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  • Submitted: Dec 10 2014 06:59 AM
  • Last Updated: Jan 29 2022 09:40 AM
  • File Size: 63.65MB
  • Views: 7964
  • Downloads: 1,483
  • Author: Donnie Barnes
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: ???

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Parables of Jesus Color Bible Charts 1.0

* * * * - 4 Votes
New Testament Church of Christ Biblical Studies Jesus Studies Parables

Donnie Barnes

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

This .mapx Graphical MAP file contains 40 Colorful Bible Charts on the Parables of Jesus Christ. They are the work of Donnie Barnes, ThD. Many of these Charts are in Full Color. Great for use with Microsoft Powerpoint and for use with overhead projectors, bible studies and bible class use. Donnie Barnes, ThD, the author of these Bible Charts passed away in 2013. The 40 Charts in this .mapx module are just a sample of the Hundreds of Charts that are available on his church's website at http://www.biblecharts.org .These charts are in the public domain. Here's the a message from brother Barnes himself: "All is presented for God's Glory and for the advancement of His will among men. "That they may see and know and consider and understand together." Isaiah 41:20

Suggested Use: Print any of these Bible Charts To a Transparency or simply copy and paste into Powerpoint or another similar Presentation Software. You should be able to "Shrink" these Charts and print on the back of your Church Business Card. Send me your suggestions for use and I'll post them on here for others to consider. Please note that you may have to Convert or Re-Size each chart when copying from e-Sword and pasting into another program. These charts are great for use at church or for viewing on a laptop, while engaged in Personal Work or Evangelism.

Below is a list of the Charts contained in this Module:
Four Guidelines for Proper Interpretations
Interpretation – Two Extremes to Avoid
Introduction to the Parables of Christ – 1
Introduction to the Parables of Christ – 2
Introduction to the Parables of Christ – 3
Introduction to the Parables of Christ – 4
Introduction to the Parables of Christ – 5
Matthew 13:11
Parable Truths were Anticipated Truths
Parables about Being Faithful with God’s Gifts
Parables about Being Lost
Parables about Entering God’s Kingdom
Parables about Lost & Found, Father & Son
Parables about Loving God & Man
Parables about Open & Closed Doors
Parables about Paying the Price
Parables about Spiritual Pride
Parables about Watching & Praying
Parables about Weddings & Feasts
Parables about Work & Wages – 1
Parables about Work & Wages – 2
Parables from Nature
Parables in Luke & John
Parables in Matthew & Mark
The Church & the Kingdom – Are They the Same?
The General Theme of the Parables
The Good Seed in the Fields
The Parable of the Sower – 1
The Parable of the Sower – 2
The Parable of the Sower – 3
The Parable of the Sower – 4
The Parable of the Sower – 5
The Parable of the Sower – 6
The Parable of the Sower – 7
The Parables – Classifications & Lessons
The Parables of Christ – 1
The Parables of Christ – 2
The Parables of Christ – 3
The Parables of Christ – 4
The Parables of Jesus

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • 12/11/14 - Corrected Errors and uploaded as .mapx

This file originally created as a .refx file, but had some problems inserting the .jpg images into the original .topx file.  So, decided it would be better as a .mapx MAP Graphical file.  These images are very large in size.  You may have to Zoom out to view properly in the e-Sword Graphics Viewer.  Now that I have figured out how to insert the Graphic Images properly, I'll try to upload more Charts or Hi-Rez Bible Maps as I find time.   

Teaches baptismal regeneration, that one must be baptized to be saved.

Baptismal regeneration? Isn't that what Peter was talking about in Acts 2:38? Furthermore, what do you suppose Annanias meant when he told Saul, "Why tarriest thou? Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins, calling on the name of the Lord?" When will someone realize that hecouldnt call on the name of the Lord until he had been "born of water and the Spirit?"

I was sprinkled as an infant, God spoke to me at age 4 years, got physical answers to prayer, understood the Gospel fully at age 14, baptised in the Holy Spirit at age 20, experienced God,s leading, protection and miracle healing, then baptised in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost, continued to walk with the Lord in all His ways, then baptised in the Name of Jesus, and continued with the Lord to this day (I am 55 now).  In all this time baptism has not made a difference in my life at any stage other than that I can say I am baptised and glad of it.  However, I was filled with the Holy Spirit for years before I was baptised.  Modern Western man cannot be expected to understand the ancient practice of baptism until he is taught it, and God does not wait around for that to happen when he saves people in the West today.  In the Western world, baptism comes after regeneration by forgiveness of sins 9 times out of 10, so to speak.  Baptism becomes a step of obedience once one understands its meaning.  As soon as one understands baptism and has conviction regarding it, one should be baptised.  But because God looks at the heart, salvation may come and does come before baptism and without it, and baptism can be and often is meaningless when the heart is not in it.  Nowhere in the Bible does it say that he who is not baptised, or does not take the Lord's supper shall be damned, as far as I know.  Jesus plus this, and Jesus plus that, and Jesus plus baptism, and Jesus plus 7th day sabbath, and Jesus plus the Lord's supper, and Jesus plus confessional and absolution, and Jesus plus ramshorns, and Jesus plus tithing (sorry 'bout that one), and...., but first Jesus, for the rest is meaningless without Him.  Can't wait to see the Bible charts.

He was born of water when he came out of his mother's womb. Only humans born of woman can become co-heirs with Christ, get it? Created humans. fallen humans, saved humans. Co-heirs with Christ. Made in His image, a special creation.  God became man for us. He did not become an angel, or an alien, or a plant or animal. 

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