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  • Submitted: Sep 27 2013 12:28 AM
  • Last Updated: Sep 27 2013 03:35 AM
  • File Size: 2.46MB
  • Views: 3332
  • Downloads: 979
  • Author: Morgan G Campbell
  • MySword Version:: 1.X

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Morgan G Campbell

MySword Version::

Copyright: This material is copyrighted by G. Campbell Morgan. All Rights Reserved. Permission to distribute granted courtesy of Michael Andrews of GCampbellMorgan.com.

IN every direction people are turning anew to the study of the Bible. There are many ways of prosecuting that study. I am not proposing to enter into any discussion concerning the relative values of these different methods. In these volumes I am adopting one, which is most consistently expressed as being the first, and consists in an endeavour to discover the content and message of the Divine Library. This whole method has different processes, from the telescopic to the microscopic. The telescopic is that of taking in large areas at one view, in order to see the relation of part to part and system to system. The microscopic is that of the minute and careful examination of the smallest parts, the study of words, and all that goes to make for detailed accuracy. Between the two extremes there are many grades. All are in turn valuable, and all may be pursued by the Bible student concurrently. The first and fundamental is the telescopic. It is of the utmost importance in the study of any book in the Divine Library to gain primarily a broad and general idea of the scope and main structure thereof. Until this is done the other methods are not safe, and very much false exposition of individual texts, and of separate sections, is due to the fact that their setting in the whole scheme is not understood. In other words texts should never be studied save in relation to their context.

In the first three volumes of the “Analyzed Bible,” the Old and the New Testament are to be passed in general review. The method is to be followed in its simplest process. The subsequent volumes will deal with the books of the Bible more fully, but always in broad outline. The microscopic method is never reached. For that, there are almost innumerable volumes by expert expositors. The present series is not intended to take the place of such, but to serve as an introduction to their use. As the method can hardly be revealed in the volumes themselves, a brief word as to how these results have been reached may be in place. It has been first, that of repeated reading of the books, sometimes as many as fifty times, sometimes of course less, until the general sweep is felt. This has been followed by tabulation and correction by more careful reading. The issue is an Analysis, or Table of Contents. I do not claim finality for any of these analyses. I simply give the results of my first line of Bible study during the past twenty years. In the microscopic method some of these analyses have been altered, and more exhaustive study might necessitate still further alterations. No student of the Bible can deal with all its books satisfactorily to himself in a lifetime. The treasures are unsearchable; and those who have spent most time and toil in the fascinating work are most conscious of the vast reaches that stretch away beyond them, luring them on to closer examination and profounder investigation.

Thanks to Bro James Rice for completing most of the module. I gave finishing touch

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