
 (Remarks: There are two differences between BSB.bbli and BSBr.bbli:
  1. English text in "BSBr.bbli" is interpolated with Greek words. Users may check meaning, parsing, and other information of Greek words with "Berean.dcti"
  2. "BSBr.bbli" includes English translation of textual variants of original Greek words whereas "BSB.bbli" doesn't. Compare Luke 11:2 in both "BSB.bbli" with "BSBr.bbli" and you will see.)
[11] Berean.cmti (commentary module) - only essential for PC users for checking footnotes; Mac/iOS users can check footnotes either with this commentary or a simple click on linked notes labelled from "a" to "m", where applicable.
Remarks: From version 2.0 onwards, Greek textual variants in bible modules are included and displayed in italics.

Source & License
Source: http://berean.bible/downloads.htm
© 2016 by Bible Hub. The Holy Bible, Berean Bible. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Free Licensing for use in Websites, Apps, Software, and Audio: http://berean.bible/licensing.htm

Holy Bible

Berean Interlinear Bible
New Testament

The Holy Bible, Berean Interlinear Bible, BIB
Copyright ©2016 by Bible Hub
All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Published by Bible Hub
Pittsburgh, PA 15045 USA


The BIB text may be quoted in any form (written, visual, audio, or electronic) up to two thousand (2000) verses without written permission of the publisher.
Also without requirement of written permission, you are free to make up to 200 copies of any portion of this text, or the full text itself, for personal use or free distribution in a church, ministry, or missions setting.
Notice of copyright must appear on the title page as follows:
The Holy Bible, Berean Interlinear Bible, BIB
Copyright ©2016 by Bible Hub
Used by Permission. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Additionally, free licensing for use of the full text in software, apps, and websites is available through the following Berean Bible websites:
www.Berean.Bible............................... Berean Bible Homepage
www.InterlinearBible.com................ Berean Interlinear Bible (BIB)
www.LiteralBible.com........................ Berean Literal Bible (BLB)
www.BereanBible.com....................... Berean Study Bible (BSB)
www.EmphasizedBible.com.............. Berean Emphasized Bible (BEB)
Please direct further permissions and licensing inquiries to us through the contact page at one of the above websites.


Now the Bereans were more noble-minded than the Thessalonians, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if these teachings were true. – Acts 17:11
The Berean Bible is a completely new translation of the Holy Bible, based on the best available manuscripts and sources. Each word is connected back to the Greek or Hebrew text, resulting in a transparent and honest text that can be studied for its root meanings.
The Berean Study Bible text is the result of a meticulous translation and styling process to maintain core meanings and produce an English text of high literary quality, effective for public reading, study, memorization, and evangelism.
Additionally, we believe that the Scriptures are meant to be studied and shared freely. Just as Paul encouraged the churches to pass on his letters, we are developing digital resources that will be free to access and free to share in websites, apps and software.

The Berean Bible incorporates four main components:
1. An interlinear Bible to directly follow the Greek and Hebrew texts.
2. A literal translation to take the reader to the core of the Greek and Hebrew meanings.
3. A modern English translation, effective for public reading, memorization, and evangelism.
4. An emphasized translation to bring out the full meaning and intensity of the original texts.
All sources are freely available and linked through to the original source, making the multi-tiered translation process an “open translation.†In other words, the source behind the translation is clear and available to all. The translation databases and lexical information are freely available at the Berean Bible websites. This opens the translation process even to those without extensive training in Greek and Hebrew.
The four tiers also provide study support by enhancing the expression of meaning on multiple levels. Since languages often do not translate in a one to one fashion, the multiple tiers express a fuller meaning that is able to contain both “word for word†and “thought for thought†renderings.

Berean Interlinear Bible
The interlinear gloss is a word for word, original word order rendering based on the most reliable Greek and Hebrew sources. This text also contains complete parsing tags, as well as Strong’s numbers to for easy reference to lexicons.
The following elements are included for each word of the interlinear:
1. Greek or Hebrew text
2. Transliteration
3. Morphology: Part of Speech – Person, Tense, Mood, Voice – Case, Number, Gender, Comparison
4. English Gloss
5. Strong’s Number
6. Lexical definition
7. Punctuation: Both the Greek text source and, separately, the English gloss are punctuated to assist in reading and understanding.

