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  • Submitted: Jun 10 2011 07:37 AM
  • Last Updated: Dec 30 2021 02:09 PM
  • File Size: 80.17MB
  • Views: 40848
  • Downloads: 17,575
  • Author: Alexander MacLaren
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: MacLaren

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download MacLaren's Commentary (Expositions Of Holy Scripture) 1.0

* * * * * 21 Votes
Whole Bible Baptist
Alexander MacLaren

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Revised: 2/14/2012 - Removed font size specifications so commentary module uses e-Sword user's font sizes.

About This Commentary - Updated 8/3/2011
Cato spent a number of hours updating this commentary. Previously, the commentary contained hardly any information from the middle of 2nd Corinthians to Revelation. Cato updated the commentary to include all of MacLaren's available comments for those books.

The commentary now includes over 5,500 pages of information and the commentary uses 23 megs when uncompressed (5 more than before)! 62 of the 66 books of the Bible now have comments.

A "Verse Map" feature has been added. The e-Sword Book Comments now display which verses have comments. Because not every verse has a comment, some people had trouble locating all of the comments. Now, it's easy to see which verses have a commentary.

Expositions Of Holy Scripture
Alexander MacLaren, D. D., Litt. D.

Baptist preacher and expositor
Maclaren was born in Glasgow on February 11, 1826, and died in Manchester on May 5, 1910. He had been for almost sixty-five years a minister, entirely devoted to his calling. He lived more than almost any of the great preachers of his time between his study, his pulpit, his pen.

He subdued action to thought, thought to utterance and utterance to the Gospel. His life was his ministry; his ministry was his life. In 1842 he was enrolled as a candidate for the Baptist ministry at Stepney College, London. He was tall, shy, silent and looked no older than his sixteen years. But his vocation, as he himself (a consistent Calvinist) might have said, was divinely decreed. "I cannot ever recall any hesitation as to being a minister," he said. "It just had to be."

In the College he was thoroughly grounded in Greek and Hebrew. He was taught to study the Bible in the original and so the foundation was laid for his distinctive work as an expositor and for the biblical content of his preaching. Before Maclaren had finished his course of study he was invited to Portland Chapel in Southampton for three months; those three months became twelve years. He began his ministry there on June 28, 1846. His name and fame grew.

His ministry fell into a quiet routine for which he was always grateful: two sermons on Sunday, a Monday prayer meeting and a Thursday service and lecture. His parishioners thought his sermons to them were the best he ever preached. In April 1858 he was called to be minister at Union Chapel in Manchester. No ministry could have been happier. The church prospered and a new building had to be erected to seat 1,500; every sitting was taken. His renown as preacher spread throughout the English-speaking world. His pulpit became his throne. He was twice elected President of the Baptist Union. He resigned as pastor in 1905 after a ministry of forty-five years.

Maclaren's religious life was hid with Christ in God. He walked with God day by day. He loved Jesus Christ with a reverent, holy love and lived to make Him known. In his farewell sermon at Union he said: "To efface oneself is one of a preacher's first duties."

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword version.

This is great. Thank you so much for this free gift.
God richly bless you.
Thank you again so much for all of your hard work and wonderful meals. I am feasting and feasting. I have used e-sword for years and you are adding an even greater blessing to it. Years ago, I was able to call the local seminary to pick up all my books because of the software. Now the Lord is using all of you to bless me even more than I was blessed to begin with. I feel like I am heaven's library!!! Thank you again.

You have mentioned that a that the "E-sword book comments" show which verses have comments. Can you please advise where I can locate that icon in e-sword.

In the Commentaries window, there's B C V icons. Click the "B" icon.

I have just installed this commentary,one problem, other than the index there is no commentary on Matthew. Any ideas?


Thank you

Looks like a bug in the module.


For now, you can click the Chapters view in the commentary window to show the comments. This requires the latest version of e-Sword.

Fantastic Josh


Thank you



Kenneth              kenwoods1@ virginmedia.com

As at update 2021-12-30, there are four options. Here is what they provide:
maclaren.cmti 45504 KB This is in HTML format, valid for e-Sword version 11 and later, and for Apple Mac, iPhone, iPad, iPod. You need to copy file to the Resource Location. You can use the Bible Support e-Sword Module Installer, if you had previously downloaded and run this.
The three other options are older formats, for e-Sword version 9x-10x. Suggestion if you have e-Sword version 11 or later, use the maclaren.cmti and then you can delete the maclaren.cmtx entries.
maclaren.cmtx 23412 KB This is for e-Sword version 9x-10x and later. You need to copy file to the Resource Location. Works if you load this, without loading the .cmti file. You can use the Bible Support e-Sword Module Installer, if you had previously downloaded and run this.
maclaren.exe 5377 KB > This is for e-Sword version 9x-10x and later. Will install maclaren.cmtx dated 2012-02-14 into the folder for Resource Location.
maclaren.zip 7800 KB > This needs to be unzipped. Contains maclaren.cmtx for e-Sword version 9x-10x and later. Needs to be copied to the Resource Location. You can use the Bible Support e-Sword Module Installer, if you had previously downloaded and run this. This contains Maclaren.cmtx which copies with current date. 
In reply to a query from wales (2014), in Matthew the "B" book option shows themes in Matthew, the first "V" sermon is Matthew 5:33-37, and is able to search forwards and backwards, if starting with Bible at Mt 10:26. The "C" option is stuck at Matthew 10:26-31, and does not link backwards and forwards. 
In reply to a previous query, from Kenneth Woods (2015), in 1 Corinthians, look in the "B" display book comments, to find the list of verses which are commented on in the book. The "C" option will display chapter comments, which begins on 1 Corinthians 1:2. The "V" comments begins with 1 Corinthians 1:2 and 1:18 if you Synchronize comments with active verses. Some of the chapter links are not always synchronized, with the (i) symbol, even when they do exist. So select the "B", and "C", options, and then look for the "V" entries. In 1 Corinthians 2:2 the preacher's message closed 40 years of ministry in the city of Manchester, with a very clear explanation of what he had been proclaiming as a herald, announcing a message, which repeated the theme of the Apostle Paul's written message to the Corinthians.

Finding the list of verses in this module took me a moment.

Then it dawned on me that the book Comments might show the required list. Worked like a charm.

At 80, I pray I can remember that overall.


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