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Member Since 12 Aug 2018
Offline Last Active Apr 05 2024 07:23 PM

#46140 Renaming Bibles

Posted by DKHagans on 05 April 2024 - 09:11 AM

Hey guys,


Ok so I like my Bibles to have their full names on the tabs, and have renamed  the bibles in the e-sword directory and then used the tab renamer to to make their full names on the tabs, I have tried to use the resources to uncheck the KJV and KJV+ so they do not show up in the compare function when I already have the fully named "The King James Version" and The King James Version /w Strongs.


If I rename either of those two kjv kjv+ the next time I restart e-sword it will simply go into repair / reinstall mode and put those two bibles back to their original abbreviated names and then they show up in the compare function that way.


Is there any way to fix this, where I can have the full complete names of each bible and them show up in the compare function that way without the kjv kjv+ also showing up?


I like to compare bible versions and copy paste the compardsversions into a rich text document and want to not have to edit out those two I do not want there.


Thank  you in advance.

#38420 tool-tips patialy working

Posted by DKHagans on 06 July 2020 - 02:24 PM

Hey Guys.


I have the the New American Standard+ bible in E-sword 11.06, it has both the Greek and Hebrew Strong's numbers, in the bible section if I click on a Greek or Hebrew number it will bring it up in Strong's, Thayers, Vines etc... but no balloon, but if I am doing a compare among the bibles, then the tool-tip balloon works just fine hovering over a number.


it works great in compare but not if the bible is open by itself, I have to click on the number to bring it up.


Thank you in advance, you guys a re awesome.

#35712 removing the KJV+

Posted by DKHagans on 29 March 2019 - 05:22 PM

Hello, I am a bit frustrated at the moment.


first I went to the resources to remove some bibles that way, well that did not work because low and behold there they are in the compare function where I do not want them even though I removed them by unchecking their box.


so I went and removed several Bibles from the E-sword installation directory, and ran into yet another snag.


I want to remove the KJV+ I do not want it in the compare function I do not want it there but every time I remove it from the E-sword directory and restart e-sword, e-sword reinstalls it!!! 


I just want to use the compare function for a certain set of bibles, removing those that I don't want to compare, but it is fighting me.


it's like oh no you don't, you are gonna have the KJV+ and that's final!!!