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  • Submitted: Apr 29 2012 01:12 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 24 2021 07:35 AM
  • File Size: 7.58MB
  • Views: 17472
  • Downloads: 3,469
  • Author: Wilbur Pickering
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: WPNT

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Wilbur Pickering New Testament with Notes 1.0

* * * * * 13 Votes

Wilbur Pickering

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

The commentary file "wpnt.cmtx" contains footnotes.

About the Translation

Both the translation and the notes are the responsibility of Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM PhD, being based on his edition of the Greek New Testament, according to the only significant line of transmission, both ancient and independent, that has a demonstrable archetypal form in all 27 books.

The Greek Text of which this is a translation, and articles explaining the preference, may be downloaded free from

The translation is quite similar to the NKJV, an excellent translation of a good Greek text. Since participial clauses are grammatically dependent, I tried to reflect that dependency. But I also tried to capture the atmosphere, while remaining faithful to the Text. The result may seem like a curious mixture of formal and idiomatic style.

About the Author

Wilbur N. Pickering is a Christian missionary in Valparaíso, Brazil. He has a ThM and a PhD in Linguistics. Of those actively involved in textual criticism, no one holds a more radical view in defense of the inerrancy and objective authority of the Sacred Text. This includes the position that the precise original wording has been preserved to our day and that we can know what it is.

The commentary file "wpnt.cmtx" contains footnotes.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

Thank you for making this module. Excellent work Ray,

thanks again
This looks great, Ray! I set it to featured.
Excellent job on this file Raymond!

These translation notes and commentary are great! Dr. Pickering lets the Bible speak for itself in his commentary. He does not force any of the denominational "doctrines of men" on the scriptures He gives great information on the manuscript support for disputed passages and also includes notes on the words chosen for his translation.

This is one of my favorite resources.
I'm not usually too keen on stand alone N.T. Translations for my E-sword study program because of tab space....and I'm very discriminating about N.T. Commentaries kinda for the same reason. However I'm here to tell you today....these two works have found a PERMANENT place among my study resources. Thank you very much....Raymond !
I won't say anymore.....the other guys have already said it for me.


scribe.pngThis translation cures a problem in traditional bibles that has been there for years. The problem is that many believers just think that the Bible is the inspired word of God, but most of them don't know how to defend this feeling. But with WPNT is easily possible to defend a normal sense of Inspired Word of God, and a Word that is divinely provided by the power of faith in God. This bible is constructed under a more plain theory that has been developed years from now, Byzantine Priority, read The Case for Byzantine Priority by Maurice A. Robinson (very short and consistent). This bible for studies group has been helped me to reveals various problems with some other translations that other people bring to bible studies. Translation coming from the Byzantine-text form are much, by far, much more better in quality and form than Egyptian / Alexandrian genealogy tree. I recommend also, for a more understanding, this website http://cspmt.org/ and this http://csntm.org/. More here http://www.bgnt.net/...tegorised.html. The Byzantine Greek New Testament (BGNT), is a new scholarly edition of the Greek New Testament. The Greek-text collated in order to make this very good translation is so much better in quality and consistency then Westcott-Hort (1881), Nestle-Aland (1898 to pres.), etc.

The file wpnt.zip contains two entries, wpnt.bblx and wpnt.cmtx.
This provides the translation of the Greek Text into English, with the Wilbur Pickering's New Testament footnotes in the Commentary option, identified by the abbreviation WPNT. These are copyright by Wilbur N. Pickering. The Greek Text of which this is a translation into English, and articles explaining the preference for the family 35 series of Greek manuscripts, may be downloaded free from www.walkinhiscommandments.com where the website has been updated; and in addition, Wilbur N. Pickering now has his own website at www.prunch.org where further documentation is now available in Brazil, in Portuguese at https://www.prunch.com.br/ and in English at https://www.prunch.com.br/en/ where there are also videos available in Portuguese and in English. The Greek Text of which this is a translation, and articles explaining the preference, may be downloaded free from www.prunch.org.


If the Sovereign Creator exists, and if He has addressed a written Revelation to our race, then nothing is more important for us than to know what He said. But how can we know whether or not He did in fact address a written revelation to us; and if He did, how can we identify it?
I affirm the Sovereign Creator both inspired and preserved the books that make up our New Testament. That is, He preserved the precise original wording of those books until today. I affirm this because based on historical and objective evidence we are able to identify that precise wording. Yes, I am affirming that we know what that wording is and have it in hand. This series of videos deals with the divine preservation of the original Text of the New Testament, to this day. I discuss the historical and objective evidence mentioned above.
Wilbur N. Pickering, ThM. PhD.

With the update 2021-12-24 the Wilbur Pickering NT is provided in wpnt.bbli wpnt.cmti  wpnt.bblx wpnt.cmtx

The wpnt.bblx and wpnt.cmtx contains the NT in the Bible option and the footnotes in the Commentary option. This is suitable for e-Sword version 9x-10x and later for the Microsoft PC and laptop.

The wpnt.bbli and wpnt.cmti contains the NT in the Bible option, and the footnotes in the Commentary option.  This is suitable for e-Sword version 11 and later, for the Microsoft PC and laptop, and for Apple Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Android devices.


To contact Wilbur Pickering, and to see further books, videos, and so on in Greek, Portuguese, English, and Spanish, see https://www.prunch.com.br/ https://www.prunch.com.br/en/ and https://www.prunch.com.br/es/


the Greek New Testament, according to family 35, https://www.prunch.c.../09/F35-GNT.pdf

Spanish: https://www.prunch.c...us-02062020.pdf

For details about https://www.prunch.c...-Spoken-3rd.pdf

The third edition of the New Testament in English, with footnotes and Appendices, by Wilbur Pickering, titled, “The Sovereign Creator Has Spoken”. See the Support Topic entry at http://www.biblesupp...ent-with-notes/

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