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  • Submitted: Sep 25 2014 10:50 AM
  • Last Updated: Sep 25 2014 10:50 AM
  • File Size: 47.32MB
  • Views: 7067
  • Downloads: 1,385
  • Author: Tim Morton
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: TSKe
  • Suggest New Tag:: treasury, scriptural, knowledge, expanded,

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Treasury Scriptural Knowledge Expanded TSKE

* * * * * 5 Votes

Tim Morton

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Suggest New Tag::
treasury, scriptural, knowledge, expanded,

"Apart from the Authorized Version of the Bible itself and a good English Dictionary, the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Enhanced is the most valuable Bible study resource one can posses."

—Tim Morton, BibleAnalyzer.com

Legal Information (see below for description of TSKe)
Copyright 2010, Timothy S. Morton (
). All Rights Reserved.

The original Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is in the public domain. This greatly enhanced and expanded edition is protected by a derivative copyright to ensure its free and open distribution. Thus permission is granted by the copyright holder to allow this text to be used under the following conditions:

  • This text, including any additions or improvements that may be made to the text, must be distributed free of charge.
  • If this text is in any way encrypted or placed in a proprietary format, it must also be provided separately, with any additions or improvements, in an open format, by the same party (by download is sufficient)
  • The text can be bundled with items that are sold (CD-Rom, etc.) on the condition it is freely offered separately, with any additions or improvements,by the same party, in an open format (by download is sufficient)
  • This copyright notice must be included with all distributions.
In essence, this license states the user can use this text in any way they see fit as long as they freely provide the text, with any additions and/or improvements, in an open and easily accessible format (txt, SQLite, or any other readily accessible format), and include this copyright notice with every distribution in any form. If the user cannot abide by these terms, then no license is granted.

There is no warranty expressed or implied in regard to this text.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, Enhanced and Expanded.

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (TSKe) is a newly enhanced and expanded edition of the classic Torrey's Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. The TSKe is arguably the most valuable resource available because it allows the Bible to explain and interpret itself! This HUGE resource of nearly 50 megs is bound to bless your bible study!

  The Bible is its own best interpreter, and the Bible Analyzer TSKe module (now converted to e-Sword format) reveals the most relevant cross-references of any verse with a single mouse-click.Tim Morton at BibleAnalyzer.com greatly expanded the standard TSK primarily by:

  • Making Essentially All Cross-References Reciprocal
  • Adding Reference Headings to Reciprocal References
  • Adding References to Verses that Previously had None
  • Correcting Malformed and Orphaned References
  • and More.
By reciprocal references we mean references that mutually refer to each other.

Here are a few details of the changes and additions to the TSKe:

Total References:

Original TSK: 381,775

TSK Expanded: 670,558

288,783 More References!

Verses with References:

Original TSK: 29,648
TSK Expanded: 30,593

945 More Verses!

Reference Headings:

Original TSK: 66,291
TSK Expanded: 356,007

289,716 More (w/Reciprocals)!

Verses with Reciprocals

Original TSK: 1,675
TSK Expanded: 28,963
27,288 More Verses!

About The Original Treasury of Scripture Knowledge

The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is a tool for interpreting Scripture with Scripture. Each verse of the Bible is cross-referenced to several others to enable the reader to gain a true sense of each word and phrase as it is used in the Bible. There are over 500,000 (actually 382,000) cross-references, listing verses that illustrate how words and phrases are used elsewhere in the Bible. This valuable resource greatly aids the reader in interpreting Scripture with Scripture. It contains brief chapter summaries with dates and other notes. Originally printed in a 700+ page book, the entire reference is available within this module. With a single click next to any verse in the Bible, you have instant access to the most exhaustive cross-reference list available.

Going through the Scriptures with the aid of The Treasury will enable the reader, better than all the commentaries, to come to a true knowledge of God's meaning. As has been said, "There is no other commentary on the Bible so helpful as the Bible itself." There is not a difficult passage in the Bible that is not explained and made clear by other passages of the Bible, and this book is marvelously useful in bringing to light those other parts of the Bible that throw light upon the portion that is being studied.

"...The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge enables one, not only to understand the Word, but to feed upon the Word."

R. A. Torrey, from the Introduction.

This is the updated version. This includes the original TSK files for Jude that were missing from the previous version.

This is the updated version. This includes the original TSK files for Jude that were missing from the previous version.

thanks for this wonderful gift .May the lord bless the ministry

this is so precious. 

is there any version without all the formatting?

if not, how should the formatting should be understood, is there any documentation I can access?

God bless you!

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