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#28148 Features I would like to see in the new e-Sword

Posted by DSaw on 08 July 2016 - 06:11 AM

A full featured module creation tool


Brent’s ToolTipTool is one of if not the single most important tools for e-Sword but I’m thinking that there will may have be a switch to another program language


Then the question would be will Brent know the new language or even be willing to develop a T4 for the new language


what ever happens a creation tool is needed A conversion tool would be a good stop gap but as I have seen with conversion across languages some features are not converted or are not able to be utilized 

#28147 Features I would like to see in the new e-Sword

Posted by DSaw on 08 July 2016 - 06:11 AM

Traditional interlinear formatting ability

#28119 Can you "bunch" multiple books by author in refx ?

Posted by DSaw on 03 July 2016 - 09:48 PM

I realize this is not a super important problem. It is however time consuming to scroll down through 45 books of John Piper to find one by someone whose name begins with R.



The authors with the + in front of their name would all be lined up evenly unless they were expanded.to reveal all of the material.

Any help?



Hi pastorcliff


in the ref window to the right of the titles drop-down window there is a text box type in the author you want press enter


and only the books from that author will appear in the drop-down


clear the box press enter to return to the full list 



#27574 e-Sword HotKey - short demonstration

Posted by DSaw on 30 April 2016 - 08:15 PM


HotKey v3.75 is now released.




Thank you BH. I find hotkey very useful



#27161 why does not every bible program have it's own creation tool

Posted by DSaw on 24 February 2016 - 09:31 AM

why does not every bible program that allows 3rd party modules not have it's own wysiwyg creation tool


e-Sword does have T4 and look how big the library is because of it so much so that that each other bible program has its chain of programs to get that module into there program BUT does not the module lose some features such as color or is not that the conversion is unable as iit s to use certain features of that programs 


I created modules before T4 and it previous versions, with MED and others that where just compilers everything had to be marked up it was so time consuming 


Coasta has a e-Sword conversion tool But it does not use all the features that it could i.e. that module can't as is you all the features of TheWord after the conversion the modules still would need modifying 



It seems to me that that if there is a bible study program that allows 3rd party modules it should have there own WYSIWYG module creation tool that can make full use of all the feature for that particular bible study program


it might be that only the developer of that particular program can answer





#26817 How to Video esword Library Manger

Posted by DSaw on 15 January 2016 - 03:58 PM

video showing some features of esword library manager

#26462 Davar4 beta2

Posted by DSaw on 19 November 2015 - 10:13 PM

Hi Katoog,

As true as it is in what you say, still doesn't alter the fact that these windows in Devar4 crowds out all the other windows. With e-Sword window one can pin, and once pinned they remain there. With Devar4 this is not the case. And its because of that you do not have any real quick access to the resources.


within Davar the whole library is in a window to the left, folders can be created and module places into those folders to organize them 
I think Davar is faster and the organizational ability is WOW



Moreover, one can overlay windows in e-Sword, thus creating tabbed views when working on smaller screens, such as Laptops and MS Surface tablets. From what I observe, this is not the case with Devar4. And if that is the case, when one is working on smaller screens, having to shut down windows of certain resources  so one can have a bigger work space, and then to reopen them, really has to be a pain in the proverbial neck.


The real claim to fame that e-Sword has is the ease of use and quick access to its resources, and the simplicity of design of the interface. Having a lot of bells and whistles doesn't make a program really good. Fact is, from a developer's perspective, having a heap of bells and whistles makes a program cumbersome and slow. They are usually called "bloatware."



when you overlay you can not see both windows you must choose the tab in eSword in Davar both can be visable or you can temporally move a window on top of another 