Berean Literal Bible
The second step in the translation process was the development of a word for word English word order text with the following features:
1. Parts of speech match as closely as possible in translation from Greek to English.
2. Tense, mood, and voice of verbs are maintained as closely as possible.
3. All tags from the interlinear are maintained so that the word for word translation can be connected back to each element of the original text.
4. Gender is translated to be consistent with the original sources (This is also maintained in the Interlinear, Study, and Emphasized Bibles).
5. Pronouns that represent Deity are capitalized for clearer study of difficult passages (This format is maintained from the Interlinear through to the Study and Emphasized Bibles).
6. Sentence structure is maintained so that, in general, the flow of the longer Greek sentences is not interrupted in the translation to the literal version.

Berean Study Bible
As the interlinear and literal versions were refined, they were strenuously transformed into a smooth text in modern English. The goal was to maintain a high level of readability along with core meaning integrity.
This process involved several full rounds of editing and translating in order to develop a text with a high literary quality that does not compromise accuracy. This method ensured that as literal a text as possible would be maintained, while offering a syntax and flow that are well suited as a modern literary tool.
Quite importantly, it was required that the translation stay consistent with the core meanings of the original sources. All links and paths back through the translation process are maintained, as the Study Bible links back to each literal rendering and Greek or Hebrew root. Additionally, the Study Bible makes generous use of section headings and paragraph formatting, to meet the needs of the modern reader.

Berean Emphasized Bible
As work on the BSB progressed, the desire arose to further and more fully express the emphases, nuances, and style of the original texts.
The Berean Emphasized Bible is under construction for both the Old and New Testaments, and will be a wonderful tool for readers, students, teachers, and pastors alike. The translation is designed to bring out the full meaning, intensity, and clarity of the original Greek and Hebrew sources.

Publication and Sharing
Another significant goal of the project is to share a Bible text that is as free as possible from licensing and publishing constraints. While a copyright is necessary to ensure that there are not multiple variants of the same version, we intend to enable royalty-free publishing of digital resources and generous licensing for use in print. Since we believe that a translation must be directly connected to the Greek and Hebrew roots, the tools and data for these connections are freely available as well.
Free licensing for use of the full text in software, apps, and websites is available through one or more of the following Berean Bible websites:
www.Berean.Bible............................... Berean Bible Homepage
www.InterlinearBible.com................ Berean Interlinear Bible (BIB)
www.LiteralBible.com........................ Berean Literal Bible (BLB)
www.BereanBible.com....................... Berean Study Bible (BSB)
www.EmphasizedBible.com.............. Berean Emphasized Bible (BEB)

Greek and Hebrew Sources
The Greek source is documented for all New Testament renderings, with the following among the major sources being considered: SBL, Nestle Aland, Byzantine, Greek Orthodox, Tischendorf, Textus Receptus, Westcott and Hort, Nestle, as well as a variety of manuscripts on which the critical texts are based.
In producing the translation, weight was given to the more reliable, earlier manuscripts and to scholarly critical texts. Significant variants between critical texts have been documented and taken into consideration for translation, along with additional manuscript evidence. Please see the Berean Bible website for full documentation of Greek and Hebrew sources.

Translation Committee
The Berean Bible Translation Committee is comprised of members who have devoted much of their lives to sharing and translating the Scriptures. Please see the Berean Bible homepage for a full description of the translation committee and process.
We pray that this text will enable readers to connect with God’s word to study it, memorize it, share it, and proclaim it. We are inspired by the model of the early Christian church:
After this letter has been read among you, make sure that it is also read in the church of the Laodiceans, and that you in turn read the letter from Laodicea. – Colossians 4:16
The Scriptures belonged to the church and were meant to be examined, copied, and distributed. We hope to be able to live up to this example with all the resources we have been entrusted to pass on.

Greek Sources
The Berean Greek New Testament has been developed to reflect the best and earliest manuscripts, complete with modern paragraph and poetry formatting, red letter text, and footnoting for significant textual variants.
The Greek source is documented for all renderings, with the following major sources being considered: Nestle, SBL, and Nestle Aland 28th Edition, Textus Receptus, Byzantine, Greek Orthodox, Tischendorf, Westcott and Hort, as well as a variety of manuscripts on which these critical texts are based.
In producing the translation, weight was given to the more reliable / earlier manuscripts and more recent critical texts. Significant variants are documented and footnoted.
In choosing a base text for the Berean Greek Bible, it was important to start with a source that we can share and make available for free digital use. The Nestle 1904 was chosen, as we believe it is the most accurate critical text currently in the public domain. Paragraph and poetry formatting for the Greek Text has been adapted from Westcott and Hort, 1881 and the Berean Study Bible.
Significant variants between modern critical texts have been documented and taken into consideration for translation, along with additional manuscript evidence. The following are the major texts included for consideration and documented or footnoted in the BGB:

Base Text:
Nestle 1904 〈NE〉
Eberhard Nestle, Η ΚΑΙÎΗ ΔΙΑΘΗΚΗ. Text with Critical Apparatus. (British and Foreign Bible Society, 1904).

