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  • Submitted: Mar 28 2012 07:10 AM
  • Last Updated: Jan 04 2022 12:50 PM
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  • Author: UCG
  • e-Sword Version: 9.x - 10.x
  • Suggest New Tag:: ucg,genesis,adam,Eve,eden,evolution,origons,patriarch,ucg,creation,the fall,fall,abraham,issac,jacob,

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e-Sword 9+ Module Download:
Download Answers From Genesis 1.0

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Old Testament Scripture Genesis Books Bible OT Survey Biblical Studies

e-Sword Version:
9.x - 10.x

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ucg,genesis,adam,Eve,eden,evolution,origons,patriarch,ucg,creation,the fall,fall,abraham,issac,jacob,

Answers From Genesis

To much of the scientific world today, the universe is a great mystery—and a fortuitous, evolutionary accident. Indeed the predominant model of the universe leaves the Creator entirely out of the picture. We know the Bible tells a much different story, however. This series of articles explores the creation of the universe as recorded in the Bible and examines how a great deal of scientific research—instead of contradicting the Bible—actually confirms the truths God inspired to be recorded in the Bible.


Answers from Genesis - Part 1

Understanding how God made things in the beginning can help us understand things now.

Answers from Genesis - Part 2

Understanding how God made things in the beginning can help us understand things now.

Answers from Genesis - Part 3

Understanding how God made things in the beginning can help us understand things now.

Answers from Genesis - Part 4

We continue exploring the book of Genesis and the common questions asked about it. Here are the answers as we best understand them in light of the Bible.

Answers from Genesis - Part 5

The book of Genesis is known as the book of origins. Here are more frequently asked questions about it.

Answers from Genesis - Part 6

Here are some frequently asked questions about Genesis, the book of origins.

Answers from Genesis - Part 7

Here are more frequently asked questions about Genesis, the book of origins.

Answers from Genesis - Part 8

Here are more frequently asked questions about Genesis, the book of origins.

What's New in Version 1.0 (See full changelog)

  • Uploaded Mac/e-sword 11 version.

First, everyone should be aware that this module is not - repeat, not - from the creationist organization called "Answers in Genesis." (You can see their excellent website here - http://www.answersingenesis.org). I point that out because it is so easy to mistakenly come to that conclusion even the module builder made that mistake. The actual raw download file is called "Answers In Genesis.topx/.refx".

Second, I'd like to include a couple of quotes from the first chapter of the module:

Quote 1

Many scientists, through numerous lines of evidence, have come to accept the “Big Bang” theory of the universe in which the universe has a starting point. This indicates that nothing physical existed previous to that instant. According to this model, the universe is now expanding from that initial moment and even the background radiation from the original “explosion” can still be detected. George S. Johnston sums it up well: “The book of Genesis has held up well under the scrutiny of modern geology and archaeology. Twentieth-century physics, moreover, describes the beginning of the universe in virtually the same cosmological terms as Genesis. Space, time and matter came out of nothing in a single burst of light entirely hospitable to carbon-based life. A growing number of chemists and biologists agree that life had its origin from clay templates … I would say all this is a curious development for Darwinists” (Reader’s Digest, May 1991, p. 31). Even without the Big Bang model,the laws of thermodynamics— fundamental laws of the physical sciences—also indicate that the universe had a beginning. The first law states that the amount of mass-energy in the universe is constant. The second law states that the amount of energy available for work is running out. Taken together, they require that the universe had a beginning with much usable energy from which it is now running down. Both the Big Bang theory and the laws of thermodynamics are in harmony with Gen_1:1.

Quote 2

The original Hebrew for “formless and empty” (tohu and bohu)— ”without form, and void” in the King James Version—literally means “chaotic and in confusion.” When God originally created the heavens and the earth, they were a thing of beauty. Of the earth, Scripture elsewhere says that God “did not create it in vain [tohu]” (Isa_45:18). We read in Job_38:4-7 that the angels shouted for joy at the sight. But we also read in the Bible that Lucifer, one of the chief angels, rebelled against God and was cast down to the earth (Isa_1:1-15; Eze_28:14-17; Luk_1:1). It then appears that the earth became a wasteland due to Satan’s rebellion, and God had to renew the face of the earth, as we read in Psa_104:30: “You send forth Your Spirit, they are created; and You renew the face of the earth.” The following verses in Genesis 1 reveal God raising the continents to the surface and filling them with vegetation and living creatures through six days of work.

This module does not teach Creation ex Nihilo, but rather a type of The Gap Theory.

I don't point these things out to be combative, but rather because The title of this module will lead one to believe that it is something that it is not. It does not teach creationism as one would find from the group "Answers in Genesis." But rather, it is a module from the United Church of God that disagrees with "Answers in Genesis."

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