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  • Submitted: Dec 08 2014 11:52 AM
  • Last Updated: Jan 14 2024 10:18 AM
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  • Author: Cucuzza, Thomas
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

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Download Cucuzza, Thomas - Secure Forever - God's Promise or our Perseverance? 1.0

* * * * * 6 Votes
Soteriology (Salvation)
Cucuzza, Thomas

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Book Description
Many people today shy away from the word "doctrine." However, sound doctrine is simply "healthy teaching," and is foundational for quality Christian living. As one man so eloquently said, "Doctrine is the skeleton of our faith. All other issues hang on it." If a book on doctrine is well crafted, impassioned and true to the Word of God then it should not only be a good read, but indeed a must read. Such is the book that you hold in your hands. This practical book unravels the layers of man's opinion placed on the truth of God over time that have resulted in much confusion. It covers such vital concepts as salvation and its eternal nature, sin in the Christian life, and the true foundation for assurance. It brings us face to face with God's promises to not only save us by His grace but to keep us Secure Forever.

Excerpt From the Introduction
Unfortunately, as the new believer starts attending a church or a Bible study, innocent in the faith and seeking the truth, often times what was pure and simple starts getting more and more complicated by teachers and preachers who have lost sight of this salvation by grace. Or, it becomes confusing through teachers and preachers who have never actually been saved themselves. The assurance of salvation can begin to fade as the new believer begins hearing things such as this:
  • “If you are really saved, you will hate the things you once loved and love the things you once hated.”
  • “If you haven’t forsaken all of your sin, you were never really saved to begin with. You had a head belief and not a heart belief.”
  • “If you haven’t repented of all of your sin, you are not saved yet. You have to really ‘mean business’ with God and repent of all of your sins.”
  • “If you are still desiring the things of the world, you are probably not saved.”
  • “You can’t go to heaven if you are hanging on to the world.”
  • “If Christ is not Lord of all, He’s not Lord at all.”
  • “If you come to church with a sour or negative disposition, don’t fool yourself into thinking you are going to Heaven.”
  • “If you are not tithing, you will not go to Heaven.”
  • “If you are practicing sin, you are not saved.”
  • “If you’ve grown cold towards the Lord, you were probably never truly saved to begin with.”
  • “If you do not endure and persevere as a Christian to the end of your life, you were never a real Christian to begin with. All true Christians endure to the end.”
It should be emphasized at this point that when we trust Christ, we DO receive a new nature, and with that the power to overcome sin and live victoriously for the Lord, as we certainly should do. Eph 2:10 is crystal clear on this.

But is this a guarantee that we will live a victorious Christian life? If we were to accept the challenges expressed above by those often well-meaning teachers and preachers, then we all would have to doubt whether we are saved or not at times because we all fail at one time or another.

In view of such statements, several questions must be asked:
  • Are the statements of these teachers biblical?
  • Does God want us to be living in uncertainty and doubt, questioning whether we are His children or not?
  • How much failure, if any, can there be and still have the assurance of Heaven? Or put another way, how faithful do we need to be to be sure of Heaven? For in reality they pose the same question.
  • What if we don’t endure to the end, but die in a backslidden condition? Will we end up in Hell?
About the Author
Dr. Thomas M. Cucuzza is the founding pastor of Northland Bible Baptist Church in St. Cloud, Minnesota, which began over 25 years ago. This growing local church includes a Christian school, preschool, and many other ministries for all ages. Dr. Cucuzza is committed to the expository preaching of the Word of God. He is also the featured speaker on the radio program Voice of Assurance. He and his wife, Sue, are the parents of three daughters.

I rarely finish books that do not at least contain plenty of Scriptures to reference, whether I agree with their premise or not. Otherwise, I am just wasting my time on man's opinion or their 'scholarly' prowess.

This book thoroughly and patiently lays out the meaning of the "P" in TULIP. What Calvinist say it means from their viewpoint vs. what the Word teaches about God's Preservation of those are His. It is balanced and I believe you will finish with a complete understanding not only of the teaching, but your own assurance of salvation because of what Christ as done.

Perseverance of the Saints does NOT = Eternal Security.

John MacArthur says that Perseverance of the Saints is SYNONYMOUS with Lordship Salvation teachings. (No, we do not deny He is our Lord, for those Lordship proponents who state we only want to accept Him as Savior).

So, if you are a Calvinist, or even an Arminian who also believes you must persevere. You will wonder until the day
you die, if you are actually one of the elect, or if you are able to persevere or not.

Please consider reading this and look up each reference in context, I do not think you will be disappointed.

If you are unsure of what it all means, and would like to see both sides in order to understand, I think you will appreciate the book. Again, plenty of Scriptural backbone in this book (laid out in an orderly and organized manner for you to examine), I would highly recommend you read.

(more reviews at Amazon)

Copyright and Printed Edition Availability
Copyright © 2006 by Thomas M. Cucuzza
All rights reserved. St. Cloud, MN 56301

Unless otherwise indicated, all Bible quotations are taken from the Authorized King James Version.

Printed Edition available at Amazon: http://www.amazon.co...e/dp/1602662770

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

If you are newly saved or have been saved for a while and have had questions about ETERNAL security this is the book for you. It is clear and easy to understand. Dr. Cucuzza is one of the greatest preachers and pastors I know.  I cannot recommend this book enough!!!

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