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  • Submitted: Apr 26 2014 04:15 PM
  • Last Updated: Mar 11 2024 10:49 AM
  • File Size: 4.98MB
  • Views: 4963
  • Downloads: 460
  • Author: Michael Jacques and Joseph A. Gallegos
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Suggest New Tag:: Early Church teachings, Churc Fathers teachings of church, Doctrines of early church

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download 1 Early Teachings of Church from Church Fathers 1.0

* * * * - 1 Votes

Michael Jacques and Joseph A. Gallegos

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Suggest New Tag::
Early Church teachings, Churc Fathers teachings of church, Doctrines of early church

"Early church teachings from Church Fathers"
Early church teachings-Beliefs and Doctrines all laid out be the Church Fathers Long before all of the 
division within the church starting with Marin Luther, John Calvin and Huldrych Zwingli.  From the 1500's 
on there has only been division upon division where there is now over 30,000 different denomination and 
non-denominational churches all believing something different.  For the 1st 1,000 yrs the church was for all
intense purposes one in belief through the bishops and Popes.  The early church fathers provide us with those
pure teachings.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

What's the difference between this one and the other one?

They are basically the same other then the layout.   The layout in the topical is better font and paragraphs keep the separation.  From what I have seen the the dictionary version all of the lines seem to run together which makes it difficult to read, and the fonts are not as nice and nondistinctive.

They are basically the same other then the layout.   The layout in the topical is better font and paragraphs keep the separation.  From what I have seen the the dictionary version all of the lines seem to run together which makes it difficult to read, and the fonts are not as nice and nondistinctive.

If someone knows how to fix the dictionary layout I would appreciate it..

I don´t appreciate theological bias in this place. Any one may have his own options, without denigrating the others´.

Roman Catholic apologists tend to miss the fact that Dr. Martin Luther was an Augustinian Monk, an Ordained Priest, and a University Professor. He was fluent in the ancient Biblical languages, as well as Latin. He studied extensively and was well read in all the Church Fathers, as well as Aristotle and other philosophers. During his time the Roman Church sent their best to debate him and they fell well short. From the start it was not his purpose to reform or leave the church. Rather, as a faithful Shepherd of the flock he only wanted to expose some abuses occurring at the time. It was the Roman church that escalated the matter beyond what was needed for political reasons.

I would encourage anyone interested to avail yourself of the actual writings of Dr. Luther, as well as history and biographies which do not have a polemic mission.

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