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SUPPORT TOPIC File Information

  • Submitted: Mar 06 2016 05:39 PM
  • Last Updated: May 05 2016 02:34 PM
  • File Size: 12.26MB
  • Views: 8290
  • Downloads: 1,524
  • Suggest New Tag:: Hebrew, lexicon, BDB, Strong, TWOT
  • MySword Version:: 1.X

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Download Hebrew Lexicon 2.0 (Strong's dicitonary + BDB dictionary + TWOT links) 2.0

- - - - -
Old Testament
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    Note: After you download the file to your PC or your android device, the file must then be moved to the MySword folder on your android device. If downloading directly to your android device, you may need to install a file explorer app to be able to move the file to your MySword folder if your device does not have one already.

Suggest New Tag::
Hebrew, lexicon, BDB, Strong, TWOT

MySword Version::

This update use the latest update (7 Mar 2016) of materials at source: https://github.com/o...s/HebrewLexicon
This newer version is built for forthcoming BHSE 5.0, TWOT no. and Strong's no. are added in BDB entries.
MySword module HERE: The MySword module here is created by combined all three main xml files from the above source.

Social Features:

- search by Strong's numbers
- search by Hebrew lexeme
- search by BDB id
- Strong's dictionary and BDB dictionary are embedded
- TWOT are links (TWOT dictionary is linked but not included due to copyright issue)

Why this file? I am updating my another module, SHEBANQ (fully parsed Hebrew bible, BHS), http://www.biblesupp...-versification/ . I will link each Hebrew lexeme to this Hebrew lexicon as possible. I uploaded this lexicon first. I may update SHEBANQ next few days.

Below is original introduction:


Hebrew Lexicon

The Hebrew Lexicon is now established in its current format. It is
comprised of three separate files:

1. BrownDriverBriggs.xml contains the current BDB content. It remains
a work in progress. Entries will be filled out over time, especially
in the area of completing the scripture references, and Hebrew words.

2. HebrewStrong.xml contains the content for Strong's Hebrew Dictionary.
Numerous corrections have been made, since the initial offering, in a
significantly different format. The layout now follows the Hebrew Mesh,
with duplicated entries recombined.

3. LexicalIndex.xml is now the meeting place of BDB, Strong and the
TWOT numbers, again significantly improved from the original Strong's
Dictionary, and incorporating corrections that have arisen in the
process of constructing the new lexicon.

The lexical index is meant to bridge the gap between the accessibility
and ubiquity of Strong's Dictionary, and the comprehensiveness and
accuracy of BDB. For those versed in Hebrew, and wanting the depth of
BDB, it can now be accessed on its own terms. For those more familiar
with Strong numbers, or having current applications based on them, the
lexical index provides access directly to entries via the Strong numbers.

Additional files for the current iteration of the lexicon include:

1. AugIndex.xml to map the augmented Strong numbers of the OSHB to the IDs
of the lexical index.

2. BdbSchema.xsd the XML schema for BrownDriverBriggs.xml.

3. LiSchema.xsd the XML schema for LexicalIndex.xml.

4. StrongSchema.xsd the XML schema for HebrewStrong.xml.

5. HebrewLexicon.pdf documentation for all parts of the lexicon.

TWOT numbers are included for reference purposes only. We are in no way
directly transcribing the Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament.

Thanks to Daniel Owens, for much help, especially in transcribing the
main entries, not listed in Strong's.

These files are released under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
(http://creativecommo...icenses/by/4.0/) license. The actual text
of Brown, Driver, Briggs and Strong’s Hebrew dictionary remain in the
public domain. For attribution purposes, credit the Open Scriptures Hebrew
Bible Project.

the file is very good 

Good Evening,

Is it possible to use this module with e-sword 10 ? Or is there a way to convert it?


Thank you for your work

Hi, the file here is built for MySword.  It needs to be converted before use in e-Sword.  Eliran

OK, sounds good, I will have to look into that.


Again Thank you


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