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  • Submitted: Sep 08 2011 11:24 AM
  • Last Updated: Jan 15 2022 01:56 PM
  • File Size: 1.43MB
  • Views: 6340
  • Downloads: 708
  • Author: F.C.H. Dreyer
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Suggest New Tag:: Baptist, Conservative, Catholic

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Download Dreyer, F. C. H. - Roman Catholicism in the Light of Scripture 1.0

* * * * - 8 Votes
Baptist Comparative Religion Catholic

F.C.H. Dreyer

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Suggest New Tag::
Baptist, Conservative, Catholic

from the Introduction....


ROMAN CATHOLICS AND PROTESTANTS have much in common doctrinally. Both groups are monotheists, worshiping the one living God, Creator of Heaven and earth and all that in them is.

Both believe in the Trinity, that in the one Godhead there are three Persons: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Both believe that God is a spirit, and therefore invisible, yet that He has revealed Himself to men, and that this revelation is recorded in the Bible.

Both accept the verdict of the Holy Scriptures concerning human sin, and the alienation from God which sin has brought, and yet that God loves this world of sinners and gave His only begotten Son to be its Saviour.

Both believe that God the Son became incarnate and was of virgin birth, that He was God manifest in the flesh.

Both accept the records of the four Gospels concerning His teaching and miracles, His suffering upon the cross to atone for our sins, His burial, and His resurrection on the third day, and then His ascension to Heaven after forty days.

Both believe in the judgment to come, and of the existence of Heaven and Hell.

Both use the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer in their worship.

The doctrines common to both Protestants and Roman Catholics are many, but the differences which divide them are also many and very great. Broadly speaking; these differences spring from two fundamental roots.

1. The Roman Catholic Church says that the Bible, by itself, does not cover the whole field of revelation, and that it has been supplemented by the teachings and decisions of the “Holy Mother Church” and the Pope as the “Vicar of Christ.”

Against this, Protestants maintain that for all matters of faith and practice, the revelation contained in the Bible is sufficient and of final authority.

2. The second fundamental difference concerns the way of salvation. Romanism holds that Peter was the rock upon which the church was founded. The merits of Christ’s death on the cross were entrusted to the church, which, by means of the sacraments, bestows them on those seeking salvation. Moreover, only those ordained as bishops or priests can administer the sacraments; thus bishops and priests stand as indispensable mediators between God and the sinner. The sequence is: Christ, the church, the sacraments, the priest, and the sinner. The sinner comes to the priest, who administers the sacraments by which the sinner enters the church, and therein becomes a partaker of the merits of the cross, by which he is saved.

The Protestant position is that “there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus” (1Ti_2:5). The sinner, moved by the Holy Spirit through the preaching of the Gospel, and depending upon the promises of God in the Holy Scriptures, comes directly to Christ, to receive from Him, immediately and fully, forgiveness of sins, and the witness of the Holy Spirit in his heart that he is a child of God and an inheritor of the kingdom of Heaven.

Which is the true way of salvation? Is it from Christ direct to the sinner, or is it through priests and sacraments and church? The answer is of vital importance, for the eternal destiny of souls is at stake.

This book attempts to examine the wide field of questions in dispute. It is not written in any spirit of disputation for disputation’s sake, or just to prove someone else is wrong, but that the truth as revealed in the Holy Scriptures, the Word of God, may be clearly seen.

“Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (Joh_8:32).

Jesus, the sinner’s Friend!
We hide ourselves in Thee;
God looks upon Thy sprinkled blood,
It is our only plea.

He hears Thy precious name,
We claim it for our own:
The Father must accept and bless
His well-beloved Son.

He sees Thy spotless robe
It covers all our sin;
The golden gates have welcomed Thee,
And may we enter in.

Thou hast fulfilled the law,
And we are justified;
Ours is the blessing, Thine the curse;
We live, for Thou hast died.

Jesus, the sinner’s Friend!
We cannot speak Thy praise:
No mortal voice can sing the song
That ransomed hearts would raise.

But when before the throne,
Upon the glassy sea,
Clothed in our blood-bought robes of white
We stand complete in Thee:

Jesus, we’ll give Thee then
Such praises as are meet,
And cast ten thousand golden crowns,
Adoring, at Thy feet.

- Mrs. Pennefather

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

To be clear, this is written from a Baptist point of view. This work attacks the Catholic Church. So I can't recommend it for catholics, nor any other apostolic churches.

A quote from the epilogue:

But alas, the majority of Roman Catholics are not like this. They have been brought under the influence

and bondage of the whole system which distorts the truth. This system admittedly has an imposing
historical background, a paramount organization, and a beautiful exterior with elaborate rites, coupled
with immense power. All of these things, however, are but counterfeits and no real part of the Gospel of

It IS a book that tries "to prove someone else is wrong".

+Pax et bonum


I thank You very much for this book which elaborates the Roman Catholic Church which was seeking to control the world through false and deceiving religion and THE TRUE GENUINE Christians were running for their lives from the Roman Catholic holocaust that ran for centuries. Holy God has always had His people, faithful to Him and His Word. They had no part in the Roman Catholic Church. Through much of history this kind of organized bewildering religion has hunted and slaughtered God's people.

Well, after this sensitive introduction to everyone is quite clear that when one first begins to understand what Roman Catholicism really teaches one will absolutely know it IS UNscriptural although one also knows that to speak out this or against it is quite unpopular and hurts ecumenical and religious people.

The move toward the global church is called the "ecumenical movement." Spearheaded by the Roman Catholic Church, it is designed to bring all churches under the influence of the pope. Since the idea of love and unity is very appealing, many Christians have welcomed the idea, without thinking it through. How can an evangelical Christian, saved by faith alone, be in unity with a Roman Catholic who believes in salvation by good works? The result is always a watering down of the simple, PURE GOSPEL

But after much prayer to The Lord and only Savior Jesus Christ one's only option is that one makes the RIGHT decision that, no matter what it cost him personally, he would speak out the truth that Roman Catholicism is not even Christian. He does it because he LOVES Catholics IN TRUTH and wants them TO BE SAVED THROUGH FAITH IN JESUS, not trusting in religious liturgy and sacraments. He will pay a price for that decision in many ways, as devout Catholics, priests and nuns will try to harm him even by entering in this forum screaming and making a scene, demanding that the forum will blacklist books such this. Some so called "Christian" media have even refused to accept advertising from this kind of books, fearing any "controversy" that might hurt their cash flow.

But Holy God is faithful (as He always is!) and will protect one who seeks HIS WILL and has made it clear that if he had it to do over again, he wouldn't change a thing, because the witness from so many Catholics who have read this kind of so called "anti-Catholic" material and have gotten SAVED carry one theme:

"Thank you for loving us enough to tell us the truth!"

These precious people make it all worthwhile.

Why it is important for us to witness to Catholics, rather than accepting them as brothers and sisters in Christ. We must love them enough to tell them the truth! Some will become angry, others will respond in faith. But if we truly LOVE them, we won't hold back THE TRUTH!

So thank You DoctorDaveT for this good module!

Ex umbris et imaginibus IN VERITATEM, IESU!

Si cum IESU itis, no cum iesuitis!
Please, be wise and take a good deep look at:


Si Christum discis, satis est, si caetera nescis.

Si Christum nescis, nihil est, si caetera discis.

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