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Tj Higgins

Member Since 08 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Today, 06:14 AM

#43608 Jewish Encyclopedia update 10/19/22

Posted by Tj Higgins on 19 October 2022 - 01:41 PM

The project to create a module from The Jewish Encylopedia 1906 is still ongoing but slowly to due certain issues that becoming quiet frustrating. 

Overall The Jewish Encyclopedia has 15000+ entries which take up 12 print volumes, as there is no workable source material in either PDF or MS-Word format I have to rely on The Jewish Encyclopedia website. This means that I have to copy each entry from the website into Tooltip one at a time in order to create the module. This is very time consuming but I can and do work quickly.

The biggest problem I have run into is that many of the entries include images such as photos, sketches, and tables. For some reason I cannot seem to figure out, images in certain entries will not appear when viewing the module in e-Sword's Dictionary window. Most of the images work but as I said some will not. I have made repeated attempts to get the problem images to work but with no luck. 

I am going to continue to work on this project and hopefully get everything working correctly. If anyone as any insight into this image issue your help will be greatly appreciated. 

As of this post I have created module entries for all of The Jewish Encyclopedia that start with the letter A, this project will take time so please be patient.

If anyone wants to collaborate on this project I will welcome the help



#43600 MySword 13.4 released

Posted by Tj Higgins on 17 October 2022 - 11:51 AM

Version 13.4 of MySword for Android has been released here are the changes and fixes with this release:

What's new in Version 13.4
  1. Bible Map improvements:
    1. Updated locations to the 2021 GitHub data of https://www.openbible.info/geo/ which included some missing locations.
    2. Included a link to OpenBible.info details.
    3. Included possible identifications with photos similar to the above site.
    4. BibleMapPhotos graphics module can be downloaded for offline photos.
Bugs Fixed in Version 13.4
  1. Visual bug when Look and Feel preference With verse number spaces is enabled: verse numbers 1 to 9's underline has no space after.
  2. Search dictionary View more does not display pictures (e.g. Morrish and AmTract).
  3. Strong's link on text (Deluxe) with Strong popup navigation: word position misalignment in case of 2 or more consecutive Strong numbers for a phrase.


#43590 Simple Bible Reader has been updated

Posted by Tj Higgins on 14 October 2022 - 02:42 PM

After a long period with no updates to this very useful module conversion tool, it is once again being updated the current version is version 4.3


Here are the updates that have been made since version 4.0 was released:

Release 4.3

  • Support for e-Sword CMTI format 

Release 4.2

  • Update UI with better toolbar icons
  • Bugfix on plugin processing
  • A Bible Reader with No Bible? The Gospel of John from the WEB translation added


Release 4.1

  • Fixed export issue while parsing disabled
  • Improved plugin support
  • Updated icon with better resolution
  • Updated links and several internal improvements

Release 4.0

  • DPI awareness for high resolutions
  • Fixed print issue
  • Support for MyBible format
  • Support for e-Sword bbli format
  • Support for Swordsearcher format 
  • Updated links and several internal improvements

Screen shots for Simple Reader and the download link can be found here (Download link is at the bottom of the page):


#43573 Current available versions of e-Sword

Posted by Tj Higgins on 10 October 2022 - 10:35 AM

That should of said does not show Windows 11 as compaitable IOS. Thanks



The e-Sword version for Windows which e-Sword 13 should work in Windows 11, you need to have Windows Media Player installed for it to work correctly. Windows Media Player is required to use the audio bible feature which was added starting with e-Sword 13. 

I have reworded the original post to identify the version of e-Sword for Windows as e-Sword 13

#43503 ESV+ question

Posted by Tj Higgins on 23 September 2022 - 07:27 PM

Thank you, again, Tj!


I'm a newbie to e-Sword . . . I found an esv+.zip file in one of the threads which is supposed to include all the data I'm seeking.  It has been loaded and still not seeing anything new.  Any suggestions?

