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  • Submitted: Nov 15 2013 11:17 AM
  • Last Updated: Mar 17 2024 04:00 AM
  • File Size: 5.27MB
  • Views: 21014
  • Downloads: 2,570
  • Author: Webster (1833) and Manuel Vanhee
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: RHB17
  • Suggest New Tag:: Apple, Poetic,

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Download Restored Holy Bible 17 RHB17e-Sword

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Public Domain Whole Bible Scripture Literal Biblical Studies Textual Criticism Old Testament New Testament Parables Eschatalogy (Endtimes) OT Wisdom (Poetry) Language / Interpretation
Webster (1833) and Manuel Vanhee

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

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Apple, Poetic,

RESTORED HOLY BIBLE Version 17 Poetic Layout
2012-2024 Public domain: Webster(1833) and Manuel Vanhee

Translation Methodology.
Harmonisation: identical direct quotes, idioms and phrases must be translated identical (the same word-order, punctuation and no synonyms). The translation must be so literal as possible without using wooden English and in respect with the Poetic Layout.
Transliterated words must left transliterated.
The base Text must be cleaned from any doctrinal bias or interpolation.

Spelling and archaic language are updated;
but the Thou, Thee, Thy and ye stays in the Text and the thine is replaced by Thy.
"Thou, Thee, and Thy" are the second person singular;
"ye, you, your, and yours" are the second person plural.
"Shall" is only used as future tense.
The "Hell" words are Sheol(Hades), Gehenna and Tartarus.
Nephesh or psyche is translated as soul.

note [interpretation or footnote]
In bold are hints for Bible study and the first words of alphabetic verses.
In Green for Book-info, context-titles and cross-references.
In italics words added by the translation.
In Teal etymology: for example "Eve, because she was the mother of all living."
In Red colour are from the NT source when the MT has changed the text.
In Blue are from other sources or from other verses.

The Restored Holy Bible is my attempt to restore the preserved Bible text in English and to deal with irregularities.
It is also optimised for preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom of God over the World and it is the most harmonised English Bible ever.
I restored the alphabetic order of the 12 acrostic works ( Psa 25 Psa 34 Psa 37 Psa 111 Psa 112 Psa 119 Psa 145 Pro 31 Lam 1 Lam 2 Lam 3 Lam 4)
This is a Gift for the Church of God and free for all.
Before I started this translation did I for one year research in translation errors, sources and the commentary of their defenders.
I compared every English and Dutch translation that I found on Internet.
And I was annoyed because the text was changed to support doctrines instead of doctrines based on the Holy Text.
No matter what Thou think is there only one Ultimate Truth.
If Thou accept that the Original Bible source is without error then must Thou also accept that every manuscript of the New Testament that has Isaiah in verse Mar 1:2 is corrupt.
(It is a quote of the prophet Malachi and therefore an error)
Based on those verses ( Mar 1:2 Mat 10:10 Mat 17:20 Luk 2:22 Luk 7:35 Mar 6:22) was the 1894 Scrivener Textus Receptus (without the Comma Johanneum) the only text without errors.
The New Testament is based on the Restored Textus Receptus beta.

For the Old Testament is the problem even harder because none of the available text canons is without error. (See the copyist error in 2Sa 21:19).
The other near identical verse has preserved the Text.
Basically is the MT text the closed variant of the Original Text.
In order to restore the Original Text must I combine the info found in other sources and correct every copyist error in the MT.
For example: The lost letter "Nun" verse in Psa 145:13 is preserved thanks the Syriac, LXX, Vulgate and DSS, but lost in every MT manuscript.
I used the DSS version for the Nun.

The NT quotes are from an older source than the MT and LXX. I fused the NT citations into the MT text in order to restore the Original Text.
GOD and LORD (with capitals) in the NT are only based on quote info from the Old Testament. (The God names are different in the Greek text.)
I am aware of the symbolic keywords and used KJC and Strong for more keyword priority in the translation.

The Restored Holy Bible is a heavy edited update of the Webster Bible, I updated language, reduced the spell variants of names, corrected plural errors,
I used KJC and Strong in combination with the Statenvertaling and other literal translations.
For the sake of harmonisation. I was very critical in correction of the irregularities. I restored the old measures, money and the count system;
(see the keywords thousand and myriad Num 31:43 Jon 4:11 Dan 7:10)
Revelation has no cross-references for this reason: Rev 22:18-19 but Thou can type Rev in the search bar.

The word Amen (H543 G281) means "truly, agree or ending" it was NOT translated in any of the sources.
This word is in the begin of a verse is a warning of Jesus and on the end an agreement or ending of a prayer.
The shofar (H7782) is another blow instrument than the trumpet (H2689 H8619)
But they are related with the Holy Days and the return of Christ as King of the World in the Messianic Age (the Kingdom of God.)
For the Final Version need I support from the new John the Baptist who shall restore the Church of God and unite the Saints.
From the moment that there is a Peace Covenant in Jerusalem with the European "prince" restarts the last year-week of Daniel.
It means that the Saints have then three and a half years to preach the Gospel over the World and to flee to the Place of Safety Mat 24:7-20 Rev 12:13-17 Dan 11:40-43 .

