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  • Submitted: Jun 13 2011 08:14 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 31 2021 12:25 PM
  • File Size: 58MB
  • Views: 73280
  • Downloads: 18,503
  • Author: Chuck Smith
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: CSm

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Smith, Chuck - Through the Bible Commentary C2000 Series (Updated) 1.0

* * * * * 36 Votes
Calvary Chapel Whole Bible Dispensationalism Living a Christian Life Copyrighted
Chuck Smith

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Under copyright but permission obtained from Calvary Chapel Costa News for e-Sword.

The C2000 Series commentary consists of transcriptions of recordings of Pastor Chuck Smith's “Through the Bible” messages delivered at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa.

A little information about Chuck Smith and Calvary Chapel:

Affiliates of Calvary Chapel believe in the fundamental doctrines of evangelical Christianity, which include the inerrency of the Bible and the Trinity. Within evangelical Christianity, they say that they stand in the "middle ground between fundamentalism and Pentacostalism in modern Protestant theology". While they share with fundamentalism a belief in the inerrancy of the Bible, unlike fundamentalists, they accept spiritual gifts. However, they feel that Pentecostalism values experience at the expense of the word of God.

Calvinism and Arminianism

According to Calvary Chapel literature, the association strives to "strik[e] a balance between extremes" when it comes to controversial theological issues such as Calvinism's and Arminianism's conflicting views on salvation. Calvary Chapels hold the following views on the five points:

1. Regarding total depravity, Calvary Chapel affirms that "apart from God's grace, no one can be saved," and that "mankind is clearly fallen and lost in sin."

2. Regarding unconditional election, Calvary Chapel affirms that God, "based on his foreknowledge, has predestined the believer," and that "God clearly does choose, but man must also accept God's invitation to salvation."

3. Regarding limited atonement, Calvary Chapel affirms that Jesus died "for the whole world" and that the "atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ was clearly sufficient to save the entire human race."

4. Regarding irresistable grace, Calvary Chapel affirms that "God's grace can either be resisted or received by the exercise of human free will".

5. Calvary Chapels "believe in the perseverence of the saints (true believers) but are deeply concerned about sinful lifestyles and rebellious hearts among those who call themselves 'Christians'."


Calvary Chapels strongly espouse pretribulationist and premillenialist views in their eschatology (the study of the end times). They believe that the rapture of the Church will occur first, followed by a literal seven-year period of Great Tribulation, followed by the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ, and then finally a literal thousand-year reign of Jesus Christ on earth called the Millenial Kingdom. Calvary Chapel also rejects supressionsism and instead believes that the Jews remain God's chosen people and that Israel will play an important part in the end times.


What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

Pastor Chuck Smith has been one of my mentors for many years. I have never met the man but I have attended several Churches that he planted. There are probably many more like me who have benefitted from his ministry and teach.

Excellent bible teacher and Pastor. 


there does not appear to be chapter spans defined for these cases

1 Sam 19:1

2 Chr 23:1

Psa 27:1



Am sooooo Blessed to be able to download this whole program, thanks so much. I loved Pastor Chuck

Just noticed that the commentary for Psalm 52 is actually a duplicate of Psalm 51

Commentary for Habakkuk 1 and 2 are duplicates.


What I really love about this "commentary" is that the scriptures are included within it and it reads smoothly, no need to jump back and forth between commentary and bible.

Would you mind

This is a good commentary. Just be aware of some of the quirks of his theology that motivate some strange interpretations of the text.
Would you mind Justin sharing or explaining his "Strange Interpretations"
You can reach me at ok4me2you@yahoo.com
I thank you ahead of time.

Is there any way to make this work on e-Sword for Macintosh?

Does anyone know how to sideload this onto an iPhone? Ever since Apple changed itunes to not include apps I have not been able to find a way to add modules by sideloading. I have the e-Sword LT app on my iPhone 7 Plus and would very much like to have this commentary on my device. Thank you.

Would it be possible to get the C3000 series as a e-Sword module?

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