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Changes in Peshitta Transliterată în alfabetul românesc (Peshitta RO) v2.9b

Version v2.9b
  • v1.0 First Version.
  • v2.0 Using "+" for teth since "th" can be confused with "tau-hei". Using "x" for "heth" since "ch" can be confused with "caf-hei".
  • v2.1 Since this version you can seaching a phrase of words with special characters and you need a modern font such as Calibri or TITUS Cyberbit Basic or Droid Serif.
  • v2.1-Plus Added 2John, 3John, and Judah, the 3 missing books imported and adapted from Peshitta X (Transliterated).
  • v2.1-Ch Version for Android using "ch" for "heth".
  • v2.9-alpha -First public vocalised version for PC and Android.
  • v2.9-beta1 - βετα public vocalised version for PC and Android - BETA 1.