Restored Order of Bible-books: the "39 Books" of the OT were divided in 22 Scrolls as the letters of the Hebrew alphabet. 22+ the 27 NT Books =49 or (7x7)


What's New in Version RHB17e-Sword (See full changelog)

  • prepositions, definite articles, caps, italics, punctuation.
  • people,peoples, nation or men. offspring or seed.
  • ungodly=wicked or impious or worthless (no "god" in the source), heart
  • remission=forgiveness, reckon=count,fishermen=fishers,
  • bald locust=katydid, and other corrections.
  • __
  • G2842=communion
  • G3485=Sanctuary
  • (stone) tables=tablets
  • ministration=ministry
  • Host,tents,Army or camps
  • Epistle=letter(except in the title of the Books)
  • replaced "victuals" by food,provision or snack (based on Strong's number).
  • purloining=embezzling
  • chargers=dishes
  • TVM corrections
  • G4592=signs
  • wonders,miracles, marvel(except in the titles of "Miracle")
  • sicknesses=diseases
  • less Capitalization
  • G2233 deem or lead
  • Php 2:6-11
  • __
  • "And" in the OT
  • punctuation and Cap, italics
  • Luk 24:21 passes G71 pass (time)
  • other corrections
  • __
  • soul souls H5315 G5590
  • son or child
  • harmonisation
  • And
  • boast(verb and noun)
  • __
  • future tense: "shall" is only used as future tense.
  • prepositions
  • G442=human (7x) NT
  • "certain" or "some"
  • liable,offend,condemnation,accuse,counsel
  • duplicate verses (using same punctuation, and words)
  • correction of various errors
  • ___
  • TVM
  • G1096 become,come,be,... ῥῆμα G4487 saying/sayings, G2071 shall be, G4594 today.
  • harmonization of names, phrases, italics, punctuation, and first cap letter in parallel verses.
  • "shall remove the evil from" in ten verses.
  • notes format (in the HD edition)
  • __
  • remove underline
  • Subjunctive mood
  • various corrections
  • Tense Voice Mood
  • more uniformity in words and punctuation
  • Closer translated to RTR
  • tribune,she-ass
  • correction of italics

Part of the description for this module it says


"And I was annoyed because the text was changed to support doctrines instead of doctrines based on the Holy Text.

No matter what Thou think is there only one Ultimate Truth.

If Thou accept that the Original Bible source is without error


Yet curiously you chose to continue the doctrine of replacing Yahweh's name with LORD in the Old Testament.  Why not be consistent regarding the original text and leave it the way the Holy Spirit inspired it? 

The JHVH versions are there:


For my answer look to:


May YAH bless you for sharing this wonderful resource! Thank you!

Wow, thanks for the update to version 5.0, Katoog! I primarily use e-Sword X, and I'm not sure if version 4.0 had the tooltipped Scripture [cross] references, but here in version 5.0 they are awesome! Thank you, so much! God bless you!

Katoog than you so much for your work. May you be blessed. Can you please tell me the sqlitebrowser syntax to replace JHVH to Yahweh? Thank you so much.

William Penn
Use my file with "DB Browser for SLite"
File Open Database select all files and click on my file
click again on File and Export, "Database to SQL file" select Bible and Details (OK)
name it RHBtest.txt (OK)
click on File close database

Open the txt file with Notepad
click on edit and replace
(click on "replace all")
click on file and save and leave Notepad

with DB Browser
click on File and Import, "database from SQL file"
click on the file
File name rhb5Y.bbli (OK)
Now he start to import (OK)
remove the .db extension of the file.

Part of the description for this module it says


"And I was annoyed because the text was changed to support doctrines instead of doctrines based on the Holy Text.

No matter what Thou think is there only one Ultimate Truth.

If Thou accept that the Original Bible source is without error


Yet curiously you chose to continue the doctrine of replacing Yahweh's name with LORD in the Old Testament.  Why not be consistent regarding the original text and leave it the way the Holy Spirit inspired it? 

The word "Lord" is the english translation for the word  Yahweh. Study and learn greek and hebrew if you want all the original. 

