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  • Submitted: Sep 10 2013 10:45 PM
  • Last Updated: Dec 31 2021 11:50 AM
  • File Size: 78.55MB
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  • Author: Schaff, Philip
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: Schaff

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Download Schaff, Philip - A Popular Commentary on the New Testament (Updated 1.1) 1.0

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New Testament
Schaff, Philip

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:

Philip Schaff is best known for being the editor of Lange’s Commentary and the History of the Christian Church.

In the introduction, Schaff describes this commentary as Evangelical, interdenominational, and explanatory. Comparing Lange’s Commentary with this one, Schaff notes that Lange’s Commentary was written for scholars and academics, while this commentary was written for laymen.

Familiar and trustworthy authors like Marcus Dods, William B. Pope, Edward H. Plumptre, and Philip Schaff wrote this commentary (see below for the complete list of contributors). Built around solid exegesis with practical application, nearly every verse in the New Testament has a comment. Knowledge of Greek and Hebrew is not needed for this commentary. A few books, like Acts, delve into the Greek but enough is explained so the average reader can understand.

Because the commentary is interdenominational, Schaff strives to present differing arguments fairly and clearly, such as eschatology: preterism and premillennial.

Schaff also focuses on clearly and succinctly making his points. For example, a note in Hebrews says:

"In this last dispensation God is said to speak to us in His Son. The Son is the medium of the revelation. As revealer He has as His associates, the apostles. But this office of Christ is quite subordinate. His true character is that He is Himself the revelation. To know God and His Son Jesus Christ is eternal life. God in Christ, Christ as God,—redeeming, renewing, sanctifying,—is the saving doctrine of the Gospel."

Schaff embraces the Authorized Version. He is not afraid to critique the translation, sometimes offering his “better” substitutes and providing depth where the A.V. is inadequate. He also occasionally mentions the Revised Version, targums, and other manuscripts. (Note: Schaff served on the committee that produced the American Standard Version.)

In the preface, Schaff says, the Bible is of “divine origin and character…It is now more extensively studied than ever before…It is inexhaustible. It never grows old, but increases in interest and value as time flows on. Human books have their day, but ‘the Word of the Lord endureth forever.’” — If only Schaff could have seen the Internet to know how true his words have become!

e-Sword Edition
The preface and introduction to this commentary are shown in the Matthew Book Comments. The introductions to the first three gospels (presented together) are also in the Matthew Book comments.

To save space in the printed edition, some portions of this commentary avoided extra lines by substituting the long dash (—) for a new paragraph. This resulted in very long actual paragraphs. In many cases (where appropriate) the long dash was turned into a new paragraph for readability. Because so many writers contributed to this commentary, there was a divergence of styles and formatting. I have attempted to standardize this as much as possible.

This text was digitized by BibleSupport.com, currently the only location on the Internet with this digitized text.

Contributing Authors

Volume I: Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke

Introduction, and The Gospels Of Matthew, Mark, And Luke: Prof. Philip Schaff, D. D.

Introduction To The New Testament: Prof. Philip Schaff, D. D. Matthew B. Riddle, D. D., Hartford University.

The Gospel Of Matthew. Prof. Philip Schaff, Prof. Matthew B. Riddle.

The Gospel Of Mark. By Prof. Matthew B. Riddle, Prof. Philip Schaff.

The Gospel Of Luke. By Prof. Matthew B. Riddle, Philip Schaff.

Volume II: Gospel of John and The Acts

The Gospel Of John. Prof. William Milligan, D. D., University Of Aberdeen, and Prof. William F. Moulton, D. D., De Lees College, Cambridge.

The Acts Of The Apostles. By J. S. Howson, D. D., Dean Of Chester, and Canon Donald Spence, Rector Of St. Pancras, London.

Volume III: The Epistles Of Paul.

Romans. By Prof. Philip Schaff, D. D., and Prof. Matthew B. Riddle, D. D.