You need to have the ESV commentary file, esv.cmtx installed in your e-Sword folder, if you don't have it I can email it to you

#43457 Adding pop-up notes to e-Sword bible modules

Posted by Tj Higgins on 15 September 2022 - 06:17 PM

And God said,<not>N1</not> Let there be light:<not>N2</not> and there was light.<not>N3</not>

Gen 1:5 יהוה Elohim called the light ’day,’ and the darkness He called ’night.’ And there was evening and there was morning, one day. N1

Just curious, where is N2 and N3
and why is N1 placed at end of text, instead of after 'said,'N1

Opps my bad that Gen 1:5 is from a different project here is the verse that matches the text from the database:

Gen 1:1  In the beginning GodN1 createdN2 the heavenN3 and the earth.N4


The reason theN1 is at the end of the original example is due to that verse having a note about the entire verse. In the example with the four notes there are notes for the words GOD, created, heaven and the word Earth

#43455 Adding pop-up notes to e-Sword bible modules

Posted by Tj Higgins on 15 September 2022 - 03:08 PM

e-Sword has an ever-growing collection of bible modules both Official Modules and Third Party modules most bible modules contain the complete text of a particular bible translation and nothing else. There are however some bible translations that offer the complete bible text as well as inline footnotes. These inline footnotes can be found int the modules for:
Lexham English Bible
Common English Bible
The International Standard Version
The Scriptures 2009 Edition
Each of the above translations add the text of footnotes to verse by placing the footnote text inclosed in brackets [] in colored text. While this is a good way to include the notes it can also cause a cluttered looking bible text if a particular bible translation has a large number of footnotes. 
There is another way to add notes to bible module that can be found in modules for both The Amplified Bible and The English Standard Version. Modules for both of these bibles that include footnotes using Pop Up notes which are triggered by mousing over special text. The special text is presented with a capital letter N followed by a number such as 1, numbering is used in the event that a particular verse has more the one footnote. When a user mouses over the special text a pop-up not will appear containing texy
How are these Pop-Up notes created and added to a bible module?
While e-Sword Tooltip NT can be used to create modules and tooltip bible cross references to create Pop-up notes for those references, it cannot be used to create Pop-Up notes within Bible Module text or any other module for that matter. To accomplish creating Pop-Up notes within Bible Modules the first thing that must be understood is that all modules for e-Sword are in actuality SQL Databases. Being that modules are databases they can edited using a SQL Database Browser/Editor tool.
There are many SQL Database tools available and for working with e-Sword modules in fact there is one that can be downloaded from Bible Support called SQL Database Browser. This tool is basic and straight forward to use however it is somewhat featured limited and not the best for creating Pop-Up Notes. 
A better alternative is a program called DB Browser for SQLite, this program is free and more feature enriched for ease of use. These programs or anyother SQL Database tools will easily read an open any e-Sword Modules or any other bible programs modules that are SQL Databases. 
This tool can be downloaded here: https://sqlitebrowser.org/
How are module databases constructed
The module databases are made of individulal tables containing all of the required data for each module. Bible modules contain two main tables  labeled "Details" and "Bible", the Details table contains all of the information found in the bible's header including the title of the module, the tab name, and any descriptive information about the module. The "Bible" table contains the complete text of the bible with the verses displayed in a grid made up of what are called records this grid is similar in appearance to a spreadsheet as it contains both rows and columns. Each verse is given it's own record or row in the table as such depending on the bible translation a bible table will contain more then 30000 records. The Databases also contain was is called an indices for the module which establishs the order in which the module is presented in, the case of bible module the indices are usually in the following format Book, Chapter, Verse. 
To add pop-up notes to a bible module you will need to download and install an aforemention SQL Database Browser/Editor tool such as DB Browser for SQL. 


