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  • Submitted: Apr 25 2014 02:58 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 01 2022 02:42 PM
  • File Size: 4.83MB
  • Views: 8146
  • Downloads: 1,609
  • Author: Michael Jacques and Joseph A. Gallegos
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: ECFT
  • Suggest New Tag:: Early Church teachings, Church Fathers teachings of church, Doctrines of early church

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Early church teachings from Church Fathers 1.0

* * * * - 6 Votes

Michael Jacques and Joseph A. Gallegos

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Suggest New Tag::
Early Church teachings, Church Fathers teachings of church, Doctrines of early church

Dictionary module created with e-Sword MEd (e-Sword Module Editor). (http://www.craigwhite.net/e-sword)
The source is for most of the material has come from Joseph A. Gallegos http://www.cin.org/u...os/contents.htm
This text may downloaded and viewed for private reading only. This text may not be used by another Web
site or published, electronically or otherwise, without the written permission of the copyright holder.
Joseph A. Gallegos © 1999 All Rights Reserved
Permission has been granted to create a dictionary module "Early church teachings from Church Fathers" for the e-Sword program

-------- Original Message -------- Subject: RE: looking for permission to use your church fathers Date: Fri, 25 Apr 2014 12:19:53 -0700 From: JoeG To: 'Michael Jacques' <mjacques41@gmail.com>, <corunum@patrology.net>

You may do so as long as you give the web page and my copyright notice... 

In Christ Jesus,


-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Jacques [mailto:mjacques41@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 23, 2014 3:49 PM
To: corunum@patrology.net
Subject: looking for permission to use your church fathers

Mr. Joseph Gallegos
I am looking for permission to create a dictionary module of the earlychurch fathers quotes on the early 
teachings of the church which you have assembled to give to people for free as part of free soft ware 
bible study program "e-Sword" Bible program as long as I include you and your web page as source and your 
copyright notice. This will be made available as part of package for the software for all walks of Christians.

Thank You Michael Jacques

"Early church teachings from Church Fathers"
Early church teachings-Beliefs and Doctrines all laid out by the Church Fathers Long before all of the 
division within the church starting with Marin Luther, John Calvin and Huldrych Zwingli.  From the 1500's 
on there has only been division upon division where there is now over 30,000 different denomination and 
non-deominational churches all believing something different.  For the 1st 1,000 the church was for all
intense purposes one in belief through the bishops and Popes.  The early church fathers provide us with those
pure teachings. 

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

Excellent resource "Early church teachings from Church Fathers"
Early church teachings-Beliefs and Doctrines all laid out be the Church Fathers Long before all of the
division within the church starting
with Marin Luther, John Calvin and Huldrych Zwingli.  From the 1500's
on there has only been division upon division where there is now over 30,000 different denomination and
non-deominational churches all believing something different.  For the 1st 1,000 the church was for all
intense purposes one in belief through the bishops and Popes.  The early church fathers provide us with those
pure teachings.

The early church teachings from the fathers dictionary mode vs the topical mode are  basically the same other then the layout.   The layout in the topical is better font and paragraphs keep the separation.  From what I have seen the the dictionary version all of the lines seem to run together which makes it difficult to read, and the fonts are not as nice and nondistinctive.


If someone knows how to fix the layout of the dictionary mode to make it easier to read and follow I would appreciate it.

Excellent resource "Early church teachings from Church Fathers"
Early church teachings-Beliefs and Doctrines all laid out be the Church Fathers Long before all of the
division within the church starting with Marin Luther, John Calvin and Huldrych Zwingli.  From the 1500's
on there has only been division upon division where there is now over 30,000 different denomination and
non-deominational churches all believing something different.  For the 1st 1,000 the church was for all
intense purposes one in belief through the bishops and Popes.  The early church fathers provide us with those
pure teachings.


Note that long before all the division within the church starting with Martin Luther, et al, there was The East–West Schism, between the Eastern Church and the Western Church in 1054. Both sides of this schism claimed to rely on the quotes of the early church fathers.

Note that long before all the division within the church starting with Martin Luther, et al, there was The East–West Schism, between the Eastern Church and the Western Church in 1054. Both sides of this schism claimed to rely on the quotes of the early church fathers.

Yes you are absolutely right, which is the reason that practically all of the teachings in both the Eastern and Western Church are the same.

Haha... funny.


It was those men and the great reformers who challenged the views of the "holy roman empire" who brutally slaughtered anyone who did not agree with her.  History records it, but the majority of those in "the mother church" sadly choose to simply discredit anything that speaks of it's evils.


