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  • Submitted: Jun 16 2011 11:59 AM
  • Last Updated: Dec 24 2021 05:53 AM
  • File Size: 8.81MB
  • Views: 19103
  • Downloads: 4,372
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
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  • Suggest New Tag:: tyndale,

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Download Tyndale Bible (1534) 1.0

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9.x - 10.x

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1534 Tyndale Bible containing the Torah, Book of Jonah, and the New Testament

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

LOTS OF SPELLING ERRORS other than that well it would be nice to read it.

this is written in Old English


Old English when compared to modern English will look like spelling errors

For those of us who struggle with spelling, old English looks perfect to our eye's.

I love reading these older translations.

Many of us struggle with words (meanings) from the KJV, even though it is one of the most eloquent of all translations.

Remember, it cost Tyndale his life to give us God's word in English.


this is written in Old English


Old English when compared to modern English will look like spelling errors

This is written in Early Modern English, not Old English, the language of the Anglo-Saxons. It is old English, but not Old English.


Below is the first sentence of Beowulf, an Old English epic poem:

Hwæt! Wé Gárdena in géardagum þéodcyninga þrym gefrúnon.
Translation: Lo! We—of the Spear-Danes in the days of yore, of those clan-kings—heard of their glory.

file not found

Thank you so much for this, God will surely bless you. 

OK, now what. I downloaded the file in Chrome which went to my Downloads folder. Of course that doesn't handle the file in the same way as the download function within E-Sword and the bible does not then open in E-Sword. Where do I need to move the file so it will work?


Open e-Sword. The Help option indicates that you can use the F1 function key on the Microsoft keyboard to activate the e-Sword User's Guide. This is in PDF format. Read page 41 to see the locations of where files are to be moved, after they have been downloaded, and unzipped. 

Usually, The Resources Location is where e-Sword loads Bibles, Commentaries, Dictionaries, Devotions, Graphics, and Reference Books.

On most Windows configurations this folder is either:
c:\program files\e-sword or it is in c:\program files (x86)\e-sword
User Files Location
The User Files Location is where e-Sword reads and writes Editor Notes (Topics, Study, and Journal), Memory Verse Lists, Prayer Request Lists, Bookmarks, Scripture Memory Lists, Bible Markup file, etc.
On most Windows configurations this folder is: c:\users\user\My Documents\e-Sword
The user name may be changed to the way your PC identifies your personal series of user Folders.
So you want to copy the downloaded bblx file into the folder at This PC > Windows (C:) > C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword and then re-run e-Sword to view the loaded resource in the Bible window. 
Olaf Bacon.

OK, now what. I downloaded the file in Chrome which went to my Downloads folder. Of course that doesn't handle the file in the same way as the download function within E-Sword and the bible does not then open in E-Sword. Where do I need to move the file so it will work?

The file is Tyndale Bible (1534).bblx.exe

Just double click that file, and allow it to load into the default folder, which is setup to the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\e-Sword which is the correct folder. If you are running from another hard drive, then browse to the relevant parent of the e-Sword folder. Just check you do not have a ...\e-Sword\e-Sword duplicate folder name, if that occurs, back up an option and re-browse, so that the correctly spelled drive and path name to the folder will be selected. Usually the address already setup should be correct. Then re-run e-Sword to view the recently downloaded entry in the Bibles window. 

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