Note before working on any modules that are installed into e-Sword, copy the module you want to edit to another folder. Modules in your e-Sword folder in the Program Files(x86) cannot be written or saved to!
Once you have DB Browser for SQLite up and running the programs interface will consist of the standard Windows menu across the very top, a row of buttons just below the menu. The Buttons are labeled New Database, Open Database, Write Changes, Revert Changes, Open Project, New Project, Attach Database and Close Database 
Below the buttons the interface is divided in to two sections or areas, one section contains four tabs labled Database Structure, Browse Data, Execute SQL and Schema. The other section of the interface and consists of two smaller sections, the top section is labeled Edit Database Cell and the lower portion is labeled Remote.
The first thing you need to do is open which ever module you want to edit. You will do this by selecting Open Database from either the file menu in DB Browser for SQLite or by Clicking the Open Database button.  Selecting "Open Database" will open a typical file open window from which will will need to navigate to the folder where your modules are stored. Find the module you want to edit select it and then click open at the bottom of the window to open the module.in your DB Browser for SQLite. If the module does not appear in the open files window at first, change the file type in the bottom right corner of the Open file Window from "SQL Databases" to "All Files" and your module should appear in the list of files. Click the module to open it
When the module first opens in DB Browser for SQLite, it will open in the tab labled "Database Structure" This tab will display the complete structure of an e-Sword module which will include all of the tables within a database, the indice or index for the database and other items that you will not need to worry about.
With the module/database open in the  the first thing you need to do is create a new table in the database where the pop-up notes will be stored. Creating the table will require the execution of what is called an SQL statement, this is an instruction to DB Browser for SQLite. which will create the new table for the pop-up notes here is the required statement: 
CREATE TABLE Notes (Book INT, Chapter INT, Verse INT, ID TEXT, Note TEXT);
To excute the above statement select the Execute SQL tab  "Execute SQL" Execute SQL area of the DB Browser for SQLite. There will be a box where the above SQL Statement can be pasted. Once the SQL Statement is pasted in to the box, click the Apply Button near the bottom of the box. Clicking Apply will execute the SQL statement a create a new table in the module/database.
The newly created table will have the title "Notes" and five columns labeled as follows from left to right: Book, Chapter, Verse, ID and Note. To access the table you will need to select the Browse Data tab which there is a drop down menu in this area of DB Browser for SQLite from which you can select to view the tables with in the database.
As I mentioned above, in e-Sword bible modules two most common data tables are labled Details, and Bible. The Details table contains all of the information placed in the header of a bible module when creating the module in e-Sword Tooltip. The Bible table contains the text of the bible. After you have created a notes table, it will be added to the list of tables in the module's database.
From the dropdown menu in the Browse Data area select the newly created Notes table to view the table, which will be empty save for the column labels mentioned above. 
To create a pop up note you well enter the following data in the first line of the table working from left to right. In the first cell under the heading Book you will enter the number of the bible book as used by e-Sword. BIble books are number from 1-66 starting with Genesis and emding with Revelation. The books of the Apocrypha are number 67-73. 
As example of a note I will be using Genese 1:5 as this is the first verse in The KJV with a footnote.
So under the heading Book in the Notes table the book number 1 goes in the first cell below the heading, in the next cell to the right under the heading Chapter enter the number 1 as the chapter in the example above is Chapter 1. Moving to the next cell to the right under the heading Verse the numbered entered in the cell will 5 for verse 5. 
Now the next column to the right is labeled ID this is were you will put the the special text to indentify the footnote in the bible verse. All e-Sword modules with pop-up notes use an Alpha-Numeric combinaton of a capital Letter N and a number such as 1 again numbering is used in the event a verse has or will have more then 1 pop-up note. So in the first cell under the heading ID enter N1 as the identifier for the note, the next cell to the right is labled Note this is where you will enter the text that will appear in the pop-up note in e-sword. Each note will require the following two small bits of html code to include with the note next <RF> and <Rf>. The first piece of html code will be place at the start of the of note text and the second html code will be place at the end of the note. You can type the note's text in the box located in the Edit Database Area to the right of the Notes table 
Here is sample of what a typical note this looks like:
<RF>While the rest of chapter 1 uses ordinal numbers (eg. second, third, fourth, etc.) verse 5 actually uses the Hebrew word (ech 'ad), which is the cardinal number one. This is different from the ordinal number meaning "first" which is represented by the Hebrew word (rish'on). Thus it literally reads, "one day" and not "the first day." <Rf> 
The above note text is taken from a project I am currently working on
Once you have finished typing the note text in in the cell for the note click the Apply Button under the box to enter the note into the Notes Table. 
If you have done everything above correctly your new Notes table will now contain your first note 
There are couple of more steps that must be taken in order for the Note Identifier from the Notes table to appear in the text of the bible versr. You will need to select Bible from the dropdown list of tables to open the Bible table. The Bible table has four columns with the headings Book, Chapter, Verse and Scripture, the first three are used the same way as in the Notes table. The fourth column is labeled Scripture this is the where the text of each bible verse is located. Select the cell with bible verse you created the note for, when you do this the text of the verse will appear in the Edit Database Cell box to the right of the table. The text of the bible verse will be highlighted in blue, in a box, click the text in the box once to turn off the highlight and a cursor will appear in the text of bible verse. 
Move the cursor to the part of the verse that the note you created is for, with the cursor to the right of the particular section of the verse press space and then add the following piece html code: <N1> click Apply to enter this code into the bible verse. 
The bible verse in the Bible table will look like this:
And God said,<not>N1</not> Let there be light:<not>N2</not> and there was light.<not>N3</not>
Again the text above is from a project I have bneen working on as you can see this verse has 3 different notes
Once you add the <N1> code into the verse click Apply to enter the new bible verse text into the table.
One final step requires clicking the "Write Changes" button to write or save your edited database (again make sure the module you are editing is NOT in your e-Sword folder).
Click the Write Changes button to save the module/database
Now navigate to the folder you copied the module too and copy it from that folder, then open your e-Sword folder and paste the now edited module into the folder, replacing the original file. 
Note you can move the original file from your e-Sword folder before copying the edited module if you move the original file first, pasting the edited file will avoid overwriting the original file
Once the file is copied into your e-Sword folder and close the folder and Open e-Sword if it is not already open, find the bible translation you edited/modified. Find the verse that contains the indicator for the pop-up note. The note indicator will appear colored Gold and  in Superscript text as shown below:
Gen 1:1  In the beginning GodN1 createdN2 the heavenN3 and the earth.N4


