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Walter H. Schulze III

Member Since 29 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Mar 30 2015 06:50 AM

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In Topic: DFV

29 March 2015 - 06:20 AM

(D)ivine (F)eminine (V)ersion.

It is a laser accurate translation. It's stated objective is to provided a counter balance for gender inclusion movement discussions. The Christian Godde Project did this by putting feminine pronouns first, replacing the word "God" with "Godde", which is a cross between God & Goddesss, and refering to the creator as Mother.

The word Godde is the best english word to describe the creator, in my opinion.

It hurt me greatly to find a group of christian brothers forbid a translation that has been years in development and countless hours of work done by good christian people of high stature in the gender inclusion movement.

The casting of Christianity as a patriarchal religion and its use to subjugate women is a terrible moral crime which must be righted. It infuriates me with no words to describe when gender inclusion is suggested to be anti-christian.

It is no more so then abolitionism of the 19th century.