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  • Submitted: Jun 18 2011 02:13 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 14 2022 08:03 AM
  • File Size: 3.45MB
  • Views: 45414
  • Downloads: 38,395
  • Author: Charles Spurgeon
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Suggest New Tag:: calvanism, puritan, reformed baptist

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Download Spurgeon Collection 1.0

* * * * - 37 Votes
Calvinism Covenant Baptist Puritan

Charles Spurgeon

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Suggest New Tag::
calvanism, puritan, reformed baptist

Updated 8/7/2011: Added 40+ files from Operation Heaven Sent.

Charles Haddon (C.H.) Spurgeon (1834–1892), British Particular Baptist preacher. Born into an Essex Congregational home, Spurgeon experienced a dramatic conversion in his early teens and sought baptism as a believer. After a successful short ministry in rural Cambridgeshire he became Baptist minister at New Park Street Chapel, London, which later moved to the Metropolitan Tabernacle to accommodate the vast congregations which came to hear him preach.

His popularity was greatly enhanced by the weekly publication (from 1855 onwards) of his sermons, the sale of which in England and the USA helped to finance the theological college he had established in 1856. The sermons give rich expression both to his firmly held Calvinistic convictions and evangelistic concern.

In 1864 his sermon on ‘Baptismal Regeneration’ brought him into theological conflict with paedobaptists, including some evangelicals. Later, when liberal theological ideas were gaining ground, he affirmed his unqualified allegiance to biblical doctrine. During his own denomination’s ‘Downgrade’ controversy (1887–89) he expressed alarm concerning unorthodox views and in 1887, ‘with the utmost regret’, withdrew from the Baptist Union.

His voluminous writings (135 books), which frequently reflect his indebtedness to 17th-century Puritanism, continue to be published, maintaining his immense spiritual influence throughout the evangelical world. He remains highly influential among Christians of different denominations, among whom he is still known as the "Prince of Preachers"

You can download Spurgeon's Morning and Evening and The Treasury of David with e-Sword's Download feature.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Tool-tipped, formatted, files renamed to standard and combined collections. Removed all individual sermons now available in "sermon" download.
  • The refi format will work with eSword and Apple.

You cannot go wrong getting this collection. Spurgeon is the preacher's teacher.
I have down loaded Spurgeon but have a problem, i can't get the words to show up as u.s. english.
I don't know what to do to fix this. Can someone please give me a little help with this?
Your download links at the bottom of this page to "Morning and Evening" and "The Treasury of David" no longer work.
Can you tell us where we can download these in English?
The one you have in the collection is in Spanish.

Do you have a Mac version of these files?

would be great to have a mysword version

Spugeon was a great preacher and writer, and everyone should read as much Spurgeon as you can.  He was a great street preacher and taught his preacher boys to evangelize.  Unfortunately when I read that he was a Calvinist I think "Bad description of Spurgeon".  Yes I know that he said he was a Calvinist, for lack of a better term he also said.  The reason I say bad description is that Calvin's teachings and life are not what Charles stood for or taught.  C.H. Spurgeon was a true Bible believer and he lived a life devoted to the King James Bible and the exposition of it.  Spurgeon devoted his life to the furtherance of the gospel.  John Calvin on the other hand was a very poor student of the Bible and not a true believer.  If you read the writings of both of these men you will see a great gulf in their faith and their teachings.

I have not read any of his other writings yet, but his daily devotionals on E-Sword speak to me like none other.  I would love to have heard him preach in person.  Give it a chance, I sincerely doubt you will be disappointed.

Don't listen to Ted.   Spurgeon was a thorough Calvinist and wrote a book defending it.



Don't listen to Ted.   Spurgeon was a thorough Calvinist and wrote a book defending it.

The download files provided at the last update Jan 14, 2022
[1] Works of Charles Spurgeon refi format.zip
[2] Works of Charles Spurgeon.zip

The first zipped folder contains 25 separate *.refi files If these are loaded into the e-Sword Resources Location folder then read them through the Reference Library in e-Sword for windows version 11 or later. They also are appropriate for use in other versions of e-Sword for Mac, iPad, iPhone, and Android devices.

The second zipped folder contains 25 separate *.topx files. If these are loaded into the e-Sword Resources location then read them through the Reference Library in e-Sword for Windows. If these are loaded into the User Files Location, then read these with the Topic Editor in e-Sword for windows.
Spurgeon, C. H. - A Defense of Calvinism.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - A Puritan Catechism (With Proofs).topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Advise for Seekers.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Against the World.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - All of Grace.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - An All-Round Ministry.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Around the Wicket Gate.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Bio-The Prince of Preachers.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Come Ye Children.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Commenting and Commentaries.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Early Religious Impressions.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Eccentric Preachers.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Effective Prayer.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Exposition on Colossians 3, 4-2-4.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - John Ploughman's Talk.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Pastoral Soulwinning.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Puritan Catechism.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Quotes.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Soul Winner.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Spurgeon Gems Vol. 1-2.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - The Golden Alphabet.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - The Greatest Fight in the World.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - The Prince of Preachers (biography).topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Till He Comes.topx
Spurgeon, C. H. - Why Some Leave Christ.topx

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