Again the above verse is from a project I am working on
Move the cursor over the note indicator and the pop-up note will appear in box with a light Orange background. Note the background color of the pop-up notes cannot be changed.
While the background color cannot be changed you can make the text more dynamic by using html codes in the text of the notes to create effects such as Bold, Italic text and Underlining
Bold - <b> </b> The text in between the tags will be bold, and stand out against text around it, the same as in a word processor.
Italic - <i> </i> Also working the same way as a word processor, italics displays the text at a slight angle.
Underline - <u> </u> Again, the same as underline in a word processor. 
For notes with more then one line of next a page break can placed in the note using the <br> html code
Font colors and font face can be changed in a note using the html codes show below:
Font Color - <font color="#??????"> </font> Change the color of a few words or a section of text. The 6 question marks represent the hex color code the name of the color can also be used
Font Face - <font face="?"> </font> To show text in a particular font, use the font name such "Helvetica" or "Arial" or "Courier". Be aware that using some fancy font from your computer means that the person viewing that page must also have that font installed on their computer too, otherwise it will look totally different to them.
For a comprehensive list of the color names and hex codes click the link below:
Emphasis can be added using the html codes shown below:
Emphasis - <em> </em>Used to emphasize text, which usually appears in italics, but can vary according to your browser.
Strong Emphasis - <strong> </strong> Used to emphasize text more, which usually appears in bold, but can vary according to your browser.
Pop-up notes can also contain lists by using html list codes, there are three ways for specifying lists of information. All lists must contain one or more list elements. 
Lists may contain −
<ul></ul> − An unordered list. This will list items using plain bullets.
<ol></ol> − An ordered list. This will use different schemes of numbers to list your items.
<dl></dl − A definition list. This arranges your items in the same way as they are arranged in a dictionary.
When making a list each the codes <li></li> must be place around each item in the list as seen below:
More information about working with lists can be found here:

#43430 Coffman's Bible comments

Posted by Tj Higgins on 12 September 2022 - 11:27 AM

Greetings. I would very much like to create my own Coffmans comments modules for personal study.  [As I am not sure how to create a CTX module ( have tried but keep getting errors when saving) ]. Would you be so kind as create a Comments module ( or even part module)  out of the . rtf attached ?. I would love to be able to open it in ToolTip and view the text and copy and learn from the text itself . I not found any 'how to' vidios that are useful instruction, maybe I am looking in the wrong place..... Blessings in Advance...... Christian Name Anthony.   

