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  • Submitted: Feb 21 2013 04:59 PM
  • Last Updated: Jan 01 2022 09:46 AM
  • File Size: 23.96MB
  • Views: 16741
  • Downloads: 8,150
  • Author: Charles Spurgeon
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Tab Name: Interpreter, Interpreter (Year 1), Interpreter (Year 2)

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Download Spurgeon, Charles - The Interpreter: Spurgeon's Devotional Bible 1.0

* * * * * 10 Votes
Devotional Living a Christian Life Christian Living
Charles Spurgeon

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

Tab Name:
Interpreter, Interpreter (Year 1), Interpreter (Year 2)

The Interpreter: Spurgeon's Devotional Bible
Spurgeon's Devotional Bible allows for daily reading of the Bible in one or two years. Spurgeon provides commentary on almost every Bible verse. The devotions are presented topically rather than canonically. For example, Psalms and epistles are weaved into the OT chapters where these are in context with the daily reading.

This is the personal devotional Bible that Spurgeon used with his family. Many years ago, it was quite common for families to use this Devotional Bible. The passages are short and his commentary really brings the text to life. It is a lovely picture of the personal side of this much gifted preacher.

This book was Spurgeon's largest book ever published!

e-Sword Version (Read This!)
Spurgeon presented a system for reading his Devotional Bible in one year or two years.

The one year method allows for reading in the morning and evening (or twice daily).

The two year method allows for reading only once per day.

The Twice Daily e-Sword module contains the entire Devotional Bible in a morning and evening format (or twice daily). The tab name is: Interpreter

The Once Daily e-Sword modules split the book into two years. The tab names are: Interpreter (Year 1) and Interpreter (Year 2).

Note: The reference to "Morning and Evening" has nothing to do with Spurgeon's other work called Morning and Evening. The Interpreter's Devotional Bible is a completely separate work.

About Charles Haddon (C.H.) Spurgeon
Charles Spurgeon (1834–1892), British Particular Baptist preacher. Born into an Essex Congregational home, Spurgeon experienced a dramatic conversion in his early teens and sought baptism as a believer. After a successful short ministry in rural Cambridgeshire he became Baptist minister at New Park Street Chapel, London, which later moved to the Metropolitan Tabernacle to accommodate the vast congregations which came to hear him preach.

His popularity was greatly enhanced by the weekly publication (from 1855 onwards) of his sermons, the sale of which in England and the USA helped to finance the theological college he had established in 1856. The sermons give rich expression both to his firmly held Calvinistic convictions and evangelistic concern.

In 1864 his sermon on ‘Baptismal Regeneration’ brought him into theological conflict with paedobaptists, including some evangelicals. Later, when liberal theological ideas were gaining ground, he affirmed his unqualified allegiance to biblical doctrine. During his own denomination’s ‘Downgrade’ controversy (1887–89) he expressed alarm concerning unorthodox views and in 1887, ‘with the utmost regret’, withdrew from the Baptist Union.

His voluminous writings (135 books), which frequently reflect his indebtedness to 17th-century Puritanism, continue to be published, maintaining his immense spiritual influence throughout the evangelical world. He remains highly influential among Christians of different denominations, among whom he is still known as the "Prince of Preachers"

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

Josh, this is EXACTLY what I was looking for.  Thanks!  It's very well done also. :)

Excellant resourse. The man who lead me to the Lord gave me a copy of this as my first devotional. It helped me understand so much of God's Word. Thank you for providing this informative book.

Thank you so very much for your tremendous hard work of which I am very grateful!



May I have this on mysword

Good Eye....DSaw !!

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