Variant Texts:
Michael W. Holmes, Greek New Testament: SBL Edition. (Society of Biblical Literature, 2010).
NA28 [NA]
Novum Testamentum Graece, 28th revised edition, Edited by Barbara Aland and others, © 2012 Deutsche Bibelgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
Westcott and Hort (WH)
Brooke Foss Westcott and Fenton John Anthony Hort, The New Testament in the Original Greek, vol. 1: Text; vol. 2: Introduction [and] Appendix (Cambridge: Macmillan, 1881).
Byzantine Majority Text ≺BYZ≻
Maurice A. Robinson and William G. Pierpont, The New Testament in the Original Greek: Byzantine Textform, 2005. (Chilton Book Publishing, 2005).
Schrivener’s Textus Receptus 1896 {TR}
F. H. A. Scrivener , The New Testament in the Original Greek according to the Text followed in the Authorised Version (Cambridge: University Press, 1894).
Greek Orthodox Church – GOC
The New Testament as is taught by the Greek Fathers, Greek Orthodox Church, 1904

Tischendorf 8th edition – Tischendorf
Tischendorf’s 8th edition Greek New Testament, Constantin von Tischendorf, 1869-1872

Stephanus Textus Receptus 1550 – TR1550
Stephanus Novum Testamentum Graece, Robertus Stephanus, 1550.
Base Text:
Base text and orthography is the Nestle 1904 Greek New testament, courtesy of: https://sites.google...ite/nestle1904/.
Paragraph formatting has been adapted from Westcott and Hort, 1881 and the Berean Study Bible.

Variants and Additional text:
BGB Spelling has been updated for consistency with modern critical texts. List of spelling updates.
Significant variants are footnoted. Words not contained in the Nestle 1904 text have been included with the following notation:
{TR} ≺BYZ≻ (WH) 〈NE〉 [NA] ‹SBL›
Only the last version from left to right to contain a given variant is marked.
The Nestle text itself has been marked if not contained in either NA or SBL texts.
TR and BYZ variants included in the BGB text are marked using the above formatting, {TR} ≺BYZ≻. For major variants not contained in the BGB, TR and BYZ are generally footnoted.
An asterisk has been used to denote a variant word updated from the NE, where both NA and SBL agree.

Word order Variants:
Where either NA or SBL render the word order differently, the NE order is maintained, with the variant noted as follows:
«NE Text» ⇔ «NA and / or SBL text»
Compound Words:
Variants in compound words are noted as follows:
Compound ‿ Word or Compound¦word

What's New in Version 2.3 (See full changelog)

  • 2.3 - Strong's numbers fixed for BIB+, BIB++ and BIBi
  • 2.2 - corrected materials inside files BSB.bbli and BLB.bbli, thanks Katoog again for reporting the issue.; a screenshot "ss-compare_BLB_BSB" added
  • 2.1: - corrected a typos
  • version 2.0:
  • - include Greek textual variants in all Greek bible modules
  • - include footnotes, like OT quotation and other information
  • - significant update of Berean.dcti, to include entries of Greek textual variants.
  • - added reverse-interlinear modules, BLBr and BSBr
  • 1.4 - corrected materials inside files BSB.bbli and BLB.bbli, thanks Katoog for reporting the issue.
  • 1.3 - all descriptions updated; bible modules BSB & BLB added
  • 1.2 - corrected typos in dictionary, "morphology" > "Strong's no."
  • 1.1 - add space after Greek words, to facilitate dictionary lookup

I'm not sure what all the initials are for, if for Apple, Mac, PC or do I use them all? Where can I go to understand all the initials? Thanks

The same as Sargento. I have a simple PC. What must I download -as many archives as possible, which could be usaefull in a common PC? Many thanks

The same as Sargento. I have a simple PC. What must I download -as many archives as possible, which could be usaefull in a common PC? Many thanks


I'm not sure what all the initials are for, if for Apple, Mac, PC or do I use them all? Where can I go to understand all the initials? Thanks




All files listed in the description above and I quoted below are all for PC and Mac, except no. 6:

which to install all depends on your own need and your competence of Greek reading.