The Bible and the Bible alone is my authority. No man (irregardless of his crown, gold and silver etc) can stand between my Saviour Messiah Jesus and me. Messiah Jesus is AL



12 Reasons Why it is both Church and Bible or Neither
Bible Alone is not Biblical Per Scripture

1. No where does the Bible Teach that it is the Sole Authority.
2.  The Bible teaches repeatedly that we are to pay attention to both the Sacred oral word, teaching, preaching, traditions as well as the Sacred Written Word. 1 Thessalonians 2:13, 2 Thessalonians 2:15, 2 Thessalonians 3:6 6, 2 Timothy 2::2, 1 Corinthians 11:2, 2Tim 1: 13, Titus 1:3, 1Cor 15:2 , Phi 4:9, Gal 1:16, Eph 3:8, Col 1:28, Malachi 2:7, Matt. 23: 2-3,  "The scribes and Pharisees sit on Moses' seat; so practice and observe whatever they tell you
3. The Bible teaches in 1Tim 3:15 that the church is the pillar and foundation of all truth, it does not teach that the Bible is pillar and foundation of all truth.
4.  Bible teaches us that everything is not in the Bible, John 21:25, John 20:30
5. The great commission  was to go out and preach and teach Matthew 28:18-20, and to instruct to other worthy men to do the same 2 Timothy 2:2
6.  We are instructed to obey and submit to our leaders/Church Heb 13:7,17
7. Where problems arise we are instructed to take it to the church Mat 18:17
8. For the first 1500 years the whole idea of Bible as the sole authority was completely a foreign concept and never would have been accepted among the people.  We are privileged people, we have Bibles in most every Christian home.  For the 1st 1500 years most people did not have this privilege , only the wealthiest of the wealthiest could have such a thing.  This was far to expensive for the population at large.  It wasn’t until after the invention of the printing press was the Bible readily available for people to begin to afford.  All the Bibles prior to then were meticulously copied by hand by the monks in the monastery by the very church which is rejected by all of Protestantism.  Copying the Bibles by hand meant there were no where enough to go around not even close.  Bible alone was then an impossibility prior to 1500’s.
9.  Apart from the traditions of the church, church fathers, church councils we have no legitimate way of knowing which books are in the Bible part of the cannon.  So the Bible must be substantiated by an outside source.
10. Apart from the traditions of the Church, church fathers, church councils we do not know who the authors are of the four Gospels.  So the Gospel writers are substantiated by an outside source.  Unlike Paul in his epistles, none of the four Gospel writers identify themselves as far as who is writing the Gospel.  
11. There is not any Christian who can make the claim that they were able to understand the meaning of Scripture without someone and or books teaching them how to interpret Scripture from someone else’s perspective..
12. The new man made tradition teaching of Scripture as sole authority has caused nothing but division within the Body of Christ from the 1500’s on too the point where we now have over 30,000 different denominations and nondenominational churches all teaching something a bit different than others.



Hey Mijac, Magic Mike, or whatever you call yourself: I'm pretty sure this is for reviews and not a forum for your personal opinions about the Bible.  I believe there is a place here at Bible Suport where can make your argument, but this in not the place. Thanks. 

It is unfortunate this is titled "Early Church Fathers".  When the Jews referred to "the fathers" they referred to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and perhaps the 12 sons of Jacob at the latest.  So with the Church: the early church fathers are the apostles and the next couple generations of those closest to the apostles (Clement, Ignatius, Polycarp, etc.). In other words, the Ante-Nicene Fathers.


So if we were to examine what the early church fathers said about Mary, we would not refer to men who were after the Council of Nicea in 325. At this time Constantine made Christianity the state religion and began to taint it with Roman paganism.  This reference only quotes those after the Council of Nicea to teach that Mary was the Mother of God, that she was always a virgin, that she was assumed into heaven without corruption.  So it is a misnomer to say this reference gives the teachings of the early church fathers.  Stick with the Ante-Nicene Fathers and you will be safe.

i was wondering just exactly what "early church fathers" you were talking about.  but since you lambaste holy men like Martin Luther and Zwingli, and others who's only sin was to try to bring the roman church back to the purity of the church Christ established in his own blood.  that you must be talking about pedophiles, sodomites, and womanizers like de Liguiri and his ilk.  the Word of God clearly states that the TRUE church was forced into the wilderness because of the persecuting power of the roman church coupled with the power of the state, which is how rome has always operated because her teachings cannot bare the testimony of the Word of Almighty God.  if you want to post pro-romanism at least be truthful enough to make it clear that it is just that.

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