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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Sep 11 2011 06:28 PM
  • Last Updated: Nov 23 2016 06:10 AM
  • File Size: 3.78MB
  • Views: 21697
  • Downloads: 4,565
  • Author: Josh Bond

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e-Sword Utility:
Download Database2RTF (Convert TheWord to RTF) 0.1 Beta

* * * * * 10 Votes
Josh Bond

This utility was primarily written to help convert TheWord modules to RTF for conversion into e-Sword format. Also, there is no way to easily correct mistakes in user-created modules without editing the database directly. This utility helps address both issues by converting e-Sword® and TheWord® databases back into RTF documents that you can edit in Microsoft Word, Wordpad, or Brent Hildebrand’s ToolTip. A “÷” sign is placed before each entry, by default. This makes the document compatible with ToolTip (see the section on Databasesdata.xml for more information on configuring this program).

File Extensions - TheWord, e-Sword 9.x
This program automatically detects the type of TheWord or e-Sword 9.x database you are attempting to convert to RTF based on the file extension. The Word extensions are: gbk.twm (topics/books), dct.twm (dictionaries), cmt.twm (commentaries). e-Sword’s extensions are: .topx (topics), .dctx (dictionaries), .cmtx (commentaries), .notx (study notes). If your file extension is wrong, this program may not work properly.

Special Instructions for TheWord:

Before converting a TheWord module, follow the instructions below so this program can read the module:

1. Load The Word.
2. Right click module tab of the resource to convert.
3. Choose Module Properties
4. Click Settings/Actions Tab
5. Tick User Module (can be edited) box
6. Untick Module is compressed box.
7. Scroll to bottom of window. Look for the Actions: “Select an action to perform and execute” box. Choose Convert module content to RTF. Follow the prompts. Press the OK button to exit the screen and save changes

e-Sword 8
If you wish to convert an e-Sword® 8 module (Access database format) into an RTF document, use the e-Sword® converter to convert to e-Sword® 9 format (SQLite). Then you may use this program to convert that database module into an RTF file.

This program does not always detect the original fonts used because of the variety of ways modules can be made. This program will output Greek/Hebrew characters as Titus Cyberbit Basic and the main text font is usually "Times New Roman". If you would like the main text font to be another font (like "Georgia"), edit the DatabasesData.xml file. Look at the second line, beginning with "<DATABASES header=". Locate "Times New Roman" and change the font.

I admit, this is not an ideal way to handle this. The complexity of the way e-Sword and TheWord handle headers plus my lack of time to spend on this project after I started BibleSupport.com makes this a "is what it is" situation.

Limitations of This Program and RTF
This program simply outputs the contents of database modules to an RTF file through a glorified copy and paste routine. An occasional module may contain invalid RTF formatted text (this is rare, and seems to happen when an image was present in the original text before the module was created).

This text displays in e-Sword®/TheWord® properly, but word processors (like Microsoft Word, or Tooltip) are much less forgiving and will not open the file. This is usually caused by an unmatched { or } symbol. This situation can be remedied by manually locating the offending symbol and removing it.

Encrypted Modules
This program does not read encrypted (or premium) database modules. Attempting to convert an encrypted database module will result in garbled text.

This application is highly configurable. If you have a little technical expertise, you can edit "DatabasesData.xml" to control what to export (what tables, fields, the layout of the data, whether a "÷" symbol or some other symbol appears, etc.) For example, I frequently modify DatabasesData.xml to show only the verses in a commentary. This way, I know which verses have comments in a small commentary. The SQL statements this program uses can also be edited in the DatabasesData.xml file. So if the database module structure ever changes, this will probably not require an update to this application (only to the xml file).

Tested on Windows 10, Windows 7 64; Windows Vista 64; and Windows XP, Service Pack 3.

What's New in Version 0.1 Beta (See full changelog)

  • Removed large, test RTF files from the source code zip file

Is there any way I can have the resulting commentary file sorted like a written file:


Book commentary

Sorry, I wasn't finished ;-)


Book Commentary

     Chapter Commentary

          Verse comentaries

     Chapter 2 Commentary


Book 2 Commentary


instead of first all book, then all chapter, then all verse commentaries. Any way to do that by editing the databasesdata.xml?



I am trying to export a rather large module (53mb) and the program does not export the complete book. It ends about 75% through the book. Is this a limitation in the program?

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