For example, if you read Greek without any assistance, you may simply need BGB.bbli

together with Berean.dcti, you may lookup of Greek words ...

please read description of each file and decide or simply install all and try which one is best for your own reading.

I myself like putting BGB.bbli and BLBr.bbli in parallel reading.


In case you want some better visual effect, I recommend you to try my recent formatting of Berean bibles at http://eliranwong.co...ex.html?bgb_blb

try with your mouse to hover Greek / English words (or with finger-tap in case of touchscreen)


[1] Berean.dcti (dictionary module):
 - an essential file for lookup of Greek words [in manuscript forms] in all Greek bible modules listed below
 - an essential file for PC users have to lookup for morphological information
 - Mac users need this file for lookup of morphology in "Compare" and "Parallel" view of bible window
 - users of "BIBi.bbli" needs this file for morphology check.
[2] BGB.bbli (bible module) - Greek text only; in Mac/iOS e-Sword X/HD/LT, right-click (or long-tap in iOS) a Greek word and select "define (or lookup in iOS)" for lookup with Berean.dcti. In PC e-Sword, a simple click on Greek word does dictionary lookup, provided that "Berean.dcti" is installed.
[3] BIB.bbli (bible module) - Greek text with interlinear English translation
[4] BIB+.bbli (bible module) - Greek text + Strong's numbers + morphology
[5] BIB++.bbli (bible module) - Greek text + transliteration + Strong's numbers + morphology + English translation
[6] BIBi.bbli (bible module) - Content same as BIB++, but in traditional interlinear view. This file looks well ONLY in Mac or iOS e-Sword X/HD/LT, due to current limitations of PC e-Sword
[7] BLB.bbli (bible module) - Berean Literal Bible; more details described below
[8] BLBr.bbli (bible module) - Berean Literal Bible (reverse-interlinear); i.e. BLB as main text, with Greek words in superscripts.
 (Remarks: There are two differences between BLB.bbli and BLBr.bbli:
  1. English text in "BLBr.bbli" is interpolated with Greek words. Users may check meaning, parsing, and other information of Greek words with "Berean.dcti"
  2. "BLBr.bbli" includes English translation of textual variants of original Greek words whereas "BLB.bbli" doesn't. Compare Luke 11:2 in both "BLB.bbli" with "BLBr.bbli" and you will see.)
[9] BSB.bbli (bible module) - Berean Study Bible; more details described below
[10] BSBr.bbli (bible module) - Berean Study Bible (reverse-interlinear); i.e. BSB as main text, with Greek words in superscripts.
 (Remarks: There are two differences between BSB.bbli and BSBr.bbli:
  1. English text in "BSBr.bbli" is interpolated with Greek words. Users may check meaning, parsing, and other information of Greek words with "Berean.dcti"
  2. "BSBr.bbli" includes English translation of textual variants of original Greek words whereas "BSB.bbli" doesn't. Compare Luke 11:2 in both "BSB.bbli" with "BSBr.bbli" and you will see.)
[11] Berean.cmti (commentary module) - only essential for PC users for checking footnotes; Mac/iOS users can check footnotes either with this commentary or a simple click on linked notes labelled from "a" to "m", where applicable.
Remarks: From version 2.0 onwards, Greek textual variants in bible modules are included and displayed in italics.

NOT working - can't download anything

Hi Lighthors,  can you describe more the issue you encountered?  Thanks.  Eliran

Thank you for your great efforts. I'm using e-sword 10.1 for windows PC and have downloaded BIB++.bbli. But it doesn't show in e-sword. Ar there same file with .bblx extension. I need a Greek English Interlinear module.

nothing installs in PC

A NEW resource on Greek New Testament uploaded at http://www.biblesupp...resources-ognt/

Was hoping for BIBi on PC, but BIB++ will have to do for now. The MAC and the PC versions should really be the same, would make it easier for everyone.

Agreed.  However, it is nothing to do with module creation itself.  The PC version of e-Sword is not as capable as the Mac / iOS version of e-Sword in terms of rendering html codes.  The modules would be more accessible to PC users if Rick further upgrade the PC version.

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