Other wise your just cherry picking and it makes no sense. Yaweh Lord means the same exact thing in two different languages 

actually, if you examine the word "lord" carefully, you'll see that this word in itself also means "baal".  i mean, if ya wanna nit pic, then then let's nit pic and get down to the root of the matter.  tracing the origins of the generic word "god" also leads to some interesting eye opening facts.  in order to obscure the Name of the Almighty, many unsavory replacement theologies have ensued.  funny, that from genesis to revelation the Bible says time after time to uphold HIS NAME!,  to RESTORE HIS NAME, etc. etc.  yet man under the influence of either self or satan(is there really any difference?) has continued to use ambiguous "markers" for the real and true NAME of the ALMIGHTY.   Yod Hay Waw Hay is His name, Yahweh, if you prefer, or YHWH, or EL.  and His Son's name is Yahushua. Yeshua,  but jesus?  how? since there were absolutely NO letter "J"s in ANY language until the 1400s A.D.!!   not saying our Authorized Version Bible cannot be trusted.  but remember, of all the manuscripts the catholic church had to choose from, they chose the ones most easily manipulatable to keep the truth of them being the Anti-Christ from the masses.  as is becoming quite clear with the 2000yr old essene gospel of Matthew coming to light!   up until 400 a.d. the Bible had been translated in over 500 different languages!   after 500a.d. there was only ONE language the Bible was "allowed" to in, and that was the old archaic version of Latin, that only the catholic heirarchy was allowed to learn, read, and teach from.  and the people were purposely left ignorant of learning, at least to read, ANY language, especially the "language" of the "priests"!!  after 1260yrs of papal tyranny and absolute RULE over the then known world,  light began to shine from YHWH into the hearts and minds of those who loved HIM and the Reformation broke through the darkness of rome!   btw, study and learn aramaic also for aside from hebrew aramaic was the second language of the time and Bibles in aramaic survived the roman Bible burnings of the early church years.  those Bibles made their way into the east out of the clutches of the roman catholic church "revisionists" and forgerers.

actually, if you examine the word "lord" carefully, you'll see that this word in itself also means "baal".


Psa 110:1  (Psalm of David).

              The LORD said to my Lord, Sit Thou at My right hand,
              until I make Thy enemies Thy stool of Thy feet. Mat_22:44 Mar_12:36


Lord=Andon or Andonai


Hos 2:16 
              And it shall be at that day, said the LORD,
              that Thou shall call Me Ishi[my Husband];
              and shall call me no more Baali[my Baal].
Hos 2:17  For I will take away the names of Baalim out of her mouth,
              and they shall no more be remembered by their name.


H1168 is always translated as Baal or Baalim and the usual HEBREW word for lord is Andon or Andonai H113

While Baal has the same meaning as Andonai is Baal in the Bible only used for the false god.

And don't use fake etymology: the English word Lord is not etymological related with Baal.

 "since there were absolutely NO letter "J"s in ANY language until the 1400s A.D.!!   not saying our Authorized Version Bible cannot be trusted."


It is clear that the Authorized Version Bible disagrees with the Sacred Name philosophy: the same for Jewish Bible translation JPS (Exo 6:3).

If the Sacred Name philosophy is correct then is the KJV a part of the problem.


You claim that the J not exist in Hebrew while the j (palatal approximant) is used as symbol in the International Phonetic Alphabet for the tenth letter of the Hebrew Alphabet.
Do you use the same standard for the letter Y (Upsilon previous the letter U) and the Germanic W as you do for the letter J?
By the way; there is no Aramaic source that use YHWH because the traditional Jews have the reverse philosophy about the Holy Names as the Sacred Name movement.

ιησου Jesus or Jesu is based the Greek/Latin version of the name Hebrew/English name Jesus/Jeshua/Joshua/Jehoshua  (the same name as the sixth Bible book). (ישוע / יהושׁע )
Historical is Ieſus (Jesus) correct in the King James 1611.
The letter J became the consonant version of the letter I
The J has a dʒ sound in modern English.
But j or palatal approximant in German, Dutch, Icelandic, Swedish, Danish and Norwegian has the same sound as in Hebrew.
The Υ (Upsilon) was the letter U or the Hebrew Vav. (The Upsilon changed in a j and i sound in Modern English).
The letter V became the consonant version of the letter U.
So the discussion of Y vs J is only based on pronunciation instead of etymology or historical use.
The Original lacks vowel points but the meaning of the name Jesus/Jeshua/Joshua/Jehoshua is "Jah is Salvation".

"as is becoming quite clear with the 2000yr old essene gospel of Matthew coming to light."

"Matthew collected the oracles (ta logia) in the Hebrew language, and each interpreted them as best he could." - Papias (Eusebius, H.E. 3.39.16)
However the Essene(Ebonites) and the Shem Tob/Shem Tov 1385 versions were NOT made by Matthew.
Manuscripts are named or numbered so what is the exact name and were is it now?
"The Gospel of The Nazarenes" is NOT made by the faithful Nazarenes but by those who call the Holy Father the Father-Mother.


 but remember, of all the manuscripts the catholic church had to choose from, they chose the ones most easily manipulatable to keep the truth of them being the Anti-Christ from the masses.

About the doctrine of the Anti-Christ read this: And keep in your mind that not every Anti-Saint is an Anti-Christ.


But is true that there is more evidence for the divinity of Christ in the Textus Receptus than in the Western or Latin sources.

Two of the editors of the Textus Receptus were critical Catholics. (Erasmus and Stephanus) so the honor was not only for the Protestants.


The answer of the rest of your "review" shall I post later there.
Do you admit that you are wrong and shall you apologize?



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