The module formats for commentary modules are cmtx for Windows or cmti for Apple/MAC and Andriod devices. 

As for learning how to make modules, Tooltip comes with an excellent manual that explains all of the steps for making all of the different modules for e-Sword use. 

To access the manual, click Help from the menu across the top of Tooltip, this will open the programs help menu. The last item on the menu is the Tooltip manual in PDF format click to open the manual in your PDF reader. 

#43344 Transfering Modules from e-Sword for Windows and Apple/MAC devices to e-Sword...

Posted by Tj Higgins on 01 September 2022 - 04:31 PM

Back in June I created a posted with detailed step by step instructions for using e-Sword for Android's Import function. The steps I presented showed how import modules from third party sites such as Bible Support into e-Sword for Android. 

Here is a link to that post:



In hindsight however I was not clear enough about how to import modules that users have already installed in other versions of e-Sword into the Android version. The Android version of e-Sword uses the same module format as the Apple/MAC versions  and e-Sword for Windows 11,12 and 13. 


As a reminder the Apple/MAC versions  and e-Sword for Windows 11,12 and 13 use html formatted modules which have a module file extension that ends with the letter "i". 

Here is the list of the html module file extensions:

Bible (bbli)
Commentary (cmti)
Dictionary (dcti)
Bible Reading Plan (brpi).
Devotional (devi)
Reference Library (refi)
Topic File (topi)
Lexicon (lexi)

Here is the easiest step by step method for transferring files to e-Sword for Android from other installations of e-Sword

Step 1: Set up a free Cloud at Google Drive from the device you want to transfer the files from.
Step 2: Once the drive is set up upload the module files to the drive. You can create directories on the Google Drive for the different modules types such as one for bible modules, another for commentary modules etc.
Step 3: On your Android device goto Google Play and Download the Google Drive App onto your Android device
Step 4: Open the Google Drive App and login to the Google Drive you previously created
Step 5: Once you are in your Google Drive locate the modules you previously uploaded
Step 6: Each file on your Google Drive will have an icon that has a stack of three black dots, tap the dots to opens a menu that will display options for the file. Find download on the menu and tap it to download the module on to your Android device. 
Step 7: Once you have the file or files downloaded onto your Android device, close the Google Drive App. The downloaded files will be and the Android downloads folder on your Android device
Step 8: Open e-Sword for Android and then tap the three line menu icon to open e-Sword for Android's menu.
Step 9: Find the Import feature on the menu and tap it to open the android downloads folder and located the module or modules you downloaded from your Google Drive tap each file to import it into e-Sword for Android. Once you are done importing the files close menu
Step 10: To find the imported modules for example a bible or bbli module tap the bible option (bbl) at the bottom of e-Sword for Android and the list of installed bible modules will appear including your newly imported module. 

Note: the steps above can also be used for importing modules onto an Amazon Kindle Fire Tablet




#43209 Current available versions of e-Sword

Posted by Tj Higgins on 11 August 2022 - 07:15 PM

This post has been updated to as there is a new version of e-Sword for Android as of 08/08/22, the latest version is version 5

#43198 Tooltip run in linux wine

Posted by Tj Higgins on 10 August 2022 - 10:05 AM

I also am running e-Sword on Wine. TooltipTool352 is the only one I can get running on Wine; I keep getting errors when installing any of the ToolTipToolNT versions. Apparently 'ToolTipToolNT20190819' is the last stable version.

