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  • Submitted: Jul 31 2012 06:31 AM
  • Last Updated: Aug 02 2012 09:38 PM
  • File Size: 2.23MB
  • Views: 22589
  • Downloads: 2,723
  • MySword Version:: 1.X

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MySword (Mobile) Module Download:
Download Full Vocalized Hebrew Bible Compilation from Westmister (OT) and Salkinson-Ginsburg (NT) Droid MySword Version 2

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    Note: After you download the file to your PC or your android device, the file must then be moved to the MySword folder on your android device. If downloading directly to your android device, you may need to install a file explorer app to be able to move the file to your MySword folder if your device does not have one already.
MySword Version::

This is a full vocalized version of the Hebrew Bible including texts from Westmister (OT) and Salkinson-Ginsburg (NT).

The Brit Chadashah (NT) version is from The Society for Distributing Hebrew Scriptures (http://www.sdhs.co.uk).

Contact Information:

Websites through which the Society’s Scriptures may be obtained:

Joseph House, 1 Bury Mead Road, Hitchin, Herts. SG5 1RT United Kingdom (Registered Charity No. 232692)

Compiled by Magno Lima (www.yeshuachai.org) in 2012.

What's New in Version 2 (See full changelog)

  • Updated NT to 2012 edition

Thanks for this - it's such a great addition to MySword! I've noticed an error though: where Psalms have an extra verse in Hebrew (where the title counts as verse 1) HWSG omits the extra verse, ie, the final verse of the Psalm.
If you decide to redo the module, might it be possible to include the cantillation marks (ie, the punctuation) in the OT (there isn't any for the NT)? It adds so much...
Thanks again for so many great modules!
In Him, Phil

Thanks for this - it's such a great addition to MySword! I've noticed an error though: where Psalms have an extra verse in Hebrew (where the title counts as verse 1) HWSG omits the extra verse, ie, the final verse of the Psalm. If you decide to redo the module, might it be possible to include the cantillation marks (ie, the punctuation) in the OT (there isn't any for the NT)? It adds so much...Thanks again for so many great modules!In Him, Phil

Hi Phil,
Could you give me an example of a couple of Psalms where the last verse is missing. I am in discussions with the person who helped me make this module and we need some specific examples.
Thanks for getting back to me.
I noticed the missing verses in HWSG, in some Psalms I read recently: 81, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 92. MySword's WLC (which, sadly, sometimes omits a Hebrew letter from words) solves the problem by adding the final verse to the previous one - ie, making a double verse at the end.
In Him, Phil

Thanks for getting back to me.I noticed the missing verses in HWSG, in some Psalms I read recently: 81, 83, 84, 85, 88, 89, 92. MySword's WLC (which, sadly, sometimes omits a Hebrew letter from words) solves the problem by adding the final verse to the previous one - ie, making a double verse at the end. In Him, Phil


There is no other way for MySword but to put the extra verse with the last verse. No verses should be missing.

As far as missing letters goes, we are not aware of any. Can you point out missing letters compared to the e sword WLC file?

Magmo (the one who is doing most of the labor for this Hebrew e Sword/ theWord/ and MySword Bible) is working on a version with cantilation marks (for the OT only).

Great to hear about the coming cantillation-marks version! I've found, in several places, that the Hebrew 'S' letter (looks like a 'W') is missing from the text of WLC, eg in Ps 105:2. I've e-mailed them about it.
Thanks, Phil
The full version with cantillation marks should be released soon, it´s delaying because of some issues with unicode text conversion. Keep looking.
By the way, Arnie, at least the verse 105:2 you quoted is fully corrected. It reads שִׁירוּ-לוֹ, זַמְּרוּ-לוֹ שִׂיחוּ בְּכָל-נִפְלְאוֹתָיו and transliterated: shiru lo zamru lo shiru bechol n'fliotav - I have compared with other versions, such from http://www.mechon-mamre.org with is jewish and exactly the same. Is there other I check?
Sorry to be so long in replying! The WLC I downloaded, where you quote שִׂיחוּ has יחוּ - which makes no sense! All the other Hebrew texts I've seen have it correctly.
Hi Arnie! Well, no problem, I am not also that fast :). I have checked again and again, but my both my Samsung tablet, smartphone and my PC version shows the shim letter! Sure if I had read "יחוּ" could undestand that´s wrong, but it´s not. There´s no missing letters. For some reason that could be some issue about your font and/or formatting, but my devices shows all ok. It´s kosher :))

Are you using mySword or e-Sword? Someone else also could check that.
I'm using MySword. I went to their site and re-downloaded WLC and found the same problem. I haven't done an exhaustive check but it seems to be the "sin" letter (not the "shin") which gets left out. I'm using a Samsung Galaxy with the 5.3" screen.

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