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  • Submitted: Sep 10 2011 09:50 PM
  • Last Updated: Sep 10 2011 09:51 PM
  • File Size: 782K
  • Views: 4771
  • Downloads: 1,251
  • Author: Bruce Terry
  • MySword Version:: 1.X

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Bruce Terry

MySword Version::

Permission received from Bruce Terry to convert this edition to MySword.  
Copyright © 1985, 1998 Bruce Terry


In 1984 while working on the third draft for the New Analytical Version, I realized that the average student of the Bible had no resource available to him to help him understand all the textual footnotes that are found in the several modern translations of the Bible. For those who read Greek, the United Bible Societies have published Bruce Metzger's excellent book, A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament. But for the person who does not read Greek, textual criticism is a mystery about which little has been written. To be sure, one cannot engage in textual criticism of the New Testament without a knowledge of Greek. But many aspects of this discipline can be understood by the average person even without a knowledge of Greek. It is for these people that this book is written. The textual footnotes of modern translations seem to follow no set pattern--one version may say that a reading is found in late manuscripts while another version says that the same reading is found in early manuscripts. In this book the reader can find more information on the subject. Indeed, in this volume he can begin to see for himself the fallacy of two modern myths of textual criticism: the constant superiority of the "best and most reliable witnesses" and the constant superiority of the majority of the manuscripts. Perhaps if for the common man this volume sheds a little light on a difficult subject so that he understands that there is no simple answer, this work will have filled a purpose. Hopefully this book will not breed more controversy, but will bring more understanding that will help to calm the spirit of controversy that now exists.

The book is based upon the New Analytical Version of the New Testament. This has three advantages: 1) it is a literal translation in modern English, which helps those who do not read Greek often see clearly the differences between two readings; 2) it is based on the United Bible Societies' The Greek New Testament, 3rd edition, which has become something of a standard for textual criticism in the past few years; 3) it includes all the textual footnotes found in the American Standard Version, the Revised Standard Version, the New American Standard Version, the New International Version, the New English Bible, and the Today's English Version plus some.

For each footnote in the New Analytical Version, the text reading is given plus the major English translations that have it. The text reading is always the reading that is found in the United Bible Societies' The Greek New Testament. A ranking as to certainty is given that corresponds to that which the UBS Textual Committee has assigned to most readings. Next come the readings given in the footnotes together with the major English translations that have them. Sometimes other variations of interest are also noted. Finally, comments are made on each variation, often sifted from Dr. Metzger's A Textual Commentary on the Greek New Testament. It is hoped that this book will provide to some extent for the student who does not speak Greek the information that is available in that book to those who do. While this book is based upon the work of the UBS Textual Committee, the comments found in it are my own, and any mistakes contained in them are mine, not theirs. Although there are times when I would have preferred another reading, and this can often be told from the comments, I have tried to fairly represent to the reader why they chose to put a particular reading in the text. In the final analysis, this work can only give information to help the reader understand, not to correct the work done by the UBS Textual Committee. At any rate, ultimately New Testament textual criticism must be done by the experts, for the task involved is too important to be left to amateurs.

Any possibility of converting this to a regular E-Sword module?

Any possibility of converting this to a regular E-Sword module?


This already exists here :  http://www.biblesupp...e-terrycmtxexe/




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