I've downloaded the tx4ole24.ocx file, but have no idea how to register it in Wine.


attachicon.gifToolTipNT error.png

The text control was changed to version 28 with the last 3 released of Tooltip

#43165 Current available versions of e-Sword

Posted by Tj Higgins on 04 August 2022 - 04:49 PM

Thank you this is a most useful summary. Could there be an entry on LATEST NEWS to provide a link to this file? Then when someone notices that an updated version has been loaded for one of these options, then that person who notices this, could send you a personal e-mail, and you could then re-edit the details in order to keep this data current. Adding the date when the update was effective would be useful also. For example, e-Sword for Windows, version 13.0.0 updated 2021-03-26; e-Sword for Android version 4, updated 2022-05-31; e-Sword X for Mac version 8.1.2 updated 2022-07-29; e-Sword LT for iPhone version 11.7 updated 2022-06-30; e-Sword HD for iPad version 11.2 updated 2022-06-30.


Olaf I added the dates of the latest software updates to my little list, thank you that was a good idea

#43162 Current available versions of e-Sword

Posted by Tj Higgins on 04 August 2022 - 01:03 PM

Just as a reminder e-Sword is now available on five different platforms: Windows, Android, MAC, iPad and iPhone. Each platform has it's own version of e-Sword and in order to use enjoy all of features of e-Sword you should have the newest version installed on your device. 


Here the current versions available for each platform:

e-Sword 13 for Windows updated 2021-03-26*
e-Sword for Android version 6.6 updated 2024-03-26 

e-Sword X for MAC OS version 9.2.1 updated 2024-02-28

e-Sword LT for iPhone version 12.3.1 updated 2024-04-04

e-Sword HD for iPad 12.2.1 updated 2024-04-04


Having the latest version installed will insure compatibility with all e-Sword modules and other features of e-Sword


*Note: e-Sword 13 for Windows requires Windows Media Player be installed and activated in order operate correctly

#43138 tooltip html tags to rtf equivalents

Posted by Tj Higgins on 31 July 2022 - 02:50 PM

I had an idea that might be the solution but I didn't want to take the long route if there was a short and easy route already in the software. 

Appreciate your quick and very helpful reply!


I'm off to do some editing. 


Have a great day and God bless!


Kind regards, 



Just a word of advice, all versions of e-Sword including Windows, Android, and Apple/Mac can run html bible modules. These modules have the file extension "bbli" instead of "bblx". This is something to think about if you want all e-Sword users to be able to use your bible module 

#43121 Installing e-Sword for Android on a Kindle Fire

Posted by Tj Higgins on 29 July 2022 - 11:32 AM

I was recently gifted a Kindle Fire 8 tablet and the first thing I wanted to put on it was e-Sword for Android. However I was more then a little surprise to learn that Amazon does not allow Google Play Apps on the Kindle Fire. So I did a little a research and found that is actually possible to access and install apps from Google Play store by taking a few steps and making four quick downloads of apk files to install Google Play on a Kindle.

The information and downloadable files can obtain from a site called How To Geek however here are the required steps:

1. Open the “Settings” app from the “Home” tab on the home screen of the Kindle tablet

2. Go to “Security & Privacy.” on the Settings menu

3. Select “Apps From Unknown Sources". from the “Security & Privacy. menu

4. Find “Silk Browser” on the “Apps From Unknown Sources" screen and then toggle on “Allow From This Source.” This is what will allow you apps from Google Play Store

5 You will need to know which specific model and generation of Kindle Fire your have for the downloads


6. Download the following Apk files to your Kindle Fire:

Google Account Manager apk

Google Services Framework apk

Google Play Services apk

Google Play Store apk


These files will download in to the Files folder on your Kindle Fire

7 Once you have downloaded the apk files return to your KIndle Fire's home screen and open the files folder
8 install the APK files in the following order:

  1. com.google.android.gsf.login
  2. com.google.android.gsf
  3. com.google.android.gms
  4. com.android.vending

The names of the downloaded files will be longer on the Kindle Fire


9 After completing installation of the apk files, reboot the tablet 

10 Once the Kindle Fire finishes rebooting you will see a new icon for Google Play Store

11 Tap the Google Play icon and sign into Google Play using your Google Account

12 You will now be able to install Apps from Google Play on your Kindle Fire including e-Sword for Android.

If you have already installed e-Sword for Android on another device you will NOT need to repurchase e-Sword for Android.

I did the above steps on my new Kindle Fire and now I can use e-Sword for Android on it with both excellent screen size and video quality. 