In Davar select program menu from there goto options then program go to tile layout and deselect auto arrange windows will now stay put also the window dropdown has autoarange


navigating the windows is easy with the windows dropdown all the windows that are open are listed there you can minimize a window and just click on it in the dropdown and it will returnand it will return 


and with Davar you can open multiple dictionaries to do that with eSword you have to open another eSword


the windows can be resized and layered partially  on top of another window


I agree with BH this program is powerful



And, AND it's still in beta


LIke I said before I LIKE what I'm seeing




@ yeshuayhwh you should ask the developer(s) to come check out the thread and this great site

#26457 Davar4 beta2

Posted by DSaw on 19 November 2015 - 02:33 PM

the program starts with all toolbar's active go to program toolbar and you can remove the ones you don't need

and unlike eSword the toolbars can be moved


I'm liking what I have tested so far

#26383 Biblesupport 2.0 - Your Feedback

Posted by DSaw on 09 November 2015 - 11:39 AM


One of the biggest criticisms of this website has been it looks like a Library. And it's overwhelming. What can we do to change that?





A library, Yea books converted to esword it is a library or a repository (WOW spelled that correct first time)  I like the way it looks now


as far has being overwhelmed that is going to happen anyway! with the amount of works available, Searches and tags helps with that maybe making at least one tag mandatory


when you first started this board it was not as it is now as needs and knowledge grew it evolved into what it is now


I think that basic structer if possible should stay the same and then add the bells and whistles


Just my oppion



I think what ever you decide in the end will be good your not going to please everyone



P.S.  WOW your going to have so much work ahead of you

#25839 Word search reference list

Posted by DSaw on 25 August 2015 - 08:06 AM



in the search window upper right corner choose the Copy search results


a window


*copy verse will popup choose number 8 fromthe format list to the left


if you wish i can make a video





* correction it reads copy verses not verse

#25778 How to Video create a commentary with T4

Posted by DSaw on 19 August 2015 - 12:21 PM

Very basic how to commentary


#25772 How to Video create a dictionary with T4

Posted by DSaw on 18 August 2015 - 07:44 AM

This is a very basic how to create a dictionary module with strongs


embedding this video is not working for me

Thanks Josh

#25712 e-Sword on Windows 10?

Posted by DSaw on 05 August 2015 - 07:49 AM

its like when the car insurance people say new car replacement but you never really get a new car unless you total it within a year you get a car of the same year or one year better if you total a 2015 you get a 2015 replacement but if you  total a 2010 you get a 2010 replacement


Its all in the wording windows 10 is free but if windows 10 seamlessly  upgrades to windows then it is no more windows 10 and then  you have to pay

#25602 File Converter 8 > 9

Posted by DSaw on 22 July 2015 - 07:53 AM



I converted the large catechism to esword 9+


I will try and get it to you if you want it, but in it's current state I will not be uploading to site


If you wish I will clean up the formatting and separate it into topics and then upload


let me know which one you want





@Dave "BibSuppers" not one of your better ones LOL


edit in red

this book is incomplete he was covering the ten commandments and the whole book stops at The fourth commandment I thought this would be just cleaning it up I wiill have to look at daves link to see if I will continue


Martin Luther - Large Catechism


module uploaded


#25519 Dictionaries - Thayer's Unabridged Greek - English Lexicon of the New Tes...

Posted by DSaw on 08 July 2015 - 09:54 PM

File Name: Thayer's Unabridged Greek - English Lexicon of the New Testament

File Submitter: DSaw

File Submitted: 08 Jul 2015

File Category: Dictionaries

Author: Thayer, Joseph Henry
e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x

TheWord module creator Rob Sauers

For over a century, Thayer's has been lauded as one of the best New Testament lexicons available. Both accessible and thorough, it is a work suited for the student of New Testament Greek. Thayer's provides dictionary definitions for each word and relates each word to its New Testament usage and categorizes its nuances of meaning. Its exhaustive coverage of New Testament Greek words, as well as its extensive quotation of extra-biblical word usage and the wealth of background sources consulted and quoted, render Thayer's an invaluable resource.

Converted from TheWord

Color of references
Color of Greek and Hebrew

Formatting as it was in TheWord

Click here to download this file