I & II Corinthians. By Principal David Brown, D. D., Free Church College, Aberdeen.

Galatians. By Prof. Philip Schaff, D. D.

Ephesians. By Prof. Matthew B. Riddle, D. D.

Philippians. By Rev. J. Rawson Lumby, B. D., St. Catherine’s College, Cambridge.

Colossians. By Prof. Matthew B. Riddle, D. D., Hartford.

I and II Thessalonians. By Rev. Marcus Dods, D. D., Glasgow.

I and II Timothy. By Prof. Edward Hayes Plumptre, D. D., King’s College, London.

Titus. By Rev. J. Oswald Dykes, D. D., London.

Philemon. By Rev. J. Rawson Lumby, B. D., Cambridge.

Volume IV: The Catholic Epistles And Revelation.

Hebrews. By Prof. Joseph Angus, D. D., Regent’s Park College, London.

James. By Rev. Paton J. Gloag, D. D., Galashiels, Scotland.

I and II Peter. By Prof. S. D. F. Salmond, M. A., Free Church College. Aberdeen.

I, II, III John. By Prof. William B. Pope, M. A., Didsbury College, Manchester, and Prof. William F. Moulton, D. D., Cambridge.

Jude. By Prof. Joseph Angus, D. D.,’ Regent’s Park College, London.

Revelation. By Prof. William Milligan, D. D., Aberdeen, and Prof. William F. Moulton, D. D., Cambridge.

About Philip Schaff
Born in Switzerland in 1819, Philip Schaff moved to America where he became the Professor of Church History and Biblical Literature at the German Reformed Theological Seminary. He later became a professor at the Union Theological seminary, where he separately held the chair positions of Theological Encyclopedia and Christian Symbolism, Hebrew and Cognate Languages, Sacred Literature, and church History. Schaff also served on the committee that translated the American Standard Version.

Schaff is best known for being the editor of Lange’s Commentary and the History of the Christian Church.

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It certainly does look a Popular commentary!


Amazing work has been done here of which I humbly thank you!


"Human books have their day, but ‘the Word of the Lord endureth forever"



"Human books have their day, but ‘the Word of the Lord endureth forever"


Is that a quote from the Bible?

No.....the last part....."the Word of the Lord endureth forever"....sounds like it would be....but I couldn't find it when I ran the Search for it. 



1Pe 1:24  For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away:
1Pe 1:25  But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you.

"Human books have their day, but ‘the Word of the Lord endureth forever"


Is that a quote from the Bible?


This phrase in the last line of the Preface of Mr. Schaff's Commentary, as seen here:


The last twenty years have been unusually prolific in Commentaries, critical and popular. One seems only to create a demand for another. The Bible is of such universal and perennial interest that it will call forth comments and sermons without number, to the end of time. This of itself is sufficient evidence of its divine origin and character. It is now more extensively studied than ever before, and goes on conquering and to conquer in the face of all enemies. It is inexhaustible. It never grows old, but increases in interest and value as time flows on. Human books have their day, but ‘the Word of the Lord endureth forever.’

NEW YORK, November, 1878.


It's possible that Mr. Schaff was considering this passage in the Old Testament: 


"And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man". (Ecclesiastes 12:12-13 KJV)


Complimented by this passage in the New Testament:


"For all flesh is as grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. The grass withereth, and the flower thereof falleth away: But the word of the Lord endureth for ever. And this is the word which by the gospel is preached unto you." (1 Peter 1:24-25 KJV)


Just a thought.  These commentator's were knowledgable in the way's of God's word -- like the very best of friends, who can do nothing but talk about what they love most -- The Living Word of the Living God!   That doesn't make them always right - but it makes them well worth listening too.  Blessings. lg

Mr Schaaf  well done  and thanks for your sharing  what the Lord has revealed to you from his word,,,, keeping doing the good work to glorify him alone.


             God bless.

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